DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 124: The best candidate for a berserker

   Li Wuji immediately stood up straight and put on a sad expression: "Oh, my goodness! I'm so sad and sad to think that I will not see Miss Lilith often in the future!"

   Lilith showed disgust: "Huh, it's too fake!"

   "This is all true feelings!"

   "Come on, can't I buy it?"

   Li Wuji's eyes lit up, and he smiled and took out a Gragul.

   "This card is stronger than your previous Cliff of Fire, and you will never lose out if you buy it!"

   Lilith grunted uncomfortably and took the card.

The image on the card is a big tiger standing upright.

   "Is this a half-orc in another world?"

   "In another world, its race is called the orc, and it is still the king of the orcs."

   glanced at the card price, Lilith looked up and asked: "700,000?"

   "This is a high-level platinum monster, 700,000 yuan is definitely not a loss!"

   Lilith was silent for a while, but still paid.

   "Huh, all my pocket money is spent on you!"

   After putting the gold coins into the inventory, they were directly converted into turnover, which directly reached 1.4 million! In other words, the prize pool can now be upgraded!

"Dip! Congratulations to the host's turnover reaching 1 million, the achievement task "Rich One Party" has been completed, and the reward pool refresh order × 15...The new task "Haunting the Sky" has been opened, and the task condition: the turnover reaches 10 million. Task Reward: Random pink card × 1, prize pool refresh order × 30."

   Seeing Li Wuji's sluggish look, Lilith stood on tiptoe and shook her palms in front of Li Wuji, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey! Boss! Don't get distracted when doing business!"

   Li Wuji came back to his senses, and smiled embarrassedly: "Ahaha, this...for the first time earning so much money, I am a little excited."

   "I have another request."

   Li Wuji patted his chest, righteously said: "If you have any request, Miss Lilith, please mention it, I will definitely help you!"

   Lilith gave him a blank look. The boss had a bad problem. She always became very enthusiastic after squeezing her wool, but the next day was nothing.

   Lilith took out a blue card and looked at this card with complicated eyes. This is the first monster card she bought, the demon executioner Jarvan. At that time, when she was very weak, Jarvan could be a good bodyguard for her, but when she returned to normal, coupled with stronger cards such as Seghart, Jarvan was already a bit cumbersome.

   Since the last time she was chased by Edward, she had also noticed Jarvan’s emotional changes. He didn't want to be a bastard. He liked the feeling of fighting.

   Seeing Lilith not saying a word, Li Wuji asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this card?"

   "Boss, do you have a career card suitable for Jarvan? It can make him stronger."

   Li Wuji was taken aback for a moment. The professional card is used for the monster card. Can this work?

   "Hey! System system! Can professional cards be used by monster cards?"


Li Wuji's eyes widened, and he asked: "Then if the monster's strength exceeds its original level, can the card still seal the monster? For example, a silver-level monster is sealed in a blue card. After its strength is upgraded to gold, this blue Can the card still be sealed?"

"Within the limit of the quality of the original card, the monster's level cannot be surpassed. The blue monster can only reach the blue ten-star at most. If the strength reaches the gold level, the card will be unbearable and broken, and this card is sealed Monster...will die."

   Li Wuji was shocked, isn't this demon executioner Jarvan unable to become stronger!

   "Is there no other way?"


   Li Wuji hurriedly asked: "How to do it?"

   "Just replace the original card with a better grade."

   "There is this kind of operation? How to replace it?"

   "After the monster's level is promoted, the original card will be broken, and the monster's soul will be scattered in the fragments of the card. It is enough to seal the broken card at that time."

   "Doesn't that mean that this monster will die again?"

   "It can be understood that way."

   "Understood, you can rest."

   The system no longer speaks.

   Lilith saw that Li Wuji was distracted again, and kicked his calf in dissatisfaction.

   "Why don't you get distracted when you talk to me? Am I so bored?"

   Li Wuji quickly apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I was thinking about the feasibility of the question you mentioned just now!"

   "What's wrong? Have you thought about it?"

   Li Wuji nodded: "It is okay for Jarvan to use a professional card to become stronger, but there is one thing to note. If his strength reaches the gold level, then this card will not be able to block him."

   "What happens if I can't seal it?"

   "He will die."

   Lilith turned pale, and quickly put the card back into her pocket.

   "Don't do it, don't do it, my servant doesn't need to be so strong!"

   "I haven't finished talking yet. Although he will die, he can be resurrected, but he needs a purple original card to re-seal his soul into the purple card so that he can be promoted."

   Lilith frowned and said, "Do you still have to die once? Is your method reliable?"

   "Reliable, the big guy behind me said it!"

   "That's okay, but do you have any suitable cards for Jarvan?"

   Li Wuji smiled and took out the same blood red career card.

"Of course there is. This card is called Berserker. It is a profession that uses blood to fight. The fighting style is cruel and easily affects the mind. However, it should not be used on monster cards that are already bound to you. It's out of control!"

   And Li Wou-ki has fought Jarvan in the Tomb of Heroes. This guy also fights like a brash man. He is simply the best candidate for a berserker!

   Lilith took this Berserker career card, and the vertical painting on it made her feel a madness and domineering rushing toward her face.

   "This profession must be very strong, right?"

"It's not an exaggeration to say ~www.ltnovel.com~ There is nothing wrong with skipping the battle, but this can only make him reach the top of the silver rank. If I can get its follow-up advanced card in the future, I will tell you. Now, after the Berserker advances, he is called the Hellblood Demon God."

   "Sounds so domineering! I bought it!"

   After paying the money and delivering the goods, Lilith couldn't wait to summon Jarvan out.

   Jarvan knelt on one knee and yelled respectfully: "Master."

   Lilith helped him up and said, “Don’t be so polite. It’s a good thing to call you out this time. I know that you have been worried about your lack of strength.”

   Jarvan lowered his head in silence.

Lilith handed the red Berserker career card to Jarvan and said seriously: "I don't mind how strong my servants are, but if you want to become stronger, I also respect your choice. This is yours. Opportunity."

   Jarvan took this professional card blankly. After spending so long with Lilith, he certainly knew what a professional card was.

   Li Wuji reminded: "You have to think clearly, this card is not an ordinary professional card, it may be accompanied by very serious side effects!"

   There was a firm light in Jarvan’s eyes: "I have figured it out clearly, I want to become stronger!"



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