DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 133: Arad Adventure Group

After a few minutes, Diana's hair turned ice white, and the temperature of the surrounding air dropped several levels with her as the center.

Opened his hand and squeezed it towards the air, an ice crystal condensed in his hand.

Diana was a little surprised. She had been listening to Mia about how powerful she was after the change, but she didn't feel much about it. This is the quick magic system!

Because she has a good foundation in magic, Diana quickly adapts to the Frozen Master Profession Card. In the past, she liked to set fireballs, because fireballs were the simplest and most violent magic, but now she instinctively hates flames.

Seeing that his customers have become stronger one by one, Li Wuji was very pleased. The stronger this group of people, the more they make money. The more they make money, the more they like to come here to buy cards. They will even buy from him for their one-sleep and two-sleep professional cards. As long as they want to continue to grow stronger, their money You can't go to other people's places.

These changed jobs are all leeks!

"Congratulations, everyone's strength has gone further! In the future, I hope you will still support each other and carry forward the glory of these professions!"

Everyone bends down with gratitude to thank you.

"Look at what more cards you need to buy. Recently, a new batch of high-quality cards have been added. One more monster card will give you an extra guarantee!"

Daniel thought that his giant octopus had been killed by a monster, and he couldn't help but feel pain. It cost eight thousand gold coins to buy it!

In order to strengthen, Daniel decided to see if there were better cards.

In front of the counter, he saw the pink seven-star card at a glance. The unique color was too conspicuous. The pattern on it was a **** and white tiger.

"Boss, this..."

"This, for the time being, is the most expensive card in my shop. The price is 70w, and the strength is also a platinum level peak. It should be more predestined with you, and is the king of the orcs in another world."

"Wow even!"

The half-orcs exclaimed one after another! I like it very much, but I can't afford it!

Daniel frowned and asked: "Does the boss have anything else to introduce? This...Chapter 133 Arad Adventures (page 1/4),. It's still too expensive."

"It depends on what price you can accept."

After weighing his pockets, Daniel felt a pain in his heart, and asked tentatively: "Is there anyone with a strength of about 10,000 or so?"

Li Wuji took out Morgan of Hate and Rommel, the first hero, elf knight.

"These two are both gold-level cards, priced at 15,000. Although they are not particularly strong, they are good enough for you."

Glancing at the ugly Morgan, Daniel instinctively resisted, and the elf knight Rommel seemed a bit interesting.

"Is this an elf?"

Li Wuji shook his head and explained: "In that world, the elves are extinct. This is the dark elves, the race from the cursed elves, and they also have the blood of the elves."

Elf! Everyone looked at each other, and it was a little difficult to start.

The elves of the Qianling Continent are all handsome men and women with natural beauty. They respect nature, love peace, and don't like disputes.

Because of the appearance and character of the elves, some nobles will use some cunning methods to catch the elves and make the elves their playthings. But because they are too kind, the elves do not want to participate in the disputes of other races, and will use some treasures to redeem the elves who have become slaves.

Until the appearance of the abyss of monsters, the atmosphere of the abyss affected the environment where the elves lived. The flowers and trees were stained with pitch black. This made the elves who love nature completely broke the defense and had to take up their weapons to fight the monsters !

After that, the elves gradually gained some blood, and they were no longer the white lotus who was wantonly bullied. If someone was found enslaving the elves, they would resist desperately.

There used to be a large chamber of commerce that watched the trade of elven slaves, and even had a legendary swordsman, but was brutally killed by the current elven queen, the entire chamber was bloodbathed, and the legendary swordsman was also brutally killed.

Since then, the impression left by the elves on all the creatures of the entire continent is completely destroyed, and the current elven queen is very iron and blood! There are even rumors that the elves have been affected by the breath of the abyss. In short, no one dares to capture the elves as...Chapter 133 Arad Adventure Group (page 2/4),. Slave, until now, enslaving the elves has become a taboo!

Therefore, even though Rommel is a dark elf, Daniel is still afraid to buy it.

Li Wuji asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Is it dissatisfied?"

Daniel and Li Wuji explained the story about the elves of the Qianling Continent, which made Li Wuji a little embarrassed.

"It shouldn't matter, right? Dark elves and elves are not the same race!"

Daniel said embarrassingly: "It's not a matter of race, it's mainly because we dare not use it!"

Because once the card is bound, the monster in it is equivalent to the slave of the bound person.

Li Wuji was speechless.

Then he took out the card of the Shadow Swordsman Shaying, and introduced: "The other cards that suit your needs are gone. This card is a purple five-star card. It is not an exaggeration to say that even the current card cannot be played. This guy!"

Daniel's face was slightly shocked, and of course he knew the level of the boss who had fought with the boss.

"But the price is 55,000, I don't know if you can afford it."

Daniel's face flushed, he is now worth less than 20,000.

Seeing his dilemma, Li Wuji suggested: "You should be fighting together now? Then I suggest you form an adventure team. Anyway, they are all professionals who have gone out from me. You introduce a little devil who has been transferred to Jackie Chan, and when you grow up, it will be the most powerful organization in the entire Qianling Continent!"

Everyone was stunned. The professions that were transferred from the boss had great potential for improvement, and even quick high-level combat capabilities. If they all form an organization, they might become the best on the mainland in the near future. Great organization.

Diana played with her hair and said embarrassedly: "Actually...I don't have any opinion~www.ltnovel.com~ The key is to see what you mean."

Mia clasped Diana's arm tightly and pouted: "I'm like Sister Diana!"

Kenneth said lightly, "I have no objection."

Daniel was stunned for a moment and looked at his friends, they can...Chapter 133 Arad Adventure Group (page 3/4),. They are not professionals!

But his partners excitedly said: "Boss, you must join. If more and more professions join in the future, you will be the first batch!"


"Haha, we are the oil bottle behind the boss. The boss will develop in the future, and we will have more face!"

"Yes, yes! Don't miss it, boss!"

Daniel was very moved, and his partner really thought of him.

"Then I agree too!"

Li Wou-ki just made a small comment by accident, but he didn't expect it to have contributed to a major event!

"Then what's the name of our adventure group?"

Diana looked at the plaque of Li Wuji's shop and suggested: "Or call the Arad Adventure Group!"

Li Wuji's eyes lit up as he listened, this name is good! It sounds like your own shop is a sponsor. They will develop in the future, isn't that the best spokesperson?

But the group leader is frozen, won't he blow up the group?

Li Wuji hurriedly said: "Ahem...I made this suggestion... to make you use the money together, and get together to buy this card."


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