DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 312: Enemies and helpers of Rotes

All believers seem to have celebrated the Chinese New Year, and it feels like a child who has been separated from his mother for many years suddenly hears the call of his mother.

   The same thing happened in the city of demons. Although today is not the day of sacrifice, the high priest made an exception and organized a grand sacrifice!

   put the hunted food on the high altar, and the statue of the demon lord shone with a strong light.

   All the demons collectively praise the great demon lord under the organization of the high priest!

   Similar things have happened in various places in the mainland. As long as the news of the return of the gods spreads, all the beliefs hidden in the hearts of various races will be returned!

But time has changed, and a thousand years is enough time for too many things to happen. If it weren’t for races like elves, demons, and vampires that have a long life, many people would not know the existence of gods, let alone devote the power of faith. .

   But even so, the weak gods can replenish a big mouthful of blood! Now they only need the power to fight one battle!

   However, when the battle in the void was in full swing, the Qianling Continent was also in a serious crisis!

   Without a barrier to hinder the strong, the army of the Dark Continent was finally able to fully attack the Qianling Continent! All kinds of dense monsters have emerged from the abyss of monsters!

   There are also those monsters with purple eyes. Under their attack, the barrier that has blocked the monsters for nearly a thousand years is as crisp as paper!

   And the major forces that have already received the news are also ready to go to war at any time, but because of fear of being infected by the breath of the abyss, most of them huddled in the city for defensive battles!

   The land outside Qianling City was gradually stained with black under the infection of the monsters, and the color kept getting darker.

   But this city is actually the most unlikely city to fall because of Li Wuji!

   One by one magical monsters appeared outside the city,

   At the same time, two suffocating forces appeared in the sky.

   The lv10 black warriors of the two dark continents are like black meteors falling toward the ocean where Lotus is located!

   Rotes felt a little bit, and looked up, two breaths that were not weaker than him were approaching him, and the incompatible hostility clearly expressed the identity of the intruder.

   "All the people return to the depths of the ocean!"

   Regardless of whether these aquarists agree or disagree, Rotes controls the sea water and presses all marine life into the deep sea. Under his control, even small fish and shrimps will not be crushed to death by the pressure of the deep sea.

   Hundreds of thick red tentacles came out in the ocean, Rotes' eyes were serious, this kind of power must be directed at him.

   Two creatures exuding black aura landed in front of Rotes' eyes. One of them looked like an alien with a long tongue and two black short blades in his hand. It was called Kalki.

   The other looks like a bear, but with sharp horns on its head. Its weapon is a pair of gloves with spikes. It's called Mirage.

   These two people are the mainstays of the Dark Continent's combat power. Unlike those ordinary lv9s, each person's body is carefully selected.

   One of the characteristics of these physical bodies is a humanoid shape, which is easy to exert powerful strength, and the other is strong! As they conquer other planets, the body of the strongest defeated will be repaired and then provided for them to possess.

   So these two guys are very difficult to deal with.

   Rotes has a solemn expression, even at the home court of the Ocean, he can't guarantee that he can play two of them one at a time.

   Kalki licked the blade in his hand with his disgusting tongue, and said excitedly: "Are you the newly born indigenous god? It's a pity that you will die right after birth!"

   Rotes's tone was very disdainful: "It is necessary to correct it, I am not just born, I am also an outsider! But it is you who will die!"

   When these words came out, the two of them were confused.

   "Are you also an outsider?"


   "You are also interested in this planet?"


   Kalki smiled and said, "If this is the case, how about our cooperation? When we conquer this planet, we will leave you with 1% of the energy!"

   Rotes shook his tentacle and said, "No, no, no, I'm interested in saving the world, so..."

   The red eyes stared at Kalki, making him sluggish for a second.

   "You all die for the Lord!"

   It's a terrifying thing to be stunned for a second. A dozen red tentacles came out of the sea and stabbed at the stunned Kalki!

   The tentacles took the blue ocean light and pierced like a sharp spear, but Mirage, who sensed the danger in advance, was in front of Kalki and slammed his fist toward the tentacles!


   The huge sound made a wave of thousands of feet high in the entire sea area!


   Li Wuji naturally also saw the black meteor falling from the sky. The momentum was very strong, even stronger than Roche!

   Lilith asked blankly: "Boss, what is that?"

   "It should be the enemy against Rotes!"

   Maina swallowed and explained to Li Wuji: "Boss, those are our two lv10 black fighters, Kalki and Mirage."

   Li Wuji was a little surprised: "You can see these two black balls?"

   Mai Na said embarrassingly: "Every one of us has a different breath."

   Li Wuji understands, just like before, black people look the same~www.readwn.com~ but they are different.

   "Are these two things strong?"

Maina thought for a while, and Kepu said: "The physical body that Kalki occupies is the master of a planet that we have swallowed. It is also the ruler of the law. The law of the creature's mastery is division. After it is killed, we It was discovered that the creatures on the entire planet are its clones. It is a single person, and it is an army."

   Li Wuji nodded and motioned for her to continue popular science.

   "The physical body occupied by Mirage is the ruler of another planet. The law of that creature is power. No strong person of the same level can take a punch in its hand."

   Li Wou-ki touched his chin, it seemed a bit dangerous to see Lotters!

   Lilith said, "Do you want me to call Roche for help?"

"No need to."

   Li Wuji took out the card that represents Soderros, hoping that the old man can be a little better, and the time has come to recast the glory of the sword soul!

   didn't say much, Li Wuji summoned Soderros directly, he still has more than two billion yuan on him now, and he can't spend it!

   The white-haired viewer appeared in front of everyone, looking very ordinary, but the aura on his body looked very unusual!

   Where his eyes flicked, as if a sword flew out, everyone who was swept by his eyes felt a sense of suffocation, and they didn't dare to look at him at all.

   After Ajialu and Lilith were swept by Soderros' gaze, they both hid behind Li Wuji in a panic. The old man's eyes looked too scary!

   In the end Soderros fell on Li Wuji and asked coldly: "Where is this?"

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