DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 127: You got the wrong person

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   "The boss is opening the door, you are in a hurry!"

   Li Wuji heard someone knock on the door outside before he woke up.

   opened the door in an unpleasant mood, his face was shocked when he saw everyone outside the door.

   Charles and others gathered at his door, and Haiyin carried a seriously wounded and dying dragon knight on his back.

   Kubayashi saw Li Wuji, raised his hand and shouted weakly: "Hi...good morning boss..."

   Li Wuji hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

   Charles replied awkwardly: "This girl encountered the tide of monsters and was beaten by the monster at the silver peak, so..."

   Kubayashi grinned, raised his hand and said, "Cough...More than that! I fell off the dragon's back and I'm still alive!"

   "Are you quite proud?"


   Li Wuji said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you send me treatment if I am injured? What if I die after a day's delay?"

   Charles glanced at Kubayashi, and said silently: "This little devil says he doesn't trust the pastors of the Church of Light, and he has to come to you..."

   Kubaiasi smirked and said, "Hey, boss, those pastors are cheating money, and the fees are expensive and the effect is not good. Let alone, give me two remy's assistance!"

   Li Wuji glared at her, not sure if he should be moved or angry.

   "Are you rich?"

   Kubayashi's face became stiff, he smiled, and withdrew his hands.

   "My magic crystal hasn't changed money yet!"

   Charles quickly took out six hundred gold coins and said, "I will pay for her first."

   Li Wuji didn't want to really embarrass Kubayashi, but when he saw someone who was taking advantage of him, he was willing to give money.

   Kubayashi took the two aids from Remy, and chuckled: "Thank you, boss!"

   Then two holy lights shone, and the wound on Kubayashi's body slowly healed. After a few minutes, he jumped off Haiyin's back vigorously.

......Chapter 127 You have identified the wrong person (page 1/4),. Everyone was a little surprised. They all knew that Kubayasi suffered multiple injuries, and now they are jumping alive again.

   "This...this card is too powerful, right? It doesn't make sense!"

   Kubayashi patted Charles on the shoulder: "You are short-sighted. Don't always think about buying those monster cards. There are so many good things here!"

   Everyone's eyes are a little bright, and when they are away from home, who can guarantee that they will not be injured as a mercenary? In general, I went to the priest of the Bright Church for treatment when I was injured, which cost a lot of money, and the effect was definitely not as immediate as this Remy's assistance.

   Just as everyone wanted to buy, Emily wearing a collar came over and yelled respectfully: "Good morning, boss."

   Li Wuji nodded, pointed to the smithy next door and said, "Today is the same as yesterday. Let's go and help Uncle Charlie."

   Emily gritted her teeth lightly and walked towards the next door. When she passed Charles, Charles was stunned.

   is also a nobleman of the Obero Empire, how could Charles not know the legendary mage of his country, Void Yoke Emily?

   He cried blankly: "Is it Emily?"

   Emily's footsteps stopped and her face became pale. Since the magical power was imprisoned, she had a little guilty resistance to the title "Mianxia" because she didn't want to be recognized.

   looked back at Charles, a little familiar, but she didn't remember who he was.

"You got the wrong person."

   Emily also ran to Uncle Charlie's blacksmith shop and started to work.

   Charles is stupid, the impression of Emily should be the superior and extraordinary temperament, why is it now...like a village girl? And so respectful to the boss!

   glanced at the careless boss, Charles raised infinite respect in his heart. The identity of the boss definitely has a lot of background, otherwise how can a legendary mage be so respectful?

   Li Wou-ki saw the change in Charles’s face,...Chapter 127 You have identified the wrong person (page 2/4),. Curiously asked: "What? Do you know that old woman?"

   Charles's mouth twitches slightly, old woman? Can you call Emily like that? You really deserve to be the boss!

   "My family was also a nobleman in the Obero Empire before, and Emily still knows her under the crown, but why is she..."

Li Wuji said casually: "Your empire wants to control my card channels. I'm not happy. That old woman wanted to force me to capture me, and then I was ruled by the boss behind me, and now I'm a prisoner. I'm training. Her ability to live!"


   Everyone took a breath, a legendary mage became a prisoner, and the boss was too fierce!

   "Don't be surprised, don't you want to buy cards? Quickly see what you want to buy, wait for other customers to come!"

   Everyone didn't dare to block the door anymore, so they lined up quickly.

   After seeing two pink cards, Charles asked curiously: "Boss, is this pink card new?"

   "Pink represents a platinum-level monster, and the price is more expensive. I suggest you consider your financial ability."

   took a serious look. Charles was persuaded by the price of 700,000 yuan. Although he was very greedy, he could not get involved for the time being.

   then bought some consumables and some other monster cards.

   When going back, Charles asked his companions to go back first. He was going to talk to Emily.

   came to Uncle Charlie’s forge and saw Emily pulling the bellows by the fire, coughing due to the smoke.

   Seeing Charles stopping in front of the door, Uncle Charlie hurriedly asked: "Hey, do you want to build or repair equipment?"

   "Excuse me, I'm here to find Emily."

  Uncle Charlie was taken aback, thinking that it was the Obero Empire people who knew that Emily was wronged and came to trouble him!

   "Are you from the empire?"

   "Uh...I'm here to talk about personal matters."

Uncle Charlie heaved a sigh of relief: "That's okay...Chapter 127 You have identified the wrong person (page 3/4~www.ltnovel.com~). She is there, go find her by yourself."

  Walking behind Emily, Charles lowered his head in embarrassment: "Under the crown, I am the son of Andrew Evan."

   Emily shuddered in her shoulders, carrying Charles on her back and said, "You have admitted the wrong person."

   Charles gave a dry cough, and said, "Ahem... I have something important to report to you, not about the empire, but about the abyss of monsters."

   Emily stopped her work without speaking.

Charles continued: "In a monster abyss in the southern suburbs of Thousand Spirits City, the monsters there have recently become very crazy, constantly attacking the periphery, so I and my friends took a look at the deepest crack... "

   "In the crack, a huge purple eye appeared with a strong aura. I feel that the strength of that eye may have reached... legendary!"

   "Purple eyes?"

   Emily's eyes narrowed, her brows furrowed, and she fell into deep thought.

  The enchantment of Demon Abyss was researched by thirty legendary mages from Qianling Continent. Emily also participated in this project later. She knew that if there were three legendary mages with a single blow, they could break the barrier.

   "Is the barrier still there?"


   "Then you go, oh yes, remember to tell your friends that you confessed to the wrong person." When the last sentence came out, Emily had a warning.

   Charles's face became stiff, and the boss confessed to you in public. You can't admit it!



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