DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 123: Autistic old woman

   Thousand Spirits City.

   Matthews block.

   When the sun went down, Emily had finished her day's work. The feeling of working in a blacksmith's shop, two words: giant TM tired.

   When working as a waiter with Li Wuji, although he was forced to smile and communicate with customers, it was not a hard work in general. As for Uncle Charlie, a weak woman is really tired. Whether it's hitting iron or pulling a bellows, it's hard work.

When he got off work, Uncle Charlie looked at Emily, whose face was darkened by looking at the stove, and felt a little sad, but when he thought of a legendary mage who was so obedient in front of him, he felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. .

   A gold coin with a face value of 5 is put into Emily's hand.

   Emily looked at the gold coin blankly, feeling her chest tight and her hands trembling slightly.

   "This...this...too little, right?"

Although Uncle Charlie is a little guilty in his heart, he still pretends to be majestic, because it was Li Wou-ki who said: "Your workload is worth so much, your strength is too small, and your efficiency is too low! But look. For the sake of your good attitude, you can go to Boss Li to report that you performed well today."

   Emily took a deep breath and held the gold coin severely. She didn't know what she was thinking and left without saying a word.

   Looking at Emily's lonely back, Charlie was a little distressed. It is hard to believe that this is the legendary mage with noble weather and arrogant attitude in the past few days.

   Li Wuji was busy closing the stall, and Emily walked by with her head down, and didn't plan to go there to report.

   Fortunately, Li Wuji spotted her sharp-eyed and hurriedly shouted: "Hey! Old woman!"

   Emily turned her head blankly, Li Wou-ki was taken aback when she saw her image. After a day of working in the blacksmith's shop, she was all dirty and her face was smoked black, looking like a person from a slum.

"Hi boss......"

   "What's wrong with you? Why do you look so haggard?"


   Li Wuji realized that her emotions were not right, and said quickly: "Come here!"

   Emily walked to the card shop stupidly.

   "Have you eaten anything?"

   Emily shook her head.

   Li Wuji sighed, took out Kanina’s Huttonmar milk and handmade bread to her: "Eat it."

   Emily, who wanted to refuse, recalled the taste of the milk and bread, pursed her lips, swallowed the tax deduction, and took this in her hands.

   Looking at Emily who said nothing, Li Wuji asked, "What's the matter? So autistic?"

   "It's okay..."

   "Really all right?"

   "It's okay."

   Li Wuji raised his eyebrows, took out a mirror and handed it to Emily, saying, "I think if you look at yourself, you are in trouble."

   Emily took the mirror suspiciously, looked at herself in her glasses, her heart trembled, her legs softened, and she almost fainted.

  , who originally looked in her thirties, now she looks like an old woman in her fifties. The oily and black stains on her face make her unacceptable.


   So ugly! I can not accept!

   The mirror slipped from her hand, and two lines of tears flowed out uncontrollably.

   "Hey, my mirror!"

   Li Wu was shocked, but seeing how sad she was, she was too embarrassed to ask her to pay.

   Emily covered her face and sobbed softly, not daring to let people see her ugly appearance.

   "Look, you see, and I said it was all right, I cried!"

   Emily was very tired, she was fine originally, but when the mirror was taken out, nothing happened and something changed! How dare she go back to that noble hotel like this? If you didn't go in, you would be chased away as a beggar!

  Is the boss who killed this **** a devil?

   Li Wuji scratched his face awkwardly, and said, "Well, don't you cry like this at the entrance of my store? Or get up first, and I don't have to pay for this mirror."

   Emily wiped away the tears on her face. Anyway, her face was almost lost in front of Li Wuji, and she didn't care about losing it again.

   "Can I wash my face?"


   Li Wuji took out a basin of water very intimately. Although the old woman was his captive, it was still too pitiful to look at it. Such a small request would not embarrass her. But the work that should be done is still to be done, after all, he is a prisoner after all.

   After washing her face, Emily looked at the dirty water and fell into deep self-doubt.

   Li Wuji took out another mirror to her. Emily took the mirror and saw that her appearance had returned to normal, and she was relieved. After comparing with her just now, she felt a little more happy.

"thank you boss."

   "Don't thank you, you will continue to do it tomorrow, of course, if you can solve the food and clothing problem by yourself, you can not use it."

   Emily's face froze, I really thank you for being a big-headed ghost!

   She took away the bread and milk, and left without looking back.

   Li Wuji looked at her back and shook her head. It was the first time for this old woman to do such a heavy and tiring work for a blacksmith. It's normal for some minor autism to be autistic.

   "The old woman's transformation plan has a long way to go!"

   When the day turned dark, Lilith got out of the bed and stared at the ceiling.

   "It's getting dark, I have to go back."

   Li Wuji glanced at Lilith who had just woke up, and asked, "When should I leave?"

   Lilith jumped out of bed and said, "What are you in a hurry?"

   "I'm not in a hurry, just ask."

   Lilith pouted and stared at Li Wuji, making Li Wuji a little embarrassed.

   "I'll leave soon."

   Li Wuji hurriedly said: "Oh, don't worry! Eat something before leaving!"

   Lilith thought about it~www.ltnovel.com~ After I went back, it seemed that I couldn't eat the consumables here.

   "Okay, not only do I want to eat, I also want to take away all the delicacies of the different world here!"

   "But... didn't you say you have no money?"

   Lilith frowned and said, "We are all sleeping in the same bed, so we have to collect money?"

   Li Wuji's eyes widened, what do you want to do? Want to have a white prostitution?

   "No way, no way, I can give you a few bottles of special drinks, if I give you all the free prostitutes, I will die!"

   "Cut, it's funny, I still have more than eight hundred thousand!"

   Li Wuji exclaimed: "You call this no money?"

   You know, Li Wou-ki has been in business for so long, and now his turnover is no more than 700,000.

Li Wuji's eyes twitched, and a pleased smile appeared: "Um...Miss Lilith, you are going home anyway. Why don't you spend all your remaining money here? I I harvested platinum-level cards a few days ago, which will definitely help you!"

   Lilith tilted her head and asked incredulously: "I'm going to leave. The first thing you think of is not parting, but how to squeeze my wool?"



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