DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 122: The dragon knight who wants to go to heaven?

   The moment the eyes appeared, all the monsters that ran to the periphery became restless and rushed towards the outside even more frantically.

Kubayasi was covered in blood, but his face was firm. The shield in his left hand resisted a black hyena that rushed up. Holding a red Dachi in his hand, he stabbed viciously into the hyena's body, and the black breath continued to diffuse from the wound. , The injury made the hyena even more violent.

   Looking at the hyena with its wide open mouth and biting the dragon shield ferociously, Kubayasi shouted, "Astra!"

   The black and white little dragon flew down from the air shaking its wings, and bit at the hyena's neck. Kubayashi gathered his fighting spirit on the weapon, causing the Taito that pierced into the hyena's body to emit a hot red light.


   The hyena's body made a huge explosion. In the scream, the hyena's body exploded directly. After the smoke dissipated, a magic crystal the size of an egg fell out.

   Kubayashi wiped the blood from his face, smiled and picked up the magic crystal.

This is a silver-level monster. Before changing to it, she could not imagine that she could kill a silver-level monster. After becoming a dragon knight, she also knew how much she had changed. In order to live up to this opportunity, she Fighting hard here, although she is now covered with scars, but she likes the feeling of victory.

   At this time, a large-scale roar of monsters rang out from the back of Kubayashi. The black mist was filled with smoke, and all kinds of monsters rushed out with red eyes like crazy.

   The pressure of the monster army made Kubaiasi pale.

"What happened?"

   Astra jumped up and down in panic, grabbing Kubayashi's collar and tugging.

   "Ohhhhhhhh! (Don't be shocked, run!

   too late to rest, Kubayashi turned and ran away frantically.

   Some other adventurers or mercenaries, seeing the monster that suddenly went crazy, were shocked and fled back in panic.

   Huge worms rushed over quickly, and Kubayashi felt a very strong sense of crisis, and she was about to be overtaken by these crazy monsters.

   Kubayashi panicked and took out a blue card, summoning Angelina the Spider Princess.

   "Please, Angelina, help block it!"

   Angelina formed a huge spider web. These worms hit the web and were entangled by the sticky web. Their actions were slowed down, which delayed Kubayashi's time.

   At this time, a black mist appeared on Kubayashi's head, and the black fog turned into a ghost, rushing towards Kubayashi with a sense of terrifying oppression.

   Angelina yelled in panic: "Be careful, master."

   Kubayashi's pupils shrank, and it was too late to avoid him, so he had to stand the dragon shield in front of him to resist this attack.

   At the beginning, Li Wuji struggled to fight this kind of ghost. How could Kubaiasi be its opponent?


   The dragon shield shattered directly, and her chest was severely impacted. She also flew upside down and broke a big tree directly.

   Kubayashi had heard the sound of her bone fracture, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and a severe pain felt all over her body. She had never suffered such severe injuries since she was born.

   Astra yelled anxiously, her eyes flushed. It had a connection with Kubaiasi, and she knew how serious her injuries are now.

   The ghost sprinted over quickly, trying to kill Kubayashi completely.

   Black mist ghost image's fists gradually enlarged in her pupils, and Kubayashi was a little flustered.

   "No? I'm not going to die here, am I?"

   Seeing that his master was about to be beheaded, Astra let out an angry roar and stood in front of Kubaiasi.

   The scene that caused Kubayashi to drop his chin in shock happened. I saw a flash of thunder, and a ten-meter-long dragon appeared in front of Kubayashi.

   The giant dragon stood upright, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the black mist ghost shadow that rushed over.

   The ghost image was stunned. Just when it thought that its body would not be harmed, a fierce thunder light appeared from the dragon's mouth.

   With a scream of screams, the ghost immediately died.

   Kubayashi asked nervously, "Astra? Is that you?"

   The giant dragon tilted his head, and stuck his tongue out: "嘤嘤嘤......"

   "Wow! So handsome! Can I ride it?"

   Kubayashi looks at small stars and can ride a dragon to fly in the sky to be called a dragon knight!

   Astra fluttered his wings and yelled, leaning down to let Kubayashi sit up.

   But Kubayasi was injured too badly, and he didn't have the strength to climb.

   Astra's tail was curled up and covered in blood, Baiasi, gently placed on his back.

   The excitement dissipated the pain caused by the injury, and Kubayashi raised his fist and shouted: "Come on! Astra, we are going to heaven!"

   "Oh oh oh!"

   But Astra just started to shake its wings, and suddenly "slap", its body shrank sharply and changed back to its original palm-sized appearance.

   Kubayashi didn't react yet, and fell directly to the ground, hurting.

   Astra was also dumbfounded, and Kubayashi stared with small eyes, making an innocent cry.

   "Why are you smaller again?"

   "Oh oh oh (I don't know)."

   Kubayashi was disappointed.

   But more importantly, the monsters caught up.

   "It's over, Astra! It's getting bigger soon!"

   Astra jumped in a hurry, trying various poses to transform, but there was no change at all.

   Looking at the crazy army of monsters, Kubayashi sighed inwardly: "My life is over!"

   Just as the monsters rushed in front of Kubayashi, a huge black octopus appeared in front of Kubayashi, shredding all the monsters that rushed over like a hot wheel.

   Kubayashi opened his mouth and looked up...

Charles and his party are running out from the depths of the monster abyss. A group of stone giants surround them, and a few giant black octopuses clear their way~www.ltnovel.com~ In addition, the destroyer in black armor Under the leadership of the Destroyer of the Sky, the army slammed forward aggressively, slashing and slashing these monsters.

  Why is it always decayed, because there is also a terrifying-looking corpse thief Morgan of resentment that turns on the cursing aura next to him, and all the monsters in the range are cursed, and various resistances are greatly reduced.

   Kubayashi was stunned, is this the correct way to open those cards? That's too strong! If you buy all the cards from the boss's house, isn't it invincible?

  The surrounding monsters did not have a gold level, and they were quickly cleared by the Arad monsters.

   Charles stretched out his hand to Kubayashi and said, "Get up."

   Kubayashi said awkwardly, "I can't walk anymore."

   Charles asked a stone giant to run with the seriously injured Kubaiasi.

   Kubaiasi looked at the group of people panicked, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you? There are so many monsters, isn't it invincible here? Why are you being chased?"

   Charles said with lingering fear as he ran: "We may have encountered something terrible and must escape. I don't know the specifics. Anyway, let's run out first!"


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