DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 210: Rotes opens business

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"This is not the same as a normal card. It's a human kind. You have one Roche. Just buy some normal orange card to reinforce it."

Lilith said dissatisfied: "Why don't you sell it to me!"

Li Wuji replied indifferently: "This is my ancestor!"

Lilith was stunned for a moment, and uttered a few moments: "Nice!"

"But here are your professional cards, the Earl of Blood Prison and the Lord of Blood Prison, so I can improve my strength early, so that Roche will look down on you!"



Emily had already returned and told Li Wuji about the situation of the Holy Light.

Li Wuji was not too surprised. After all, the old bishop was not strong enough, and the number of pastors was already very small. It was impossible to have a great influence.

So if something goes wrong, can only the goddess of life be able to exert full combat power? But she is at best a support, and the law of life is not a combat-type ability.

Of course there is also a goddess of fate, because every day someone asks for the favor of the goddess of luck.

What Li Wuji didn't know was that even after a thousand years, the Demon Race still maintained the traditional priests, and their beliefs had not changed.

"It doesn't matter anymore, there is no time anyway, let Rotes start a group, old woman!"

Emily quickly contacted Lotus, who was floating on the sea and basking in the sun, through the mark left by Lotus.

"Master Poseidon, the boss said...you can start a group."

Rotes opened his eyes and stirred his body, but under his control, the sea did not make a splash.

"Is it finally going to fight? Haha, I haven't used this heyday to fight for a long time."

The hoarse voice spread across every corner of the ocean.

"My people! The time has come to fight for the place where we live, please give me your faith!"

From legendary sea monsters to small fishes and shrimps, the eyes were full of fanaticism.

"Praise Lord Seagod!"

The blue power of faith rushed toward Lotus like a tide, and the entire sea was flashing with blue light.

Feeling the power of faith pouring into his body, Rotes heard the dense prayers, as well as the believers with fanatical looks.

Although these beliefs gave him great strength, they were also pressed on his heart like a mountain.

"These are my people, I want to protect them!"

Rotes raised this strong idea, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. In the sea of ​​the devil, the creatures in the ocean have only fear for him, and on the behemoth of the sky shroud, the followers of the GBL religion also hate and fear him.

As the awesome eighth apostle, he actually felt responsibility for the first time!

"Those native gods, you have to give them some strength!"

Rotes controlled the force of the ocean to launch a super strong light towards the sky.

Everyone on the entire continent has seen this huge blue beam of light rising into the sky, and it has been too long since they saw this shocking mighty force!

"Praise the sea god!"

"Praise the sea god!"


Seeing this kind of power, you don't need to deliberately tell, everyone knows that this is the power of Poseidon!

Rotes relied on this wave of operations to also earn a lot of power of faith from other creatures on the land.


The dark continent outside the void.

Spider-woman saw the gods gathered together through the monitor: "Those native gods seem to be moving a bit today."

The demon-like man said, "Scraeg was a bit abnormal before, what's the matter?"

"Let him not provoke those indigenous gods, if they are pressed into a hurry and blew up a few times, our void isolation net will not be able to withstand it."

"Hehe, it's best to let them blew themselves up. If they lose some more combat power, they are definitely not our opponents!"

At this time, the instruments in the entire room began to sound a strong alarm.

The faces of the heads of the dark continents changed drastically.

"Mother issued a warning, let's see what happened!"

As the core, Spider-Woman first stabilized her mind and called up the monitoring screen of Qianlingxing.

I saw a fierce blue beam of light gushing out of the planet, breaking through the **** protective shield of the planet they were thinking about, and then continuing to rush towards the **** realm of the aboriginal gods.

"What? How could there be the power of the law? That planet was born with the ruler?"

"Not good! The Void Isolation Network is about to be destroyed!"

Spiderwoman stretched out a spider's leg, patted the table, and cursed: "Calm down! Although it was beyond our expectations, the appearance of the ruler is too late! And this is not a bad thing, at least this The shield of the planet has been shattered, and we can already do our best against this planet!"

"Then what shall we do?"

"All our warriors and former slaves will be put into the teleportation seed. Kalki and Mirage will deal with the newly born native gods and try their best to infect the environment of this planet. Others will follow me to try their best to stop these native gods. They are not our opponents who just got out of trouble! Act now!"

Spider-woman still had a high right to speak, and all the people of the Dark Continent took action immediately.

On the other side, Skreg, who was in charge of patrolling before, also saw a blue beam of light rushing towards him.

This was a full blow that condensed the faith of all marine creatures. Skreg felt the life crisis and gave up on the mecha he was driving and quickly fleeed.

Then I watched this blue beam of light hit the void isolation net that wrapped the God Realm, and then began to slowly collapse.

When the gods saw this scene, they all showed excited smiles, it has been a thousand years! Finally out of trouble!

In an instant, all kinds of wonderful powers of faith surged over the gods.

The goddess of life who bears the brunt, the huge power of faith radiates from Qianlingxing, and then gathers on the goddess of life.

This is their unique power, because the people on the dark continent have no believers.

In addition to the goddess of life, there is also the goddess of destiny that is instantly full of blood.

The other gods didn't feel very good, especially the Poseidon who had lost his godhead, and could only watch other friends pretending to be B.

Skreg's scalp was numb, and this group of native gods who had antagonisms with them were free, and they must avenge him severely.

"No! I want to run quickly!"

However, when he first reacted~www.ltnovel.com~ a circle of flames fell from the sky and bound him firmly!

A demon with long horns on his forehead appeared beside Skreg, laughing wildly and raising his fist covered in raging fire.

"Outsiders, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

But Skreg was not a person to wait, and he tried his best to break free from the ring of fire in a panic.

But a woman in a black dress fiddled with some strange lines lightly, and then spit out two words in her mouth.


Skreg's face stiffened, and he felt something strange on his head, and then suddenly ran into a small meteorite floating in the universe while fleeing.

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