DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 300: Rotes, die

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Lotters' eyes widened, and he was panicked as he watched Li Wuji's hammer.

"Hey hey hey, wait a minute! I'm dying, can we not try?"

Li Wuji confidently said: "Don't worry, I also have Carlosso's will fragments on me. I am very sure that I am the thirteenth apostle, and I definitely can't kill you!"

Rotes had already determined and couldn't continue hurting Li Wuji, so he was a little nervous. He had an ominous premonition that this human being seemed to be different from them!

Li Wuji had already raised the big hammer and slammed it down under Rotes' panicked gaze.


Rotes's face was smashed into a sink, and the power at this moment reached two times, and there was a triple tremor effect. In the case of extreme weakness, this was a fatal blow!


Only then did Rotes realize the seriousness of the matter. He didn't even understand why the law between the apostles didn't work for Li Wuji.

Rotes' life was passing by quickly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. Damn it, he was killed by a little human before he could beat Herder hard!

"After all... still did not break fate..."

"No, no, I've helped you break your fate, and Herder must be stupid."

Before the last words could be finished, Rotes lost the high light in his eyes, and the huge red octopus collapsed.

Rotes, die.

And the system reconnected at this moment.

"Detected the soul of a colored monster, whether to seal it as a card."

Li Wuji swallowed nervously, and hurriedly said, "Seal! Is it necessary to ask?"

"Detected that the host lacks the original color card..."


As a result, the turnover of 100 million yuan was directly thrown out, causing Li Wuji to turn pale with heartache.

Holding the colorful original card in his hand, he said silently to Rotes' corpse: "Seal!"

Suddenly, the huge octopus turned into a streamer and drilled into the card, and the card that exuded colorful light gradually condensed the pattern of Rotes.

"Monster Name: The Eighth Apostle Longfoot Rotes

Skills: Law of the Sea, Mind Control, Tentacle Attack.

Combat power: 10000~200000000 (determined by the environment)

Price: 200000000

Introduction: The overlord of the sea, the eighth apostle Long-footed Rotes, can control thousands of weapons, strong is really strong, and weak when it is weak.

Note: After the colored card is summoned, it will not be restricted by the summoner. There is only a non-harmful relationship with the summoner. The summoner cannot force the card to be taken back. The monster's consent is required.


Li Wuji put away the cards contentedly, it is you Rotes, strong is really strong, and it is really weak after leaving the ocean.

"This trial has been completed, does the host want to go back?"

"Go back!"

The monster on the back of the Skyshroud Giant Beast can't make any waves without Lotters, so it's left to the lovely adventurer!

So Li Wuji disappeared in place in a burst of light. The huge sky curtain behemoth suddenly felt a lot lighter on its back, and then realized that the terrifying big octopus was missing, so he twisted his body in the air and gave a happy cry.


Later, after the adventurer and Ophelia came to the Sky Curtain Giant Beast, both of them were dumbfounded. Except for some octopus monsters, all of them were good people, and they also introduced him to ancient knowledge here.

Alice was also stupid, her prophecy encountered Waterloo, and there was no such thing as an apostle on the back of the Skyshroud Giant!

Herder came to the Skyshroud Behemoth, there were traces of battles here, but there was no trace of Lotters, not even a cell.

Herder, who was in control of everything, couldn't help but squeezed his eyebrows. It's really hard to be able to encounter such a supernatural event in this life.

"Forget it, it's a good thing to die, I'd better arrange Di Ruiji first, alas..."


After opening his eyes, Li Wuji breathed a sigh of relief. He had to say that fighting Rotts was really exciting. Even if he was weak, he almost killed him at this level.

"It's no wonder that the adventurer needs the help of Aganzo and Barn, so I can't be too careless!"

"Dip——Congratulations to the host for completing this trial and getting rewards: designated random series of professional cards*2, random orange monster cards*2, prize pool refresh order*50."

There was a new item that attracted Li Wuji: "What is this designated random series professional card*2?"

"You can choose between two series of occupation cards to get the initial occupation card, one-sensation occupation card, two-sensation occupation card, and three-sensation occupation card of the series."

Li Wuji was taken aback: "What? Three-sensation professional card? I thought you only have a second-sensation professional card here!"

"The Three Senses Professional Card can only be obtained by specific tasks, and the prize pool is not available."

"good stuff!"

Li Wuji save it first, don't use it first, if he uses it himself, only Jiyu·Sword Soul is useful to him, and the previous ones are wasted.

The strongest career card at the moment should be Douluo. The setting of this career is directly linked to the apostle, and you can temporarily incarnate as the God of Battle of Beyana. This is the embryonic form of the first generation of Beyana, the God of Terra.

What's next? The female priesthood is actually pretty good. I have a daddy, and I can accompany Kenneth with a nanny, who can be milked, attacked, and resurrected. It will definitely play a huge role in the war that follows.

Think about it this way for the time being, and see if anyone can fit it.

Now Li Wuji is very poor. Although he has an extra 200 million card in his hand, it is not easy to meet someone with this financial ability.

The old woman and Vernia made a lot of money on Matthias, and they can sell it to them, but the problem is that they have nothing to do with the ocean!


"Yo! Didn't you go to Arad? Only a few minutes? The machine is broken?"

Li Wuji smiled and said, "I have come back!"

"So fast?"

"Just going to a fight, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

A Jialu frowned, and asked with some worry, "Is it all right?"

Li Wuji waved his hand: "It's okay~www.ltnovel.com~ No matter how badly you get hurt over there, you will be done as long as you come back, and this time I will bring back a big guy!"

Speaking, Li Wuji walked to the shelf and placed the colorful card on the highest position.

Ajialu stretched her head to take a look, her pupils shrunk: "Apostle Rotes? You killed the Apostle?"

"Yes, that's right, I took advantage of it."

Ajialu suddenly looked at Li Wuji weirdly: "Are you going to get Lord Di Ruiji here afterwards?"

"Have this idea."

Ajialu didn't object. Di Ruiji was going to be worried about by the bad woman named Herder every day. How nice it is to be here, at least don't have to live so fearlessly.

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