DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 126: Make me 15 swords

Aoun took Li Wuji to his dedicated forging room, sat on a seat, and asked leisurely: "What do you want to use me for nothing?"

Li Wou-ki smiled awkwardly: "Where are you talking under the crown? Am I the kind of person who likes prostitutes?"

"Hmph, call me the old man when I'm okay, and call me the crown when I'm okay, it's quite true!"

"Huh? Who dares to use such an impolite address to Mianxia? It's too much! I, Li Wuji, strongly condemn this kind of person!"

Aoun was amused by Li Wuji's shameless look: "Hey, in terms of shame, I've lived for hundreds of years and I'm not as good as you! I heard that your kid conquered Emily's woman, and now she is raising her. People, it works! So you like older ones!"

Li Wuji's face froze: "Mianxia can't slander me, because for some reason, she is now my prisoner, and I haven't done anything to her!"

"Huh? Then why did I hear that she looked like she was hollowed out every time she came out of your store?"

"Because she was squeezed dry by me... oh no, she did too hard..."

Aoun smiled meaningfully: "Oh, it turned out to be too hard."

When he said this dry word, the old man could emphasize his tone.

Li Wuji was full of black lines: "Mian, I didn't expect you to be such a serious person. Wouldn't you be afraid of being heard by your apprentice that would damage your majestic image?"

Aoun's face changed a little, he quickly stood up, ran to the curtain and observed it, and he was relieved to see that his apprentices were working hard.

"Ahem...Speaking of business, why are you looking for me?"

"Oh, that's the case, I want to ask Mian to help me get some weapons."

Aoun asked suspiciously, "I want a weapon again? The lightsaber that I gave you last time should be enough, right?"

"I recently learned a very strong sword formation. This sword formation requires a lot of swords to form!"

"How many do you want?"

Li Wuji said tentatively: "Fifteen?"

Aoun's eyes widened, and he yelled: "You are crazy! Do you think I am free? Do you think...Chapter 126 Makes fifteen for me Sword (page 1/4),. Is it easy to forge? Did you know that it took me half a month to get that lightsaber for you last time! Half a month of sleepless struggle, I made one. Legendary weapons! Fifteen swords? Sorry, no time!"

"Oh, don't worry, I didn't want Mianxia to make a legendary lightsaber like'Chaos', as long as the platinum level is enough!"

"Why are you looking for me for making such a bad weapon? Those apprentices outside of me can do it by picking any one out!"

"I don't trust your craftsmanship! Weapons, I only forged them under the crown of Aoun!"

"It's useless to say that there are more people who praise me. I'm already immune to flattering!"

Li Wuji gritted his teeth and said, "Can I travel on my own ore?"

"Oh Huo"

Aoun finally became a little interested: "What ore? New ore? If it's the magic rock last time, it's okay. That thing is very interesting and very valuable for research!"

Li Wuji breathed a sigh of relief. Since you are interested, it is easier to handle. I'm afraid that I gave you too much last time and it will make you feel less fresh!

"Magic rocks are indeed very rare things. I have obtained four of them since so long."

Li Wuji took the four magic stone material cards in his hand and said, "I only have so many magic stones. How many weapons can you make?"

Although Aoun was excited, he maintained his rationality and replied: "This is enough to make four pieces. If you have other high-quality ores, I can give you a discount!"

"There really is one!"

Aoun's eyes lit up again, "Hurry up and show me what effect will Kang Kang have!"

Li Wuji took out another material card and directly summoned the physical object. Then a round black stone glowing with dark red light.

Aoun was immediately attracted. Through his talent, he could tell at a glance that this stone contained very powerful energy, which seemed very dark and a little noble.

"this is……"

"This is called the Eternal Black Eye Stone. In a different world called Arad continent, there is a powerful existence like a god....Chapter 126 is for me Build fifteen swords (page 2/4). Its body is divided into two sides: light and darkness. After the light defeats the darkness, the power of darkness dissipates, but it also leaves behind this kind of stone with the aura of darkness—— The eternal black pupil stone."

"The Eternal Black Eye Stone..."

When Aoun stretched out his hand to grab it, Li Wuji raised his hand, allowing Aoun to catch it.

"Oh, wait! Mian, you haven't said whether you will help me make weapons!"

Aoun raised his head and stared greedily at the eternal black pupil stone in Li Wuji's hand, and said anxiously: "I am willing, give me this eternal black pupil first!"

"Then what else do I need to pay?"

"Enough is enough! This eternal black eye stone plus the four previous magic rocks are enough!"

Only then did Li Wuji throw the eternal Black Eye Stone to Ornn with satisfaction.

Ornn smirked and carefully placed the eternal black pupil stone in the most conspicuous place on his table. This is what the gods left behind after their death. They possess the power of divinity, even if there is only a trace, but they can still be studied carefully. If they are thoroughly studied, they can even be promoted to a demigod!

"Hey~www.ltnovel.com~ Mianxia! Remind you, that magic rock is also something left over after the death of an old man like a god. These two things are used to upgrade equipment in another world. After the upgrade, the equipment will gain new power."

Ornn thoughtfully...

After a while, Aoun looked up and asked, "Oh, yes, I haven't asked what weapon you want, fifteen lightsabers?"

"No, no, no, I want three swords, lightsabers, giant swords, short swords, and blunt weapons."

"So many kinds, are you playing tricks? You can't chew too much!"

Li Wuji still feels a little proud in his heart. There are five kinds of weapons. In front of my weapon master, isn't it just like playing!

"Don't worry about it, it's all to release the sword formation I mentioned before!"

Although Aoun was puzzled, he did not continue to dissuade him.

So the two continued to discuss some details of the fifteen swords, including the shape and characteristics of the weapons.

When the two of them discussed, the time had come to ten o’clock in the evening, Aoun next...Chapter 126, Build Fifteen Swords for Me (Part 3/4 page),. The eviction order is about to be closed.

After returning to the shop, Li Wuji felt quite boring, and he was not used to going to bed early. Before, he opened a nightclub for Lilith, but now Lilith is gone, there is no need to open a store at night. After all, it is impossible to meet a bat that fell from the sky again, right?

After lying on the bed, Li Wuji thought of the embarrassment when he first met Lilith before, and he felt a little funny.

Recalling the process of Lilith and her acquaintance, Li Wuji fell asleep easily...

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