DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 129: Ask for help

After fleeing vigorously, everyone finally escaped outside the enchantment, and what followed was a dense swarm of monsters, and the blackness kept crashing toward the enchantment.

Looking back, everyone still had lingering fears, it was the first time they saw so many monsters!

Kenneth panted heavily, put Daniel down on his back, and sat down on the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Daniel, who was put down, trembled: "I...my feet...my body..."

Kenneth's gaze condensed, and there were several black claw prints on Daniel's hind legs, black air was constantly venting on the hideous wounds, and both hind legs became pitch black, looking very evil!

Daniel's friends saw that he was injured, and they surrounded him.

"Boss! Are you okay?"

"Boss, your legs..."

Daniel groaned in pain, he felt that his hind legs no longer belonged to him, and these black qi was following his wounds into his body.

Diana leaned in and was surprised to see Daniel's leg.

"This is... eroded by the breath of the abyss."

Daniel asked while groaning, "Am I...can I be saved?"

Everyone turned their attention to Kenneth. The healing power he possessed was obvious to all during this time. If anyone can save Daniel now, it can only be Kenneth as a Paladin!

Kenneth frowned and said to Diana: "My magic power is almost exhausted. Give me some magic power. I will try to save him."

Diana nodded. She was afraid that her magic power was not enough, so she deliberately summoned the flames of Penosio and Frost Krahe together.

The three women put their hands on Kenneth's body together, and the magic started working.

Kenneth asked everyone else to step aside. He folded his hands together and prayed piously, and a holy light appeared on his body.

Then Kenneth put his hand on Daniel's injured hind leg, Jin Guang penetrated into his body along the wound, but a strange scene happened!

The warm holy light met the crazy resistance of the black air...Chapter 129 Help (page 1/4),. , Keep blocking the Holy Light!

Kenneth's forehead was sweating. These abyssal auras shouldn't be so difficult. The claws that attacked Daniel must be different, otherwise, with his healing power, solving the problem of the erosion of the abyssal aura should be done by hand!

The black breath is gradually fading, but it is still deeply rooted in Daniel's body like a bone gangrene!

After a few minutes, Kenneth waved his hand and told Diana and the others to stop the magic power transmission. With his current ability, he can only do this step.

Although the blackness of his hind legs has faded a lot, Daniel can walk normally, but there is still a lot of abyssal breath remaining in his body that erodes his body.

"Boss! Are you cured?"

Daniel raised his head to look at his friends, his face turned a little sad, he knew what was going on, he looked all right, but in fact, there were endless troubles!

"Hey, I don't know how long I can live, maybe one day I will lose control and become a monster!"

Everyone looked aside, and said in disbelief, "No? We have been attacked by monsters, nothing happened?"

Kenneth explained: "This time is different, the aura of those monsters has become more intense! There must be some changes in the deepest part of the abyss that we don't know!"

"Then what to do?"

"I temporarily sealed his magic power to prevent the abyssal aura from flowing in his body, but he can't fight for the time being, and I don't have enough ability to clear these abyssal auras."

Daniel looked at his legs and fell silent.

Diana suggested: "Let's go to the Bright Church to have a look, and find a more senior pastor."

Kenneth sighed, shook his head and said, "You know, the church has changed. If those guys find you have a chance of losing control, you may be forced to be purified!"

The meaning of compulsory purification is...the future troubles of Yongjue.

The atmosphere became silent.

At this time, Mia raised her hand and said in a low voice, "I think the boss may have a way to save him." #br......Chapter 129 Help ( Page 2/4),. r# Everyone was taken aback.

"Isn't the boss selling monsters?"

"More than that, there are many weird cards, there may be a way to save you."


In the evening, Li Wuji opened the system prize pool interface.

"Hey! Is the system there?"

"I'm here."

"How to upgrade the prize pool?"

Then a line appeared in front of Li Wuji's eyes: Are you willing to spend one million turnover to complete the upgrade of the prize pool?

There are two more options below, "Yes" and "No".

Li Wuji endured the pain and clicked "Yes".

Then, there was a jitter in the prize pool interface...

Li Wuji waited expectantly for the prize pool to change. After a minute of jitter, the prize pool returned to calm, and then... nothing happened.

Li Wuji was stunned. I have smashed this million down. Shouldn't there be any special effects?

"System, did you fail? Did the upgrade fail?"

"Oh, what's the joke, how could I fail?"

"Why haven't there been any changes?"

"The probability has changed, what else do you want to change?"

"Really have no cards!"

Just when he wanted to put a refresh order to test the effect of the upgrade, he heard someone calling him outside.

"In the big evening, there are actually guests? Could it be that you have met a rich vampire woman again?"

After opening the door from the house, Li Wuji saw the familiar guests and was immediately disappointed.

Seeing Li Wuji's disgusting face~www.ltnovel.com~ Diana said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry to bother you, boss, this night, we are here to ask you for help."

"It's okay, it's all customers. I like serving customers the most!"

Diana signed the centaur Daniel and said: "Boss, we have encountered a tide of monsters. Daniel has been eroded by the breath of the abyss. Can you save him?"

Li Wuji asked suspiciously: "Should I not ask the pastor for this kind of question? I'm not a doctor. Besides, isn't there a Paladin here?"

......Chapter 129 Help (page 3/4),. Kenneth shook his head and said, "My cultivation base is not enough, I can't clear his breath."

"Then even the Paladin can't help it, and I can't even help it."

Daniel's face turned pale, is he really hopeless?

Seeing everyone's desperate eyes, Li Wou-ki was also embarrassed, and continued to ask: "What is this abyssal aura erosion like? I haven't seen any changes."

Kenneth replied: "I temporarily sealed his magic power, so it looks normal."

"Then you unlock the seal and let me see what it was like."


Kenneth and Daniel looked at each other, and Daniel gritted his teeth and said: "Untie it, I should be able to hold it for a while!"

Then Kenneth put his hand on his body and withdrew a holy light from his body.

The black abyssal aura ran around him like a wild horse running away. Daniel roared in pain, and the black aura came out of his eyes and mouth, looking very scary!

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