DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 337: The awake being awakened, lv eleven?

Remember in one second【】

The opponents in front of them, as if they were pressed the pause button, shocked the gods.

Immediately afterwards, the dark continent suddenly shook violently, and then under everyone's astonished eyes, the black continent slowly turned over...

The entire continent has an area of ​​about 3 million square kilometers, and now the battlefields of the two sides are far enough away from this continent to see the whole picture.

But when the whole continent was turned over, it shocked everyone.

After flipping up, the whole continent looks more like a huge humanoid monster, and it is undergoing drastic changes, and the surrounding edges and corners are gradually falling...

At this moment.

The eyes of Maya in the card shop suddenly showed a strong purple light, her legs fell to the ground with a soft knee, and her whole body began to tremble.

Li Wuji quickly helped her up: "What's the matter?"

Mayna raised her head and smiled far-fetched: "I felt a strong call, and'Mother' woke up."

Li Wuji's face changed drastically, and what he was most worried about really happened.

Sure enough, saving the world is not that simple. People have planned for a thousand years, so how can they not have anything to do with it?

"What is your mother's level?"

Maina was trembling all over, but she stubbornly resisted the call.

She answered palely: "Probably... it's lv11."

"Use our hierarchy here to describe it."

"Lv10 to lv11 is equivalent to half **** to true god!"

"Then do you think we have a chance to win?"

Maina was silent for a while, and replied: "It's difficult."

"It's hard to do so, tell me what your mother's weakness is?"

Mai Na's face was blue, and she asked her mother's weakness in front of her. Even if she was a prisoner, she was a little humiliated.

But she couldn't help but say, because now she and Li Wuji are grasshoppers on the same boat.

If she left this card shop, she would definitely not be able to resist the intent of the summoning. When the main body leaves this physical body, anyone on this street can kill her.


After some psychological struggle, Mayna uttered these two words.

Li Wuji nodded: "Go on."

"After the destruction of our civilization, we can no longer absorb energy from this universe. We can only swallow and transform to form dark energy suitable for our practice, which is what you call the power of the abyss..."

"But fortunately, our form of existence is able to use other people’s bodies and abilities, and is not particularly dependent on dark energy. But the mother is different. After she fell asleep, every time she wakes up, we need to collect a huge energy supply. So, although She is strong, but she can’t fight indefinitely. But I think your **** probably won’t be able to survive that time.”

Li Wuji touched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "What if it can swallow her energy?"

Maina was shocked: "Boss, how could you have such unrealistic ideas? You know, the entire Dark Continent is the mother's body, don't talk about getting close to her, she can Let you die in ashes!"...

But Li Wuji's eyes lit up: "Your mother's body is your continent?"


"Then it will be easy!"

Mayna looked at Li Wuji in a daze, not understanding where his confidence came from.

"Old... Boss, have you still not understood what lv11 is?"

Li Wuji waved his hand: "Stop talking, I already have a count."

Then Li Wuji shouted: "Lilith! Are you there?"

A little bat flew down from upstairs, then turned into a cute girl and appeared in front of Li Wuji.

"Boss, what can I do for you?"

"Call your father over and tell him that it's time to be Mr. Key!"


The changes in the Dark Continent tended to be more and more of a human form, even if separated by a few hundred kilometers, the sense of oppression brought to the gods was unparalleled and powerful.

Immediately afterwards, a stone man with a female image had gradually taken shape, and two purple rays of light shone on her face, which were her eyes.

As for those people from the dark continent who stayed where they were, their bodies slowly fell, and a pair of fanatical but lifeless eyes came out and flew towards that continent.

Ozma looked at the sluggish teammates, and shouted: "You are stupid! At this time, when they are the weakest, take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

While talking, Ozma held up a huge magic ball in both hands and slammed it into the eyes of the twenty-odd pairs of Di Yingren.

Other people also reacted and launched attacks on those eyes.

These eyes, as if they didn't see the danger, still flew toward the dark continent feverishly and at a constant speed.

However, when the huge magic orb was about to hit these eye monsters, the giant who turned from the dark continent slowly raised his hand...

The black ground kept falling, because of the huge figure, it seemed to move very slowly, but it was actually very fast.

The dark giant pointed in the direction of the eye monsters, and in an instant, huge spider webs formed behind the eye monsters.

Ozma's Dafa Orb destroyed a spider web, but there are still spider webs that continue to generate.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Other attacks fell on the spider webs, tearing apart the webs as if they were decayed, but after the webs were exhausted, another whirlpool appeared behind the eye monster...

Satan opened his mouth and said incredulously: "That whirlpool... seems to be the ability of the guy who was sucked to death by that device before!"


The gods took a breath and felt their scalp numb.

Can the power of the corresponding law be obtained by absorbing one? If these eyes were swallowed by this dark giant, wouldn't it be possible to stack more than 20 buffs?

"Damn! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and desperately kill these eyes!"

The gods were caught in a chasing war again, but the dark continent suddenly disappeared.

Soderros's eyes were solemn, and he remembered the peeping sensation he had felt in that area before. If you can hide the **** device from him, it can only be at that time.

And the enemy at the time must have the ability to be invisible.

"Be careful, she should have swallowed someone with the law of invisibility."

Such a large continent suddenly disappeared ~www.readwn.com~ and I couldn't feel a little breath, it was really terrifying.

However, when the dark giant disappeared, these eyes suddenly stopped, as if they had lost their target.

"They can't see that continent either! What a great opportunity!"

Suddenly, a bunch of skills were thrown at the stunned eye monsters.

But a spider web appeared again, swept all the eyes out, and then yanked it in a certain direction.

The eye monsters escaped this bunch of skills.

When the gods looked in the direction where the eye monster was being dragged away, the dark giant reappeared, getting closer to them.

What's more terrible is that her group of eye monsters were taken away by her.

"The game... is over..."

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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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