DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 117: perish together?

   Luel Tiger, who had just rolled off the wall, shook his body. Before he could think about it, he rushed over with a big hammer!

  Minette also put away the shock in his heart, his eyes became sharp, and he made a right-hand stroke, with silver light flashing on her body, and a murderous air that was several times stronger than before shot out from her.

   Moon wheel dance.

   Li Wuji's clothes had been burned to pieces, and the blood sprayed from Batalusis burned on his skin like magma.

   Watching his health bar drop sharply, it has dropped to 47% in a while, and because of the effect of the burn, it has been unable to stop it! This made him a little panicked, but now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Next time his sword will not be able to slash Batalusis so easily. Of course, with this sword, he has no strength. Now His hands were trembling.

   Ruel roared: "Smash your tortoise grandson to death!"

   exhausted all his energy and slammed on Batalusis' head, the huge iron ball collided with Batalusis' head, making a huge roar!

   Batalusis was physically stunned this time and staggered back a few steps. Li Wuji also fell to the ground without force, and then rolled to the side honestly.

  Minette, like a phantom, picked Batalusis into the air abruptly, and then drawn a few silver shadows in the air like a phantom!

   Desperate instant prison kill!

   Li Wuji watched the performance of the two people collapsed, and Batalusis' blood volume had dropped to 20%.

   Perhaps because of the threat of life, Batalusis let out an angry roar after landing, and a large amount of flames emerged around him, followed by a huge explosion.

   Li Wuji's pupils shrank suddenly, and he poured himself a bottle of Celia's special cool drink, and put his sword in front of him to block the shock wave of the explosion!

   But I was still frightened and flew out, with only 10% of the health bar left, and the amount of health recovered has not dropped fast.

   Now Li Wuji felt that his internal organs had shifted, and the burned wounds on his body were still steaming hot.

   And Ruel was also smashed out, Minette relied on his speed to stay away from the explosion zone early and suffered the least damage.

   Batalusis stood up with difficulty, looked at his **** arms, and shouted angrily: "Unforgivable!"

   It is very weak now, but it has lost its mind. It will not run away like Vidir, because it disdains to be that kind of coward.

   It raised its head and looked at Li Wuji, who was all over his body, showing a cruel smile, because his face was scratched by daggers, it looked extremely hideous!

   Li Wuji's heart beats wildly, he knows how bad his situation is now, if he is targeted by Batalusis desperately, then he has to go back!

   But but! If you go back early, you won't receive such a strong monster card!

   At this time, he instinctively felt a strong crisis, and shouted in horror: "Minette! Good sister! Save my brother!"

   Li Wuji was madly taking drugs while talking. The last two bottles of special drinks had been drunk by him, but this is not a game after all. It takes time for any consumables to recover from the injury. The heavier the injury, the longer it will take!

   And Batalusis won’t give him time, it clenched its fists...

   Minnet was shocked and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Batalusis.

   But it's too late!

   The scarlet demon disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of Li Wuji. It was very happy and could see Li Wuji's panicked expression. If it weren't for his sword, the two dark elves would be his own toys!

  Minette yelled anxiously: "Stop!"

   Ruel also got up with a look of horror, how could Li Wuji, who was badly injured, be Batalusis' opponent?

   Just as Batalussi’s fist was blasting towards Li Wuji, Li Wuji gritted his teeth, and with difficulty took out the golden "thunderstorm" from the inventory!

   exhausted all his strength to pull out the thunder and lightning he had absorbed from Vidir, although it was only a quarter, but this was his last resort.

   A golden thunder light erupted from the collision between the long sword and the fist, covering both of them.

   Batalusis, who was already heavily injured, gritted his teeth, even if he felt life-threatening, he would not retreat. It must kill this human! Even if this clone is dead, it still has two clones being sealed!

Li Wuji returned blood while losing blood, but the speed of blood recovery was not as fast as the speed of blood loss. He showed a fierce expression. Although the blood volume was less than 10%, he could choose to teleport immediately, but he was not reconciled. His blood volume is just as bad as his own. Wouldn't it be a waste of effort to slip away in advance?

   Batalusis is not reconciled to die like this. It doesn't plan to live anymore. At this moment, the only thing he thinks about is to kill the human being in front of him!

   "Die to me!"

   "I'll **** you monkey! Can you die first!"

   The electric light hurt both of them at the same time.

   Seeing that his health bar has dropped to 3%, and Batalusis's blood volume is also the same 3%, Li Wuji's consciousness is already a little confused.

   At this time, Minette finally rushed over, rushed into the thunder light and jumped up. Two daggers pierced Batalusis' head fiercely!

   Batalusis let out a huge scream, Li Wou-ki dimly saw that Batalusis' blood volume had returned to zero, and his blood bar was frozen at 1%!

   immediately exchanged for a purple card, and quickly said silently: "Seal! Come back!"

   Minette squatted down and helped Li Wuji up, and said worriedly, "Hey! Brother wake up! Don't die!"

   Ruel also climbed up anxiously, not even the sledgehammer, and tremblingly roared: "Li Wuji! Don't die!"

   Li Wuji slowly raised his hand, and said vaguely: "Goodbye... See you..."

   He wanted to say don't be sad, you can't die, don't put a monument to yourself!

   But it's too late~www.ltnovel.com~ His body turned into a transparent light spot and disappeared, and it was too late to touch Minette's sister's chest.

   Ruel's face was dull, and his outstretched hands trembled slightly. A muscular man sat on the ground like a child and started crying loudly.

   He finally made such a good friend who can fight together, how could he disappear in a blink of an eye...

   After that, the golden king Vidir faced the angry Ruel, was forced to go out of the direction to Neupera and became Ruel's ghost under the hammer!

Ruel and Minette returned to the Dark City together, and after bringing back the news that Li Wuji and the King of Baroque had died together, Queen Maya expressed her gratitude to Li Wuji for the dark elves' deeds, and tried her best to reject all dissenting opinions and put his tombstone back. Established in the Alphalia camp, at the junction of the underground world and the surface, it means that he is the peaceful link between the dark elves and humans.

   The Principality also knew about Li Wou-ki's deeds, and also designated him as a hero who promoted the friendly relationship between humans and dark elves.

  Sharpron secretly laughed.

   Sai Liya silently wiped her tears at the hotel...

   Of course, Li Wuji didn't know these things anymore, he had returned to Qianling Continent safely.



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