DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 125: Take the red dog home

   After using the Berserker card, Jarvan’s eyes suddenly burst, his left hand trembling uncontrollably, and the entire left hand's skin gradually turned a weird red.

   The intense pain eroded his left hand, and a chaotic will was affecting his mind, Jarvan fell on his knees and let out a painful roar.

   Lilith looked particularly worried, and asked worriedly: "Boss, what's the matter?"

Li Wuji patted her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, the power of the berserker comes from the curse of the ghost and **** Kazan. He will live in pain every day. When the curse strikes, the berserker will be irritable and irritable, with red eyes. He loses his senses, but it also brings a terrifying increase in strength. This symptom is called Kazan syndrome. If no accident, this symptom will accompany him throughout his life! This is...this power Price."

   "Such side effects? No problem, right?"

   Li Wou-ki is not very sure: "In theory, because of the card binding and Jarvan’s loyalty to you these days, you should be able to restrain your loss of reason."

   A few minutes later, Jarvan’s left hand had already turned into a **** red claw, and the veins on it had also violently violently, trembling and trembling looked particularly hideous.

   Jarvan raised his head, his eyes have turned blood red, like a vicious dog that has lost his mind, roaring low...

   Lilith stepped forward and reached out to touch Jarvan’s head: "Hey, don’t be so scary, otherwise I won’t take you out to play!"

   Jarvan was sluggish, the red in his eyes quickly faded, realizing what he looked like, he quickly lowered his head in shame: "Sorry, master..."

   Lilith helped him up. Although Jarvan kept carrying his left hand to hide the pain, the sharp-eyed Lilith saw the scarlet ghost hand trembling slightly.

   "How about...you go back to the card and take a break?"

   Jarvan hurriedly refused: "No...no, I need time to adapt to this new ability."

   Lilith saw that he insisted, but did not force him to take the card back.

   "Boss, when can you get the professional card of the Hellblood Demon God?"

   Li Wuji spread out his hand and said helplessly: "Look at luck and the face of the big guy behind me. If you are lucky, you will get it tomorrow. If you are targeted, you may not get it next year."

   The system made a horrifying noise in his mind, which made Li Wuji pale and his hairs stood up.

   "Fuck, you are sick with the system!"

   "This system has not adjusted the burst rate! Don't slander me! Warn the host once!"

   Lilith saw Li Wuji's face pale, and asked worriedly: "Boss, why are you always distracted today? There is nothing wrong with your body, right?"

Li Wuji smiled far-fetched: "Ahem... there is no problem. The boss behind me just interacted closely with me. Let’s go back to the topic just now, what can you do to get us? Do you want to keep in touch? If I get the professional card of the Hellblood Demon God in the future, I will let you know.

   Lilith's eyes lit up: "Oh! I forgot if you didn't say it!"

   talked and took out a silver pocket watch and handed it to Li Wuji.

   Li Wuji took the pocket watch and asked curiously: "Does this pocket watch have any remote communication function?"

   "This is a pocket watch specially made by our blood, with a special magic pattern inside. Just drop a drop of blood on it to bind it."

   "What about after binding?"

   Lilith took out her pocket watch again, and said, "After you bind it, we can contact you at any time!"

  , good stuff!

   Li Wuji cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood on his pocket watch.

   Then the watch interface of the pocket watch twisted and turned into a mysterious blood circle.

   Lilith leaned over, touched the pocket watch in Li Wuji's hand with her fingertips, and also put a drop of blood in it.

   Then the pocket watch's circle disappeared, and it was restored to a "tick tick" clock interface.

   "It's over? Then, how do you do it?"

   "Just pour magic into it!"

   After Li Wuji did it, the pocket watch turned into a **** circle.

   Lilith then opened her pocket watch, so Li Wuji saw Lilith's face appear on the watch.


   "Wow! Remote communication and video chat, really amazing!"

   "Although I don't know what you are talking about, but with this, it is very convenient to connect!"

   Li Wuji thought about it, and packaged half of the consumables in his inventory, such as magic juice, golden goat milk, etc., for Lilith, as well as her favorite Cyria special cool drink.

   "The Dark Night City is far away from here, and I don't know when I can meet each other. I am very grateful to Miss Lilith for patronizing me during this time. We have nothing else, so let's send something you love."

   "Ah! Boss, you have a day when you are willing to give gifts!"

   Lilith happily accepted this gift and put it into her space equipment.

Li Wou-ki smiled stiffly. The items sent out were worth more than 10,000 turnover. Although it was a little bit painful, but the courtesy exchanges, most of his turnover came from Lilith. This is called Give back to old customers!

   "Then I have to go!"

   Li Wuji waved his hand: "I wish Miss Lilith every success."

   Lilith frowned, walked to Li Wuji, opened her hand and hugged his waist under his dull gaze.

   The soft big white steamed bun was pressed against the solid wall, and Li Wuji swallowed nervously, staying in place and not daring to move, raising his hands to show his innocence.

   After a while, Lilith let go of her hands and pouted, "I'm leaving."


   I don’t know when, Lilith and Jarvan disappeared into the night.

   Li Wuji touched his chest with lingering fear, mother! I won't be fancyed, am I?

   "System system, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I have never been in a relationship, please help me analyze whether I am coming!"

   The system ignored Li Wuji.

   After calming down, Li Wou-ki put his pocket watch on his neck, and then took a look at the shop that was still on the street still lit.

   Then Li Wuji closed the door. After Lilith left, there were no customers here at night. There was no need to open the shop at night, and I felt a little lost.

   After closing the door, Li Wou-ki walked to Aoun’s blacksmith shop. The apprentices here were very hardworking. Some were carving patterns, some were hammering metal, or watching the stove.

   "Hi, good evening, masters, I'm here to see Aoun."

   After hearing Li Wuji's voice, the unkempt Aoun walked out of the room: "I heard your boy's voice all the way, why are you here again?"

   The apprentices bowed their heads and greeted them.

Aoun's face was stern: "Don't be distracted, take care of your work, say you Avak, look at your flame stone, just for a while, most of the energy has escaped, and I can't complete the task. you!"

   The blacksmith apprentice named Avak blushed, and quickly picked up the hammer and continued to knock...



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