DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 311: Tug of war

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Skreg couldn't figure out why he could hit a meteorite, and because he accelerated too much, the meteorite was directly crushed by him, and his brain was buzzing.

The Devil's Advocate opened its wings, raised and took out the fiery red long sword, and stab at Skreg.

The long sword carries the flames that can smelt the soul, and stabs at Skreg!

Skreg recovered from the short-term dizziness, and then saw that this terrifying sword was about to be pierced, and the souls of the dead suddenly appeared.

"Stop...Stop it!"

"I'm in your mother's hand! It's been a thousand years, I'm sorry if I don't beat you into slag!"


The moment the long sword pierced, the black blood surged.

Because of occupying this body for a long time, the blood has also become the color belonging to the dark continent.

At the same time, Skreg's body burst out with terrifying flames, drowning him!

This demon's fire burned his soul to the outside and tender inside, and he kept screaming!

"Ah!! Damn aboriginal, don't force me!"

A black thunder and lightning came out of Skreg's whole body, and then his whole body split apart, and then Skreg's whole body burst open under the surprised gaze of the Demon Lord.

"Damn native! Wait and see, I will definitely be back!"

Then there was a gap in Skreg's back, and Skreg, who was twice as small as the original, got out of his original body and turned into a stream of light and fled at the speed of light.

"Huh? Jin Chan escaped from the shell?"

Just as Skreg thought he was going to escape, green vines stretched out of the void, woven into a huge black grid.

However, Skreg looked at the gap slightly larger than his body and laughed loudly: "This gap can't trap me!"

Although these gaps are shrinking, he believes he can get through before they shrink.

However, looking at the gap that could obviously penetrate, when he got in, he contracted directly, and then tied him up!


"This is unreasonable!"

However, the goddess who manipulated the thread of fate smiled faintly and said: "Fate is reasonable."

Although Skreg was separated from his original body, the halo of doom on his head was still there, so the seemingly unreasonable development was caused by luck.

Holding the flame sword, the demon lord rushed towards Skreg with a grinning smile.

When Skreg saw this scene, his heart was really panicked.

"No way, I don't want to die!"

After evolving life forms with illusory eyes, their lifespan is the same as that of the dark continent, which is equivalent to semi-permanent life forms.

Because of this, they have forgotten how to fear death, but when facing death, they finally exposed the fear hidden in their hearts.

At this moment, black warships flew in the other direction.

An angry roar rang: "Damn native! Do you dare?"

After seeing these warships coming, Skreg said arrogantly: "Haha! My brothers are here to save me, if you dare to kill me... uh..."

Skreg's purple eyes protruded, and panic and fear were written on his face.

Because that sword had directly pierced him, there was a fiery flame burning in his body, even burning his soul!

Feeling the gradual passing of his own life, Skreg said incredulously: "How dare you..."

The demon lord drew out the flame sword and sneered: "I'm already destined to be a mortal enemy, so why dare you dare to say? It seems that you guys have a bit of a bad brain!"


Seeing that he was not dead, the Demon's initiative used the power of the law of fire to slash again.

"Ah... it hurts..."

The flame of the demon lord is not an ordinary flame, burning the flesh and devouring the soul. This kind of pain really made Skreg a better life than death, it was the greatest torture in his life!

"Huh? It's pretty hard!"

The demon lord ignored his screams and stabbed a few more swords.

"Remember, it was the great demon lord who killed you, Satan!"

The purple eyes finally disappeared, and it was at this moment that fierce artillery fire spurted from the battleships.

As if venting his anger to Satan, dense shells and lasers shot over. These shells have the power to kill the gods, and the gods have also suffered a lot in the gods these years.

Satan's pupils shrank, he didn't want to be killed as soon as he finished acting!

"Satan! Come back! Let's meet the enemy together!"

The holy light descended from the sky, filling Satan with power.

So before the vine net was destroyed by cannonballs, Satan quickly fled the scene with the power given by the goddess of light.

The gods held up a light curtain and easily blocked all the shells.

On a battleship, a dark continent warrior wearing a black armor came out and said angrily: "The humble native! How dare you ignore my warning!"

Satan sneered: "Oh! Do you still treat us as prey in a cage? You have the ability to single out!"

The black armor warrior paused, but he did not dare to take it, because he knew that this tall flame ruler was one of the strongest combat powers of this gang of native gods. Just now, Skreg had no backhand strength enough to explain the situation.

"Huh! Indigenous people of lower civilization will fight in this barbaric way!"

"Hehe, you blocked us a thousand years ago, plotting wrongs on our planet, and you haven't seen how civilized you are?"

The purple eyes of the black armor warrior flickered slightly: "It is the glory of this planet to be the nourishment of our mother! If you are willing to surrender, when our mother evolves, we can give you the opportunity to assimilate into our purple pupils!"

"But I don't think you guys are good enough! It's useless to say more, come and fight!"

The black armor warrior snorted coldly and got back into the black battleship. Only then did the idiot fight them hand-to-hand!

The goddess of life looked at the gods who had not yet responded, and said solemnly: "Please resonate with your statues on the mainland as soon as possible, and respond to the prayers of the believers. We will help you support the first wave of attack!"

"In that case, trouble you guys!"

"For our parents and people!"


The black armor warrior suddenly discovered that most of the indigenous gods began to sit on the ground, absorbing the power of faith from that planet to restore their power!

"Not good! Full attack! Be sure to stop them!"

So more fierce firepower than before attacked the gods~www.ltnovel.com~ The goddess of life was the head of the few gods who were able to recover, quickly succumbed to the enchantment, blocking the shells and lasers outside, but every time they came , There will be some small cracks in the barrier!


In the Guangming Church of Qianling City, the old bishop who was praying saw the beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary and suddenly gave out a strong light!

"It's the Virgin! The Virgin answered us!"

The pastors were so excited that their blood surged. The most glorious moment for religious pastors was when their prayers were answered by Our Lady!

"Praise the Virgin!"

"Praise the light!"


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