DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 134: Long-distance

In the end, the shadow swordsman Shaying was taken away by Daniel. Of course, most of the money he used came from Diana.

At this time, the various blacksmith shops had closed, and Li Wuji didn't want to open a nightclub, so he closed the door and began to study the upgraded prize pool.

He still has nine refresh orders, and he can't wait to make a wave!

So Li Wuji clicked the refresh button in front of him.

Under the expectant gaze, all the cards in the card pool disappeared, and then a new fifty chapter cards appeared.

Li Wuji looked at the refreshed prize pool, his face froze, and there was no purple card!

"System! You cheated me!"

"The 50% chance is not 100%, please keep the host in a good attitude!"

Li Wuji gritted his teeth and smashed another refresh order... still nothing!

"This is unscientific! I won't play anymore! I can't accept it!"

The system persuades: "The host must believe that this is accumulating luck. Think about it when you brush the abyss, will your bald head explode the myth?"

Li Wuji's face was pale, he felt that the system must have lied to him! What is the difference between this prize pool and no upgrade? Not even a professional card!

Li Wuji was lying on the bed, thinking of the days when he got the pink card a few days ago. The feeling of exploding fans is really hard to describe in words!


Li Wuji suddenly thought of something. He sat up and patted his head.

"Fuck, I made good things last time after being blessed by Lilith, oops! My lucky star is gone, what about my future lottery life!"

The system looked at Li Wuji, who was dying, very speechless.

"That's just the host's self-comfort. That vampire can't bring you luck!"

Li Wuji sneered and said: "Huh! You know what a hairy! You are awesome, why don't you help me adjust the burst rate?"

"Why does the host deceive himself so?"

Li Wuji is unhappy. He is not playing jokes. Although he is a little bit self-deceiving, who doesn't believe in a bit of metaphysics when playing DNF?

......Chapter 134 Remote Blessing (page 1/4),. You have to choose a good channel before hitting the abyss!

"In order to prove the feasibility of European gas contagion, I decided to go remote to get lucky!"

The system was silent for two seconds, and said, "Isn't the host deliberately making up an excuse for the woman to chat?"

Li Wuji was anxious: "I am not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense! I am not interested in women!"

"Ha ha,"

No longer paying attention to the Sima system, Li Wuji took out the pocket watch Lilith gave him, opened it gently, and the second hand inside it ticked.

Li Wuji hadn't actively made a phone call with his sister in two lifetimes, and he was a little nervous at this moment.

Trying to calm your uneasy heart, Li Wou-ki began to inject magic power into his pocket watch...

In an unknown town, Lilith wandered leisurely with a drink in her hand. She is not in a hurry, after all, it will be difficult for her to come out to play after she returns!

When she saw a blacksmith shop on the side of the road, Lilith couldn't help but think of her days in the card shop.

"I don't know what the boss is doing now?"

Just as she thought so, her pocket watch suddenly became warm.

Lilith hurriedly combed her hair with her hands, then opened her pocket watch.

What caught her eye was the boss she still missed just now, which made her feel a little happy!

"Ah! Good evening, boss! Is there anything to contact me so late?"

Li Wuji, who was far away in Qianling City, couldn't help but smile when he saw Lilith's appearance.

But this time he called to do business!

"It's actually a trivial matter to call you so late!"

Lilith asked suspiciously: "What is the phone?"

"Ahem...This is the name I gave to your pocket watch!"

"What's the matter then?"

What should I say? I want to get a little bit of European spirit from you? Isn't this okay?

Suddenly, Li Wuji's head flashed.


"I miss you!"

As soon as the words were said, the air suddenly became quiet.

After a few seconds of silence, Li...Chapter 134 Long-distance Blessing (page 2/4),. Liss said, "Boss, you don't seem to be a person who can speak such nasty talk!"

"Ahem... Where is this, there are even more sorrows!"

Lilith chuckled, "Then tell me."

"You are weird today."

"Where is it?"

"Weirdly cute."

"Oh, babble"

"I want to plant a piece of land in your heart."




"I am nine and you are three."

"And then?"

"Except you, you are still you."


At first Lilith was blushing with this kind of earthy love words, and when she listened to her laughter, she leaned forward and backwards. The first time she heard such strange and innocent love words, she struck her smile inexplicably. point.

Seeing Lilith smiling so happily, Li Wuji also laughed.

"Ahem...I'm finished telling this joke, let's talk about it here?"

"Okay! The boss rests early!"

When the picture was about to disappear, Li Wuji rubbed his finger violently against Lilith's face.

So in the process of Lilith's bewilderment, the call ended in a weird way.

Lilith touched her face and said to herself in confusion: "Huh? Is there anything on my face?"


"This wave of I must have caught the European spirit! Hurry up and don't waste the lottery!"

Li Wuji quickly opened the prize pool interface, cast a refresh order, then covered his eyes and yelled inwardly: "Give it to Dad!"

The system quietly looked at Li Wuji~www.ltnovel.com~ and had expected him to look flat.

Believe in science, not metaphysics.

When the system just wanted to say that, the light of the prize pool shone.


This was called by the system, not by Li Wuji. Li Wuji, who was covering his eyes, was taken aback!

"Damn it scared me! Why are you **** up too? Is there something good?"

The system didn't speak any more, and it suddenly wondered whether there was any scientific basis for this European-style infection of Dafa.

Li Wu...Chapter 134 Long-distance Blessing (page 3/4),. Ji opened his eyes, looked at the prize pool that was drawn out, and yelled, "Fuck!"

In the new prize pool, two purple cards, blue shadow Masaccio and a giant flame slime, and a pink card, Aslan the Forgotten! In addition, there is a professional card Frozen Heart!

"Haha! System, what is this not luck?"

The system jammed: "This... this is not scientific!"

Li Wuji said disdainfully: "Drawing cards still believes in science, drawing cards is a matter of metaphysics!"

The system does not speak anymore.

Li Wuji smashed six ten consecutive draws in a beautiful mood, and finally pulled out the highlights.

At present, the turnover lottery draws are always profitable without loss. Although the professional card can only be issued once, the monster card is unlimited.

Because he wasn't sure whether he would be able to produce so many good things next time, Li Wuji smashed his turnover by more than 100,000. Draw out 3 Aslan the Forgotten, 8 Blue Shadow Masaccio, and 6 Giant Flame Slime.

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