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Chapter 128: Corroded by darkness

Another abyss of monsters.

Since Li Wuji suggested that Daniel and Kenneth team up to fight, Daniel began to walk with Diana and the others.

But on this day, in the deepest part of this monster abyss, a purple eye also appeared in the black crack. Then all the monsters in the crack spewed out, rushing towards the periphery like crazy.


On this day, Daniel and Diana were looking for the dark crystal, and they came to the depths by accident.

After an hour of no harvest, Daniel complained: "Did the dark crystals here have been dug up? Why can't I find a single piece!"

Diana took Mia's hand and said with a smile: "This place has been developed for so many years, and it has long become barren. It would be abnormal if it can be found all the time."

"Hey, the monsters can't be seen. If there is no dark crystal, some magic crystals are fine!"

But at this time, Kenneth, who was carrying the cross without saying a word, turned pale with a "swish", and looked towards the deepest part of the abyss.

Diana noticed the change in Kenneth's face and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"The breath of darkness is approaching... It's huge... It's dangerous!"

Everyone looked at Kenneth at once, their expressions a little surprised, but when they glanced around, it was very calm here, not as if there were a large number of monsters coming over.

"Brother, don't scare me!"

But Kenneth's face was very serious, not at all joking.

At this time Mia pointed to the woods behind Daniel and said, "There is a big spider."

Everyone looked around, but saw a black spider as big as an elephant digging through the bushes and rushing towards them.

Diana's eyes narrowed: "Silver spider monster!"

However, when the spider rushed over, Kenneth shook his right hand, condensing a golden spear, and threw it at the spider.


With a sacred breath, the golden spear immediately nailed this large spider to the ground. Diana took the opportunity to drop a fireball and instantly wiped out both... Chapter 128 Corroded by Darkness (page 1/4). .

Seeing that this silver-level monster was instantly killed, Daniel was a bit envious of the paladin's ability.

"I dug down the magic crystal."

Kenneth shouted in panic: "It's too late! Run!"

Daniel was a little dazed, looked back at the back, and the sound of a mighty running came from the direction of the depths of the monster's abyss.

Before he could dig the magic crystal, thousands of giant black spiders appeared in front of Daniel's eyes, rushing towards him frantically.


Kenneth dragged Diana back and ran back, and Daniel also raised his front hoof pale and shouted with his friends: "What are you doing in a daze! Run with them!"

Everyone glanced at the dense army of monsters, and ran after Diana and the others without looking back.

Daniel raised his front hoof and began to flee frantically, because he had just stepped forward to dig the magic crystal, and he inevitably fell behind.

But the spider tide behind is so fast, it has gradually approached him, and some of the silver-level spiders are even less than five meters away from him!

After chasing a certain distance, a giant black spider leaped forward and bit its fangs towards Daniel.

Daniel gritted his teeth fiercely, raised his spear, swept the spider, and shot the spider flying!

But with this delay, the spider behind chased up again and jumped frantically towards Daniel.

"It's over! Can't run away!"

Daniel looked at the dense cluster of spiders, and fell into deep despair in his heart!

Kenneth, who had been running first, looked back and saw that Daniel was about to be entangled.

Under Diana's surprised gaze, Daniel immediately turned back and chased in Daniel's direction.

"Kenneth! What are you doing? Do you want to die?"

But Kenneth's body was surrounded by a burst of holy light, leaving only Diana a firm back.

Thinking that he was going to be a Chinese food for black spiders, Daniel suddenly found that he had a transparent shield on his body, and no matter how much the spiders attacked, he couldn't break this shield.

Kenneth roared: "Run, this...Chapter 128 is corroded by darkness (page 2/4). A shield can only last for a few minutes. Seconds!"

Daniel's face turned pale, and he shook his spear vigorously, trying to open a way out, but there were so many spiders that he had surrounded him.

At this time, a wall made of holy light rose up in front of Daniel and slowly pushed it back, temporarily dividing the battlefield.

Daniel's pressure was greatly reduced, struggling to kill the spiders in front of him, but even so, these spiders are still too many!

While the shield was still there, Daniel quickly took out a card and summoned a giant black octopus!

When the giant black octopus appeared, it directly transformed into a huge grinding wheel, spinning and strangling the spider in front of it!

Then Kenneth added a blessing of honor to him, making Daniel feel full of power.

After a few sweeps, his shield has completely disappeared, but the obstacles ahead have been almost cleared.


Daniel, who thought he was alive, raised his front hoof and was about to rush forward.

Several black claws drilled out of the ground under his feet and caught Daniel's two hind legs.

The fingertips of the devil's claws penetrated into his hind legs, swallowing his blood, causing him to scream in pain.

Kenneth was very anxious when he saw Daniel being entangled in the claws. He took out the cross on his back and turned it into a golden hammer.

Kenneth yelled: "Repent!"

The golden hammer slammed down at Daniel fiercely~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing the big hammer falling from the sky, Daniel felt cold!

Why smash me? What did i do wrong?

Before he could be angry, the golden sledgehammer had already been smashed down...

However, what surprised him was that he didn't feel the pain when the hammer fell, but felt a trace of warmth.

But the few magic claws under the feet were directly smashed!

After playing this trick, Kenneth's magic power is almost running out. He shouted, "What are you doing in a daze? Run!"

Daniel wanted to run, but his hind legs were already lame, and a darker breath eroded his body.

This...Chapter 128 is eroded by darkness (page 3/4). At that time, the Holy Light Heart Shield had also disappeared, and the spider swarms chased up again!

The situation has not improved, but it has become more dangerous!

The giant black octopus stood in front, and the tentacles slapped frantically at the monster that wanted to attack its owner.

Kenneth gritted his teeth fiercely, rushed to Daniel, carried him on his back and ran!

But the body structure of this centaur is really a bit special, and it's a bit difficult to memorize it!

So only one giant black octopus was left there to fight against the dense army of monsters. Although it was very powerful, there were too many enemies, and it had been overwhelmed by black spiders!

Daniel's face was pale and he didn't dare to take it back. Without the giant black octopus to resist, he and Kenneth might both die!

What he didn't notice was that his two hind legs had become pitch black, and strange black air emerged from the wound...

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