DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 116: Bata Lucis

   Batalusis in the form of Explosive Flame Fist possesses powerful physical power. If he is replaced by any Baroque, his neck has already been stunned, but it just scratches a little bit of skin.

  Minette held the dagger in both hands, staring at Batalusis solemnly.

   Batalusis clenched his fists and approached Minette step by step, and a suffocating sense of oppression came to his face.

   Minette didn't say a word, just clenched the dagger and rushed up, bringing out a string of white phantoms.

   Batalusis is not so fast and cannot capture Minette, but it has the ability to attack in a wide range.

   Explosive Flame Fist slammed the ground, and exploded ground fire from the ground within a radius of five meters from its center.

   Minette stepped out of Batalusis's attack range, but the shock wave sent by the hammer to the ground broke into Minette's body without any injuries, but he was unable to cause damage to Batalusis.

   "It's very fast, little bug."

   Batalusis raised his head and grinned.

   Minette's heart beat, the assassin's instinct made her feel dangerous.

   I saw Batalusis disappear instantly, and then Minette felt the burning sensation behind him.

   Minette was shocked. She didn't expect this guy to teleport, and it was too late to block. When she turned her head, the huge flame fist had already hit her face.

  Bata Lucis grinned and said, "It's too weak!"

   It seemed to have seen the head of the dark elf woman smashed by its fist.

Vidil had already been shivering in the corner of the corner. He had already experienced Minette’s methods. He knew how awesome this woman was, but he saw Batalusis pressing Minette against him. Know how awesome this ancient underground king is.

   Seeing Minette being hit by Batalusis' fist, Vidir's eyes showed expectation. If this woman hadn't rushed into his mine first, so many things wouldn't happen!

   "Hurry up and punch her to death!"

Minette’s head was indeed hit by Batalusis’ fist, and it was really exploded, but there was no imaginary scene of flying flesh and blood. This blown Minette turned directly into a log. Let Batalussi be stunned.

   Ninja: Substitute technique.

   As a dark elf from the ninja family, how could he not be able to endure the law? Then Minette's body emerged from Batalusis' previous position.

   Minette's dagger was put away, with strange marks on his hands, and he shouted, "Blast!"


   The log exploded violently, and Batalusis suffered the brunt of the damage.

   There was smoke and dust in the place of the explosion, and Vidir's face changed drastically. How come this dark elf has so many tricks!

   And at this time, Li Wuji and Ruel just finished clearing the miscellaneous soldiers here, and after hearing the explosion, they looked towards the battlefield on Minette's side.

   "Are you dead?" Ruel asked blankly.

   Li Wuji shook his head. There was no notification sound from the system, indicating that Batalusis was not dead. Moreover, it was in the form of a blasting fist, and his body was very strong.

   The two walked to Minette's side, Minette reminded: "Be careful, it will teleport."

   Li Wou-ki added all the buffs to himself and waited. This Batalusis is too strong, he may burp if he accidentally gets hit with a punch.

   After the smoke dissipated, the burly body of Batalusis appeared, with fiery veins surging up and down.

   In Li Wuji's eyes, the health bar on his head only dropped 10%.

   Batalusis twisted his neck, it roared wildly, and dozens of fireballs condensed from lava emerged around it, and then all flew towards Minette.

Ruel took the lead, carrying the giant hammer in front, and the fireball blasted on the hammer, making a huge explosion, causing him to fly upside down, and the whole person was inlaid on the wall with a "bang", coughing up a mouthful of old blood .

   Only after fighting with Batalusis did he know how terrifying this guy was. Li Wuji watched his own meat shield being knocked into the air, opened his mouth, and his throat was a little dry.

  Minette said, "Please ask for your own blessings." Then he twisted these fireballs with his quick body.

   Li Wuji was also panicking. These fireballs hit the ground and it was a big explosion. He had to use the Raptors to quickly slip away. Now is not the time to save blue.

   And Minette ran to get entangled with Batalusis again, relied on the rapid movement to move wildly to hide the skills, and outputted it from time to time, so that the assassin's profession was fully displayed. But no matter how good her body is, she is not completely pressure-free, she will be burned by the flames surging from Batalusis from time to time.

   But seeing the 1%, 1%... drop of the blood on Batalusis' head, Li Wou-ki looked a little tired. This assassin's technique was very good, but unfortunately the increase was a little bit low.

   Taking advantage of Minette's entanglement in Batalusis, Li Wou-ki naturally can't stand idly by, but now is a good opportunity to enlarge his move!

   Li Wuji withdrew slightly with his heels, leaned down, and made a starting hand gesture of drawing a sword. The sword power was rising sharply, the blue bar on his head dropped sharply, and the magic power and sword energy converged on the sword.

   The lightsaber shook strongly, resisting Li Wuji's sword intent, and didn't really want to cooperate.

   Li Wuji gritted his teeth and cursed secretly: "This is not the time to make a temper, believe me! I will definitely cut this sword out this time!"

   But "Chaos" still trembled a little, and it was obvious that there was some psychological shadow after being trapped once.

   "When you see that flame demon's hard body, don't you want to chop it? I won't have this chance in the future. I won't lose blood when I chop it down, but you are the one who is ashamed!"

   Hearing the word humiliation, the resistance of "Chaos" stopped immediately, blended into Li Wuji's sword force with great cooperation, and even entered into a state of breaking extreme weapon by himself.

   Li Wuji smiled, this is good! It was the first time that he used a legendary weapon to use a sword without reservation.

   Minette, who was fighting with Batalusis, suddenly heard Li Wuji yelling: "Good sister! Quickly give in!"

  Minette felt an amazing sword force now ~www.ltnovel.com~ Before being surprised, Li Wuji had already cut it out, and she left the attack range of Batalusis without a word.

Batalusis also turned around and saw an astonishing sword force, showing a look of horror. It never thought that this was a skill that humans could release, and it was too late to teleport, so it could only cross its hands and release one. The flame shield topped the front.

The arc-shaped sword energy was only blocked by the shield for a few tenths of a second, and it was chopped on Batalusis' body. Hot blood like magma gushed out of its arms and splashed onto Li Wuji’s face. It made him feel severe pain, but he couldn't stop, because after this sword he would lose his fighting power.

   Then the lightsaber also slashed into Batalusis' arm. Li Wuji looked at the blood bar on top of its head and shouted in his heart: "Drop more!"

  Because of the effect of "Chaos", Batalusis' eyes became dull. In order to keep the control effect longer, Li Wuji didn't even dare to let the sword body leave his body for half a second. But he must be burned by its blood again, and the blood bars of both sides are madly falling!

   "Minette! Ruel! Are you watching the show? I can't hold on for long!"



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