DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 209: Sodros

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There was still Casillas' hearty laughter in the air, but with the last move, his figure disappeared.

"Little girl, you have to work hard! Your magic can't support my stronger clone to pass by!"

Casillas' time has come, after all, the clone cannot exist forever.

The sword man who was frightened by a clone to escape was swallowed in the sword landing prison. The last pair of purple eyes tried to escape, but was also stabbed to death by the sword.

Kubayashi grabbed Mia's shoulders and exclaimed: "It's too fierce, you only awakened once, and you can turn the legend over!"

Mia said with some embarrassment: "It's Casillas who is great, not me!"

Everyone wanted to say something, Diana suddenly shouted: "Stop the ink, run, there is a stronger enemy!"

There is a horrible atmosphere brewing in the distance, and that is definitely not something they can resist. Although Casillas' clone is powerful, its ability is also limited!

Everyone was pale, and Kubaiasi quickly jumped on Astra's back and shouted, "It's coming up soon!"

The earth suddenly turned black, and a hoarse voice rang.

"Weak bugs dare to kill people in my territory!"

Then a black energy ball with a diameter of ten meters flew out of the woods inside.

This energy ball has very terrifying fluctuations, wherever it passes, no grass grows!

Astra flees with everyone, but it seems that he can't escape.

Kubayashi hurriedly pulled Astra's dragon horns: "Astra, hurry up!"

"Oh oh oh! (I tried my best!

In panic, Diana took out the Charlerfitz that Li Wuji gave her. She didn't want to use it because they didn't use the money to buy it.

But at this time, I can't manage so much, and I will return it to the boss after earning a big deal in the future.

A black figure appeared in front of the crowd, and Charlerfitz, wearing black sunglasses, calmly looked at the black sphere coming forward.

He is the leader of the Shah Xiu faction. He once wanted to pull the high apostles down from the detectives, and even gave the bird a wave of dark eyes during the battle between Prey and Isis.

To describe him in one sentence, he is not afraid of heaven and earth!

So in the face of this shot, he wasn't afraid at all.

In addition to being the leader of the Shah Xiu faction, Charlevoix is ​​also the ancestor of the Elemental Demolitionist!

"Hey! Hurry up and stop this attack!"

When the black ball was about to come, Charlerfords took off his glasses. Because his back was facing everyone, the others did not see his deep to dark eyes.

The pupil of annihilation, the doomsday is annihilated!

The dark pupils turned into a black hole, as if the world had stopped, and everything that the eyes saw was turned into ashes.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but this **** egg was directly swallowed by the black hole, and no sound came out.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't even believe that the scene was rubbed, and Charleforz, who was unscathed, lost the blow of the demigod!

Charlerfords put on his cool black sunglasses again, and his white hair fluttered in the wind, so handsome.

Then he said lightly: "The task is complete, let me go back and rest."

After saying this, Charlefourtz shook his shoulders and knelt on the ground weakly with his legs weakened.

The atmosphere seemed a bit awkward, but in fact, taking the blow didn't seem as relaxed as it seemed.

As if not wanting to be seen so embarrassed, Charlerfords said hurriedly: "Master, let me go back!"

Diana was also not so unkind, and Charlevoix was soon taken back into the card, and everyone retreated safely by dragon.

The enemy who put the **** ball seemed to have something inseparable, so he didn't chase it.

They are going back to report the situation to Li Wuji. This is what the boss said is the abnormal situation of the monster abyss, and they also encountered the aliens with purple eyes, but it was a pity that they were killed by Casillas.


Soon, after receiving Li Wuji's instructions, Lilith returned to the card shop.

"Boss, long time no see!"

Li Wuji blinked his eyes, only a few days, not long, right?

"Ahem... It's been a long time, let's go draw a card! And you can open this thing!"

Random orange monster card*2, hand it to Lilith.

Lilith also seemed to like the feeling of opening a card, without any ink marks.

Orange three stars: Gravity Demon Bais

Five Orange Stars: Spencer

Although not particularly strong, Li Wuji's eyes widened when he saw the monster Spencer.

Flashed in my mind when the 100-level version was first updated, the endless journey into the abyss, just to meet you, Spencer!

Spencer = myth.

"This must be implying that I will have a myth as long as I draw a lottery next time!"

The system poured cold water on him: "Don't think too much about the host, this is just an ordinary monster card and has no special meaning."

"You haven't brushed the abyss, you know something!"


"Shut up, I'm going to draw a lottery!"

Since discovering that the mission of the system is to save the world, and then he is the only candidate, Li Wou-ki has been hardened a lot. It is impossible for him to leave himself to find another host, because the enemy is about to fight home!

"Stop talking! Let me go to the draw!"

Li Wuji took Lilith back to the room, touched her face, then rubbed his hands and started the draw!

Two minutes later, Li Wuji was a little numb, and it seemed to be an incredible card.

Extreme Sword Soul: Soderros!

Oh my God! What level of boss is this, the ceiling of human combat power in the Arad continent! The ancestor of the sword soul! The first extreme sword soul in Arad continent!

In the official plot, this tycoon who has practiced for two thousand years in the Tower of Despair has been arranged as the old enemy of the fourth apostle conqueror Casillas, who can fight the strongest apostle under Kahn, which can be seen How strong is his strength!

The number of stars on the card has reached 10, and even a strange gradient appears faintly.

"Sure enough, Spencer is a myth, haha!"

The system has fallen into deep autism, and it is **** off by this vampire girl who cannot be measured scientifically.

Ah~www.ltnovel.com~ This **** metaphysics! Let the host install it again!

That's all, it's all good!

Lilith was jumping around trying to see the card in Li Wuji's hand, but from Li Wuji's expression, she could guess that it must be a card that was not lost to Roche!

"Boss boss, give me Kangkang, what kind of awesome card, I want to buy it!"

Li Wuji raised his eyebrows: "Do you have so much money? Didn't you say that the money in your family belongs to you completely?"

"Ah, my father said, when it comes to buying cards, the family's money is spent casually, and he won't wait until he can't afford it, uh... grab it!"

Li Wuji's mouth twitched, he didn't want to sell, because he wanted to use it for himself, this is the ancestor of his profession, and he is not short of this 100 million now.

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