DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 336: On the eve of the decisive battle, the final trump card of the Dark Continent

Remember in one second【】

A black light flew across the battlefield, and everyone was a little dazed.

But I heard a loud roar: "Stop that thing!"

Soderros chased desperately, but the speed of the thing was too fast, he couldn't catch it.

When the gods saw Soderros, their faces were full of doubts, but Michelle took the lead in reacting.

The sacred cross descended from the sky, blocking the fast-flying black light.

To his surprise, the black thing directly knocked his cross into flight, and then continued to fly in the direction of the dark continent.

Soderos' face changed drastically: "That thing has absorbed a lot of vitality on your planet! Don't let it escape!"

Kailan, the goddess of life, was shocked, and quickly commanded: "Catch that thing!"

People in other dark continents lost the communication of Spider-woman Martha today, and they were a bit nervous at first. Without the command, there was already a mess.

A dark continent warrior wearing black armor shouted: "Block them! That is our thing!"

The other people on the dark continent seemed to have found the backbone, as long as these indigenous people wanted to do it, they were right to do it!

So these people from the Dark Continent rushed over again, blocking the gods.

And one of the dark mainlanders caught the black cylinder in one fell swoop.

"I caught..."

Before he finished speaking, the cylinder broke away from his hand and pierced his heart.

So he was horrified to find that his life was passing by at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Ah...I am my own! Save me!"

The sudden change made others afraid to act rashly, but Soderos knew what was going on.

"It's absorbing the energy of that person! Interrupt it!"

Regardless of whether anyone else heard it or not, Soderos dashed up.

The dark mainlanders along the way gave in one after another, seeing their companions swallowed up with vitality, they didn't know what to do.

For a while, I don't know if this black cylinder is good or bad.


The thick black shield reappeared and bounced off Soderros's attack.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

The gods were shocked, and they stepped forward to attack the black shields, and the shields gradually dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The previous commander of the Dark Continental Army Group gritted his teeth and didn't know where the courage came from, so he roared and rushed up.

"This must be Martha's plan! Don't let her efforts be destroyed! Have the courage to follow me!"

The unknown black armored warrior approached Ozma, as if with a mortal heart.

Ozma sneered: "Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk to you, would you still dare to take the initiative to attack me?"

The purple energy gathered in Ozma's hand and condensed into a big ball.

"Arrogant native! How dare you despise me so much!"

"Hehe, you don't find others to find me first, because you think I'm..."

Ozma raised a huge magic orb, his scarlet eyes were full of killing intent, like an offended monarch.

"...Do you think I'm a bully?"

Ozma roared and smashed at the black armored warrior.

The warrior in the black armor was overwhelmed by Ozma's aura, and suddenly felt like he was sloppy. He was looking for the wrong person. …

But without turning back the arrow, he gritted his teeth fiercely, forcing himself to hard steel Ozma!

The black armor all over his body was like flowing ink, and the color became darker and darker.

That's right, in the face of Ozma with full firepower, he will adopt the tactics of self-destruction. Of course, the self-destructive armor is not the main body.

Other people on the dark continent saw him working so hard, and they were a bit infected.

"Damn it! Martha is gone, who can save us? Fight it!"

"Fight! Can't let Marsabeth die!"


So the people from the dark mainland who were afraid to step forward because of the black device's nature of being a foe and foe, persuaded themselves and rushed forward.

They want to interrupt the attack of the thousand spirit gods on that black device.

Facing the dark mainlanders who were in trouble again, the gods had no choice but to stop the attack, and turned to deal with the dark mainlanders who had been beaten up with blood.

The swallowed person has become a corpse, and the black cylindrical device has become deeper.

Just when the people in the Dark Continent thought they had succeeded, this thing flew out again and directly inserted into the friendly army nearest to him.

"No—don't **** me! Suck them! Where are you from!!"

But no one responded to him, the cold device on his chest was devouring his life madly, and it made him unable to move.


This strange black device swallowed a total of three people from the Dark Mainland, and all the fighting spirit that they had finally risen was wiped out.

There is an inner ghost in their own family, and the purpose of their battle is to protect this inner ghost, it's unreasonable!

Fighting with these native gods for days and nights didn't kill as many people in one day as this thing. It turned out to be your own, can't you just **** the other side?

Who designed this thing? There is a problem with the code! Don't care?

When everyone in the Dark Continent was desperate, the black cylindrical device suddenly stopped absorbing, and then flew to the dark continent like a bolt of lightning.


^0^Remember in one second【】

I want to block, but I can't.

After absorbing three lv10s, the thing could no longer resist, and I could only watch it fly away.

And the Dark Mainlanders are also dumbfounded.

"It flew home?"

"Well, it's finally over!"

"What will happen?"

"Will you blow up our house?"


Seeing an inanimate machine playing around the entire battlefield, the faces of the thousand spirit gods are not pretty.

Michelle felt his eyelids throbbing wildly, and the feeling of restlessness grew stronger and stronger.

"I suggest to retreat immediately! Protect our planet!"

Ozma said angrily: "You bullshit! We now have an overwhelming advantage. If we work harder, we will wipe out all the puppies. What run?"

The goddess of fate Nornes's chest was constantly rising and falling, and patted Ozma on the shoulder: "Mr. Ozma, don't be impulsive! What Michelle said is right!"


Ozma looked at the group of frightened enemies and the group of teammates who suddenly wanted to retreat. There was nothing to say for a while.

But he also knew that Michelle's words had a certain degree of credibility, and no one knew the priests better than him. Although these people are hypocritical and stubborn, they will not lie to others, they will only lie to themselves.


After the device flew into the dark continent ~www.readwn.com~ it flew straight to the control room of Martha the previous spider woman.

The previous table is gone, only a cylindrical groove under the floor, which seems to be waiting for a key to unlock.

After the black cylindrical device flew back, no one stopped it and inserted it directly into the groove.


A strange sound came from the dark continent, the whole continent began to shake violently, and the buildings on it collapsed in large areas.

Suddenly, the thousand spirits and gods who had not had time to retreat were surprised to find that the group of dark mainland people in front of them suddenly seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and everyone fell still.

Only one pair of eyes burst into purple light, and the situation is extremely weird...

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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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