DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 119: Awakening to become a Juggernaut

   "This is not a lie to you, right?"

   Lilith shook her head and said, "The family members have contacted me, and they have all been released."

   Li Wuji frowned and said, "Is that old man so scared? How afraid of me?"

   Lilith stared at Li Wuji, her expression not particularly natural: "Boss, are you... are you pretending?"

   "How can I pretend? I just feel that the old man is so shocking!"

Seeing that Li Wuji's eyes didn't look like lying, Lilith explained: "You have been regarded as the favored one. Generally speaking, the favored one is equivalent to a demigod and will be directly protected by the deity to which you belong. He is a diamond-level vampire who provokes the beloved. It is bold enough not to kowtow on the spot."

   "So I'm so awesome!"

   "Look at the legendary mage who attacked you a few days ago, do you dare to speak to you loudly?"

   Li Wuji thought for a while, it was true that the old woman dared not speak when facing him.

   "That means that the old man was afraid of me, and thought I had an indescribable relationship with you, and then turned to please you?"

   Lilith nodded.

   "Doesn't that mean that you continue to pretend to be my lover?"

   Lilith blushed when she heard the word lover, and snorted coldly: "What? Are you at a disadvantage?"

   Li Wuji hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no loss, too much profit!"

   After saying this, Li Wuji still felt a little strange in his heart, as if he had suddenly become a married man, although it was false.

   "Then when do you leave?"

   Lilith thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow, I don't bother to fly tonight."

   In fact, she is quite reluctant. Since she came here to meet her boss, she has come to chat with Li Wou-ki almost every night. In name, she comes to buy food, but in fact she wants to find someone who can talk. After returning to the family, she was the heir of the family, and she had to do a lot of things, so she couldn't leave easily.

   Li Wuji saw her worried, and asked: "Don't you live for a few more days?"

   Lilith carried her hands behind her back, and said embarrassingly: "There is no money, there is no money if you don't go home."

   Li Wuji's heart trembled and asked: "Then how much money do you have in your family?"

   Lilith tilted her head and recalled, she tickled her fingers and counted: "1,2,3,4,5..."

   After counting for a while, she raised her head and said embarrassedly: "I don't remember, it seems there are more than a billion."


   The super rich loli who only exists in the legend is in front of me? Li Wuji's heart beat wildly, his body softened, his face dull as if he had lost his soul.

   Lilith asked worriedly: "Huh? Boss, what's the matter with you? Has the soul's injury returned?"

   "No... my legs are a bit soft, my hands are a bit soft, and my whole body is soft... I can't eat hard things anymore, I really want to eat soft rice..."

   Lilith's face turned dark, and she grabbed a piece of meat on Li Wuji's arm and twisted it 360°.

   "Hiss-it hurts..."

   "Is it still soft?"

   Li Wuji rubbed his arm and said grievously: "It's not soft, it's not soft, it's hard!"

   Lilith took a deep breath and twisted his arm again in shame.

   "Wow, you woman is unreasonable! I'm not soft anymore!"

   "Hmph, I suspect that what you are saying is ambiguous!"

   "Injustice! There is no other meaning, you think too much!"

   Lilith's face became stiff, and she quickly changed the subject: "Um...I think you are sleepy, go to bed!"

   "As soon as I talk about this topic, I won't be sleepy!"

   "No, you are sleepy!"


   Li Wou-ki rubbed his red arm in the bed and complained to the system: "I was bullied in my own store, and your defense mechanism won't help me!"

   The system was silent for a while, and said coldly: "Hehe, flirting and hostility can still be distinguished by this system."

   "What flirting, don't slander me..."

   I slept in a daze, Li Wuji got up early to wash, his body had been lying on the bed for a long time, and he couldn't lie down anymore.

   And now Lilith is lying on the bed, because the work and rest time of the two are reversed, she stays in the store is quite boring, she has nothing to do except sleep.

   Looking at Lilith who closed his eyes, Li Wou-ki began to count the gains of this dark elf kingdom, and took out the card that he had desperately sealed back-Blazing Fist Batalusis.

Purple eight-star, it’s no wonder this guy is so hard to fight, he hasn’t awakened himself, but he is at the pinnacle of silver, and he can barely defeat the purple one- and two-star monsters by relying on his weapon. As for the purple five-star shadow swordsman Shaying, he is sure If you can't beat it, it depends on the power bank to win.

  Monster name: Blazing Fist·Batalusis

  Combat power: 8500

   Skills: blasting punch, teleport, blasting ball

   Price: 85000

  Introduction: One of the three clones of Baroque king Batalusis from the underground race of Alphalia Mountain. He has a very strong physical body and can use explosive fist.

   The price is very Nass, it is indeed a monster that has been sealed by his own life.

   The extra reward is the other two clones of Batalusis. The price and combat effectiveness are the same, but the skills and form are different.

In addition, the cards he received this time included 32 spiders, 40 corpse thieves, blue ten-star Acrosol, blue six-star spider princess and spider prince, blue five-star witch Lisi, blue Color five-star six dark elf heroes, 20 blue one-star baroque, purple one-star Morgan of resentment and the first hero elf knight Rommel. Although the gain is more dangerous this time, the gain is also great.

Of course, the most important reward is the Juggernaut Profession Card. After so many battles, I have been proficient in the various abilities of the Soul of Sword~www.ltnovel.com~ although there are still blunt weapons and short swords that have not been practiced. , But he can already feel the bottleneck, it is difficult to improve.

   Holding this pure white card, Li Wuji silently said "Use".

   The white card turned into a streamer and entered Li Wuji's body, the sword intent flowed in his body, and a more advanced sword technique was carved into his memory.

  Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship is divided into steel-cutting style and iron-cutting style. The steel-cutting style can increase the power of one's swordsmanship, and the iron-cutting style can reduce the defense of enemies hit by oneself. But when fighting, he can only choose one kind of swordsmanship.

   In addition, there is also a storm style that is also extremely ghost swordsmanship, that is, a nap. But what the **** is that it takes a dozen swords to deploy the sword formation. Although the sword can also be transformed into a sword, his magic power may not be able to support so many swords.

   As for other skills such as slashing the air, drawing the sword and slashing the army, Li Wuji knew this skill. Even without these memories, he could derive it by himself. The real improvement is the ghost swordsmanship.

   After digesting the skills of the Juggernaut, Li Wuji clearly felt that he had broken through a layer of shackles and entered a higher realm of swordsmanship.

   glanced at his unchanged clothes, Li Wuji secretly said a pity, the characters in the game will look handsome after they sleep.



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