DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 299: The apostle was myself

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This time, Li Wuji was really panicked, and hurriedly said to the system: "Big Brother System! Dad System! Save the child!"

The system rescued Li Wuji once before being controlled by Rotes, so Li Wuji had to ask the system for help again in a hurry.

However, the system said confidently: "Don't worry, host! Everything is under my control, he can't kill us!"

"Really? I don't want to die here!"

"Just put ten thousand hearts!"

Rotes was also extremely weak, much weaker than Li Wuji, but the lean camel was bigger than a horse, and his sneak attack was successful.

"Ahem... The fate predicted by Herder was finally broken by me haha! Damn adventurer, let me die!"

The tentacles that encased Li Wuji shrank fiercely, Li Wuji's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, severe pain was felt all over his body, and his bones creaked.

"Fuck... the system... your host can't stand it anymore!"

Rotes laughed wildly. Although he was seriously injured, he was about to break his fate. He was already thinking about how to rub the **** Herder on the ground!

But with hard work, a strange feeling suddenly rose in Rotes' heart, as if he would die if he killed this Li Wuji.

"This...what is going on with this feeling?"

This feeling was so strong that he couldn't control his tentacles to continue strangling, and then immediately sent away his tentacles.

Li Wuji fell down in a daze, and looked at his health bar. It seemed that there was 10% left, but he didn't die?

"What's the matter? Brother Rotes?"

However, he saw Rotes' eyes full of incredibleness, backed in panic, and then said with a trembling voice: "You...you are not a human!"

Li Wuji looked at himself dumbfounded. There are hands and feet, and there is no mutation.

"Crazy you, you are not human! Your whole family is not human!"

Rotes said very seriously: "It can't be wrong, you have the same breath as ours, and you are also an apostle! Who are you? Herder? Or Kahn?"

Li Wuji opened his mouth wide and pointed to himself, "Is there something wrong with your brain? Have you ever seen such a weak apostle?"

At this time, the sound of the system sounded in Li Wuji's mind, even if the machine looked like an artificial intelligence, Li Wuji could hear its pride.

"Attention host, the apostle Rotes said is me!"

"Aha? What's the matter? You are Herder?"

The system is obviously stuck: "It's not..."

Li Wuji had guessed the true identity of the system more than once. In addition to being built by the gods of Qianling Continent, he also guessed whether he was in a game and the system was the player controlling him.

But never expected that the apostle was by my side? Oh, the apostle is still myself!

"Yeah? No! There are only twelve apostles, and there are only twelve first Beyana. Which illegitimate child are you?"

"Cut an image for the host."

At this time, the world in Li Wuji's eyes began to change...

A mysterious light in the universe, the supreme **** in the universe, the great will Carlosso was born.

Carlosso raised his head, and the world was born. He was the will of the entire universe.

In order to make himself more pure, Carlosso separated his dark side.

However, what he didn't expect was that the separated power wandered in the universe and was used by a highly civilized planet.

Terra Star, the predecessor of the Demon World.

Under the research of Terra Star scientists, the existence that can resist the gods was artificially created, that is, the twelve first-generation Beyana!

The Twelve Beyana completely inherited half of Carlosso's power. After the Terra people possessed this power, they had the idea of ​​killing the gods, hoping that the will of the universe would take Terra as the core.

So the first battle of gods broke out in the universe, and the great will Carlosso and the Twelve God of Terra began the war.

In this battle to destroy the heavens and the earth, Terra Star was destroyed, the Twelve Beyana was also destroyed by Carlosso, and the power in his body began to wander again, looking for a new host in the universe...

This is the history that Li Wuji knew from the beginning, but seeing this god-destroying battle with his own eyes gave him no more shock.

However, the matter is not over yet, this battle is not a unilateral crush by Carlosso, and he has also been seriously injured.

During the battle, Carlosso's body gradually collapsed, and a large number of fragments drifted in the universe.

After winning, Carlosso recovered all the fragments of his will. Each fragment has his will attached, which is not difficult.

But after recovering all the fragments, Carlosso was surprised to find that the collapse of the universe caused by the war of God caused one of his fragments to float to another universe.

This fragment of Carlosso's will was picked up by an old man holding a hammer in another universe, and the old man was very in awe of the fragment after getting it.

But soon after, a black continent drifted over and launched a strange net, completely isolating the old man's continent.

When a group of gods tried and couldn't break this barrier, the old man with the hammer found Li Wuji's old acquaintance, the goddess of life.

Then the old man took out the mysterious fragment, and the fragment transformed into a small Carlosso. After talking to the old man and the goddess of life, Carlosso turned into fragments again...

After seeing this, Li Wuji probably understood it completely.

"Are you the piece?"

"Yes it is."

No wonder Rotes couldn't hurt himself. In a way, the system was an apostle.

And when he was in the village of pain last time, Di Ruiji also told himself that he had a familiar aura in him.

"That's wrong, why can the twelve Bianas be defeated by Carlosso?"

"Because Carlosso is the body of the great will, it can punish the false gods of Terra, but they can't defeat Carlosso, it was originally a battle that must be lost!"

"So, since the apostles can't kill each other directly, how can I kill Lotters?"

"I can temporarily disconnect from the host."

Li Wuji heard this ~www.ltnovel.com~ and laughed: "Goodgood!"

Rotes watched Li Wuji walk over, and said without a word: "Apostles can't kill each other. Although you don't know who you are, you can't kill me!"

Li Wuji was seriously injured by Rotes just now, so he staggered.

"Brother Rotes, since everyone is the same identity, I am sure I will not lie to you? If you commit suicide, I can revive you from another world and restore your full strength."

Rotes smiled disdainfully, and said, "Haha! Why don't you stop me, so you want to lie to me? Your reason is too low-level!"

Li Wuji climbed onto Rotes, took out a blunt weapon to "crack the bone", and then showed a very sunny smile: "I also want to see what force prevents us from killing each other. Can I give it a try?"

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