DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 135: Mystery guest

"Boss, can you help me untie this collar? I have important things to do."

The next morning, Emily spoke to Li Wuji very seriously.

Li Wuji yawned, and said in amazement: "Are you stupid or I? What if you turn your head and catch me with a grudge against the experience of this time?"

Emily pursed her lips, pointed to the card shop and said aggrieved: "How dare I?"

"Who knows if you dare, anyway, I'm afraid, I don't understand!"

"Boss! There is really a very important thing, which concerns the safety of the entire continent!"

Li Wuji raised his eyebrows, his face full of distrust.

"What does this have to do with the safety of the entire continent?"

"Something happened in the abyss of monsters. I am one of the creators of the barrier. I need to see if there is any danger of the barrier being destroyed."

Li Wuji thought for a while. Indeed, he heard from his guests recently about the monster riots, and Kubayashi was seriously injured as a result, and Daniel was also eroded by the breath of the abyss.

"Are you still one of the creators of the barrier?"

Emily straightened her chest and nodded proudly.

"Why hasn't your emperor picked you back for so long? Wouldn't he want you?"

Emily's eyes widened: "How is it possible, don't talk nonsense!"

"It's been more than a week, why haven't you seen anyone here?"

"Yes, it's been a week, why haven't anyone come yet? I'm a legendary mage, I won't be abandoned, am I?"

The old woman suddenly started to panic. The kid who went back to send the letter would not be intercepted on the road, right?

Li Wuji patted her on the shoulder and persuaded, "Don't worry, you will have to do more than half a month of hard work at most, and then the collar will be automatically unlocked!"

Emily is anxious: "But... there really is a problem over there!"

"You also said that you are only one of the barrier creators. I have learned that it is the result of research by dozens of legendary mages. There is a lot less than you. Honestly, go to work next door!"

Speaking of Li Wuji, he drove Emily out.

......Chapter 135 Mysterious Guest (page 1/4),. Emily couldn't help it, she was indeed a lot less, and she just wanted Li Wuji to untie her collar as soon as possible. Whenever she thinks that she will be a tool person for more than half a month, she is so angry that she scolds her mother, especially the dog named Nile, who brought herself here to provoke people who shouldn’t be offended, so she asked him to report a letter. Haven't gotten it for so long!

Because there are more guests during the day, Li Wuji has rarely gone to the Demon Abyss to practice, and his training time has basically become a once-a-week trip to Arad.

After today's prize pool was refreshed, a strange purple card, the little mermaid, Kongkongyi, and a mechanic professional card were refreshed.

As for the profession of mechanics, it is indeed a bit out of tune with this world. Even the mechanics of the dwarves can only make guns, ammunition and other things, while the mechanics in the DNF can throw all kinds of robots and turrets at will. Li Wuji didn't know if this profession was the same as in the game. If it were the same, then it felt that mechanical civilization might bring some different changes to the world.

There were not many guests in the morning. At this time, a woman with a very beautiful face and outstanding temperament stopped in front of the card shop.

Some guests noticed that the woman had a pair of pointed ears while marveling at the woman's face.

Elf! It still looks like a very powerful wizard mage!

The wizard mage lightly smiled at everyone who looked at her, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

After a few guests left, the wizard mage walked to Li Wuji's counter and said softly, "Hello."

When Li Wuji raised his head, he was stunned. This elder sister was so exquisite!

But those long ears are still very conspicuous.


"Hello, visitor from another world, my name is Vernia, the fairy forest from the south."

Li Wuji also said hello politely: "Hello, my name is Li Wuji. Do you have any needs?"

Vernia was slightly surprised: "Don't you recognize me?"

Li Wuji quickly recalled and confirmed that he had never known him again before...Chapter 135 Mysterious Guest (page 2/4),. Elf, so he replied: "Should we meet for the first time?"

"I am a legendary mage."

Li Wuji is in awe, who is also a legendary mage, look at the conversation and temperament of this big sister, and think about how arrogant and domineering the old woman was when she first met him, that old woman Emily should really study hard. , It looks like she is going to take a parenting class!

"Velnia, you are here..."

It seems that Li Wou-ki does not know herself. Vernia looked at the various cards on the counter and asked with a smile: "I heard someone say something has happened in the abyss of monsters here, so I came to investigate specially. I saw some monsters that I had never seen before coming out of the cards. I asked them curiously and found them here. Are these the cards you sold to those people?"

"Yes, the cards that have been circulated throughout the world are from me. There is no other channel."

"What level can these cards be the strongest?"

"At present, the strongest monster card I have obtained is the pinnacle of platinum level. If the business does well in the future, I can get stronger cards, and legendary cards may also be obtained."

Vernia's eyes suddenly became sharp: "What is the price you need to sell this card?"

"Only accept money, don't accept exchange for goods."

For those mercenaries, money may be something that has been struggling with their lives, but for nobles ~www.ltnovel.com~ money is not a price at all! If it is monopolized by nobles, wouldn't it be...

As if seeing Vernia’s thoughts, Li Wuji explained: “I have a big boss behind me, no one can monopolize me. Some time ago, a legendary mage named Emily wanted to capture me and wanted to force a monopoly. My card is still doing hard work next door!"

This was a warning. Although he felt that the legendary wizard of the elves would not do anything to him, who could say it clearly?

After listening to Li Wuji's words, Verzini's face changed slightly: "Is the Emily you mentioned the Obero Empire?"

"Oh, that's right, this empire...Chapter 135 Mysterious Guest (page 3/4). The dog emperor wants to use my card to activate War, but I refused, so the old woman wanted to do it, and then she became a prisoner of mine."

"real or fake?"

"That old woman is right next door, you will find out soon after you go see it for yourself!"

Verzhini moved the letter suspiciously to the blacksmith's shop next door, and saw a messy woman moving the ore sweating profusely.

Although it has been a long time since I saw it, I can vaguely tell that the dirty and messy woman dressed like a village girl is Emily who is known as the shackles of the void! A generation of legendary wizards has fallen to this point, which makes Vernia very uneasy!

"Is that you? Emily?"

Emily stiffened for a while, and slowly turned her head back. After seeing Vernia, she was stunned for a few seconds and said excitedly: "Have you been caught by your boss as a coolie? Haha, don't you? Lonely!"

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