DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 120: Old woman makeover plan

   After completing his awakening, Li Wou-ki started to check today’s prize pool again. His luck was indeed bad, because there was no purple card or professional card. Fortunately, he has a prize pool refresh order, which is just like the Abyss Pass.

   refreshed, although there is no purple card, there is a professional card that makes Li Wuji shine in front of him-Berserker.

   Berserker is the character with the largest cardinality in the game. Because of its overbearing fighting style and simple and rude skill form, it has become the most popular profession since its opening.

   So this career card cannot be let go. Although it may have a certain impact on the spirit when it falls into reality, it is the same type as the Avengers, with great side effects, but also a strong offensive career. But harnessing this power requires a strong will.

   Now he has a free ten consecutive draw, not for nothing.

   But before the draw, some sense of ritual is to be done.

   walked to the sleeping Lilith, Li Wuji gingerly rubbed her cheek, and then clicked for ten consecutive draws contentedly.

   Maybe Lilith is really European. The Berserker professional card will be available soon.

   Seeing that the day was about to dawn, Li Wuji hurriedly put on his clothes to help Lilith block the sun, and then put the cards on the shelf, ready to welcome a beautiful day!

   As soon as the door opened, although the sun hadn't risen yet, the sky was already very bright. This was not a very dazzling light that made Li Wuji a little uncomfortable.

   spent a few days in the Dark Elf Kingdom, where the dark underground world was all year round. Li Wuji, who hadn't seen the day for a long time, couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

   "Boss!! You finally opened the door!"

   Before he had time to appreciate the new day, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, staring at him eagerly.

   Li Wuji looked at the pale old woman Emily in front of him, and was startled.

   "You...what's wrong with you? Why do you look like you are dying?"

   Emily swallowed, blushing and said, "I...I haven't eaten for a day..."

   Li Wuji helped his forehead, not knowing how to express his feelings at the moment.

   "You are such a big person, with hands and feet, and I will go hungry! I will take it too! Going to the tavern next door to help others wash the dishes or something will not be hungry like this, right?"

   "I haven't studied...no..."

   "Do you still have to learn about washing dishes?"

   "It used to be magic..."

In fact, it’s not that I can’t really do anything, because Emily still has a trace of self-esteem as a noble in her heart. She feels that she is acceptable to be called by a favored person, but she is allowed to work under the hands of these lowly dwarves. , She really couldn't hold back this face.

   Li Wuji asked silently: "How old are you?"

   Emily stretched out four fingers awkwardly.


   "Four hundred..."


   Sure enough, the old woman didn't call it wrong.

   "Did you survive to a dog when you were four hundred years old? I said that you were four years old and praised you. I almost starved to death!"

   Emily was very angry, but could not find a reason to refute.

   "No way, I have to help you remedy the aristocratic disease! Today you go to Uncle Charlie's blacksmith's shop next door to do miscellaneous work, and earn a penny for your hard work!"

   Emily's heart trembled, she looked at the messy blacksmith's shop next door, her face turned a little horribly pale.

   "Boss... I think it's good to be a waiter here, I promise to receive guests according to your requirements!"

   Li Wuji categorically refused: "No! You have to treat this disease like this!"

   Emily is anxious: "No! I am not sick, I like to be a waiter, I have learned the true meaning of being a waiter, I don't need to pay, as long as I eat enough!"

   Li Wuji grabbed Emily's hand and walked to Uncle Charlie's forge.

   Emily resisted frantically, but how did her weak body resist Li Wuji?

   Uncle Charlie, who was hitting iron, saw Li Wuji dragging a woman into his shop, and he was a little confused.

   "Boss Li...You are..."

   Li Wuji dragged the trembling Emily in front of him and said, "Uncle Charlie, early! I think you need a handyman. See if you can help her train her!"

   Uncle Charlie looked up, and the hammer fell out of fright.

   "This, this, this... this is not the legendary mage that day..."

   "Yes, that's the old woman. For some reason, she is now my prisoner and has become an ordinary person. Don't be afraid!"

  Uncle Charlie said nervously, "Even so...I...I dare not!"

   Seeing Uncle Charlie's fear, Emily was very proud of her. This is the normal reaction of normal people to see her!

   Li Wuji smiled, knelt down and put his arms around Uncle Charlie's shoulders, and whispered, "Don't worry, I can pay you some money."

  Uncle Charlie just wanted to refuse, when he saw that Li Wuji took out a red spar in his hand, which contained very powerful energy, he was stunned for a while.

   "This is called a magic stone, and it is also a very precious ore in another world. As long as this woman is trained well, how about giving you ten of this thing?"

   There is nothing more attractive to a blacksmith than ore. Uncle Charlie swallowed and did not take the magic stone.

   "She is a legendary mage..."


   "You have to add money!"

   Li Wuji took out another blue mana stone and said, "This is called a mana stone. It is more precious than a magic stone and has a very powerful effect!"

  Uncle Charlie took the magic stone and magic stone calmly, his eyes firmly said: "I will take this order! How do you want me to train her?"

"Just treat her as an ordinary person, and let her do miscellaneous tasks under your hands. If she doesn't do well, she will scold her or beat her! As long as she can eat enough for one day's wages, she can rest assured that she will not dare to have me in the future. Trouble with you!"

   "Just put ten thousand hearts!"

   Seeing Li Wuji and the dwarf old man whispering, Emily could instinctively feel a hint of coolness.

After discussing ~www.ltnovel.com~ Li Wuji stood up and patted Emily on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You will work here in the next few days. Uncle Charlie has the final say. If you behave well, you can get a piece of bread and milk from me. By the way, it's up to Uncle Charlie to behave well."

   Emily’s legs are weak, is this dirty and messy smithy a place for people to stay? How can the **** boss treat her like this!

   But Li Wuji went straight back to his store and ignored her.

   Uncle Charlie hypnotized herself: She is an ordinary person, she is an ordinary person, she is an ordinary person...

   "Go to that furnace and pull the bellows!"

   Emily put on a cold expression and said coldly: "Are you ordering a legendary mage?"

As soon as Uncle Charlie gritted his teeth, the hammer smashed the table and shouted: "Legendary Mage is amazing! If you don't do it well, get out! If you don't meet the requirements, you don't even have to eat! You have become ordinary people and just leave it with me. How about loading?"

   Emily was shocked, and when she heard that she had no food to eat, her stomach groaned again.

   She didn't dare to shake her face anymore, walked to the furnace in a grievance, pulling the heavy bellows with difficulty, the thick black smoke smoked her eyes, tears could not help but gush out...



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