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Chapter 339: Praise of life, it's dawn!

Remember in one second【】

As soon as the voice fell, a huge shadow enveloped everyone. When they reacted, the huge dark giant had already arrived behind them.

Moreover, the Qianlingxing being protected by them was exposed in front of Yallat!

She drifted indifferently towards Qianlingxing, as if this was already in her pocket.

The gods instantly numbed their scalp and turned back to defense.

"Stop her!"


At this time, people on the entire planet were horrified to find that it was dark!

The huge shadow blocked the sun, and half of the world was plunged into darkness. This situation caused people to fear.

Li Wuji looked up at the dark sky. In fact, he knew that the battlefield above must be at the most dangerous time.

This darkening of the sky is definitely not a good sign.


"Fuck! What a bad thing!"

He sat up in shock when he was dying and sick when he was on the sea. Others could not see the situation in the sky, but he clearly saw a huge black giant.

Feeling the intense pressure, Rotes couldn't help but yelled: "Why can I get her here? Michelle, what do you guys eat?"

Ariel asked worriedly, "Master Poseidon, has something happened?"

"Oh! I can't paddle! Good boy, get ready to pray for me!"

Without waiting for her response, the sea set off a storm, and a huge red octopus soared into the sky.

The sea rose with blue light, and flew into the sky with Lotters.

Yallat stretched out his hand to Qianlingxing, and then the energy of the entire planet was guided out and flew towards her.

For her, this planet is like a super power bank, and it has a fatal attraction to her who lacks electricity.

The gods' eyes are splitting, and they are fighting a group. How dare you steal your home?

Before Yalrat could absorb the energy, a loud roar came out.

"Are you sucking your mother?"

Rotes appeared in front of Yallate with a piece of blue light, and then the blue light of the ocean formed a light curtain, isolating the energy absorbed by Yallat.

The sudden appearance of Rotes shocked Yallate's snacks.

"There is still an lv10, which is beyond my expectation, but...it's useless."

Touch with your fingertips, and the entire light curtain burst instantly.

Rotes has a numb scalp. Is this an enemy they can fight?

Then before he had time to struggle, he felt the cells all over his body collapse in a sudden, and he felt life-threatening.

"I won't be killed in a second, am I?"

Rotes suddenly regretted it. To be honest, he was still a bit afraid of death. The dark giant in front of him was a creature of another level.

His tentacles began to collapse, and he couldn't stop it.

My life is over!

And Jarlat stretched out his finger, trying to poke the little octopus.

But Lotters looked at his huge fingers, and felt that he was gone after a poke.

However, when he was about to poke Lotters, he saw a golden light shining on his head.

Rotes was indeed stabbed to death, but soon his figure showed up again, which made Jarrath feel a little interesting. …

Just as he was about to continue his attack on Rotes, a bunch of skills attacked Yallat.

Although Rotes paid the price of his life, he also delayed enough time for the gods to get them back in time.

Even Yallat can't underestimate all these attacks. If you insist on it, you may get hurt. Playing ten can easily cope with it, playing a dozen or so can be defeated but it will consume a lot of energy.

She now relies on 5% of the energy previously transformed from Qianlingxing, which is not enough to support her in a protracted battle.

If the gods adopt guerrilla tactics, she may deal with small difficulties, because it will consume a lot of her energy.

However, she hoped that they would do so, in that case, she could absorb the energy of Qianlingxing without any scruples. If these gods are not gathered together, they will not be able to accomplish effective damage to her.

Rotes came back from the dead, almost urinating in fright, and he let out a long sigh of relief when he looked at the gods who had rushed over and the dark giant who had retreated.

"Michelle, thank you very much! I slipped away first!"

His resurrection just now is the source of life that Michelle added to him.

Rotes didn't give them a chance to react, and quickly went back to the ocean. Outside, the sunlight is stronger, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Michelle nodded. They were all apostles. He also knew that Rotes' weakness was that he could not leave the ocean for too long.

However, resurrecting Rotes also consumed a lot of Michelle, and the light on his body was a bit dim at this time.

Returning to the outside of Qianlingxing at this time, the gods looked at the huge Yallat, this is the strongest enemy!

They must guard their own planet, so each of them tried their best to support the entire planet with a shield.

Seeing them working so hard, Yallat smiled: "You are working hard, but how long can you hold me back?"

Kailan, the goddess of life, said with a firm gaze: "Until we become corpses!"

"Ah, this is the third time I pay tribute to your courage, so let you feel desperate."


^0^Remember in one second【】

After Erlatt finished speaking, he stretched out his five fingers, and colorful rays of light burst out from his hands, turning into streams of light that blasted toward the shields supported by the gods.


The shield formed by gathering the power of the gods was beaten to a teeter, and cracks soon appeared.

This change is desperate enough to make people desperate, is it impossible to defend desperately?

"Kalan, what should I do?"

Kailan gritted her teeth, her brows never stretched. She looked back at the planet that had nurtured her and looked at her elves, with a little nostalgia in her eyes.

She looked at the other gods who were working hard to create a barrier, and said hopefully: "If this battle can be won, I hope that in the future, I hope you can restrain your people and let my people do well. Alive..."

Seeing Kailan's confession of his last words, the goddess of destiny Nornes paled.

"Kalan! What are you talking about?"

Kailan did not answer her, touched her brow lightly with her fingertips, and suddenly her whole person was shining with a strong green light.

The color of life spread out from her body, but out of place, her life characteristics gradually declined. …

"Ah You……"

"I will burn my life and add a bit of fighting power to all of you. Please be sure to defend our homeland!"

Everyone was moved, and some goddesses were already in tears. With Kailan's green light covering, everyone felt like inexhaustible energy!

Someone wanted to burn their lives like Kailan, but she stopped it.

"My godhead is life! I can provide you with the greatest help. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

The violent Satan also reddened his eyes, facing the sacrifice of his teammates, he could only let out an incompetent roar!

At this time, all the elves in the entire Qianling Continent heard a gentle voice.

"You... must live well and protect our homeland..."

All the elves were crying, and a sad emotion involuntarily caught their hearts. Lord Goddess, are you saying goodbye to them?

They looked up one after another, and there seemed to be a touch of life green in the black sky.

The old prophet staggered, trembling all over, knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face when he looked towards the sky.

"My Goddess... It's been a thousand years... There is still time to see you again in the future..."

Vernia kept crying in her arms in her arms, and their goddesses seemed to be leaving them forever...

The shield of the entire Qianlingxing has begun to be repaired, and the Kailan Law of Life has been added, making it tougher!

But everyone's eyes are red, and endless anger and frustration are placed on the repair of the shield. Having fought side by side for a thousand years, the grudges and grievances of the past have long turned into deep comrades-in-arms!

Kailan's sacrifice is tantamount to losing their brothers and sisters to them, and all they can do is to live up to her sacrifice as much as possible.

Even if it is cold-blooded like Ozma and Soderros, he feels panicked.

Michelle stared blankly at Kailan, who was willing to sacrifice to protect his homeland. For a while, sad and ashamed emotions filled his heart.

He is the archangel Michel, the embodiment of light and kindness, a paladin! Dedication to the light is the highest glory of the Paladin.

But when he saw Kailan's fading figure, he seemed to see a shining light.

Since coming to this world, even though Michelle came here because he sympathized with what happened in this world, she didn't really regard herself as a person in this world.

How can they understand the light in their hearts without substituting themselves?

Only when the people in this world are also the people of Arad, and to love the Qianling Continent like the Arad Continent, is it true love!

Michelle's heart is very transparent at the moment, he understands what true compassion is. No matter which world, people should be placed in the same place, this is true love!

As a result, Michelle opened his hands, and his body was shining extremely dazzlingly, as dazzling as a real sun.

His changes immediately attracted the attention of others.

Ozma's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked: "Michelle? Do you want to..."

A huge seraph phantom appeared behind Michelle, and he turned his head and smiled calmly at Ozma. …

"I will bring light to this world! Ozma, I have been hypocritical by you all the time, and I suddenly feel that you are right. After all, I have never understood before, what true forgiveness is..."

Ozma is a bit annoyed, Michelle seems to be different, the look in his eyes is not right, it's like...looking at a kid who made a mistake! He wanted to scold a few words, but when he saw Michelle’s appearance, he felt a bit unable to scold him...

"You don't want to commit suicide, do you?"

Other gods also spoke to stop him, hoping that Michelle would calm down.

Michelle looked at the entire Qianling Star, because the sun was obscured by the dark giant, making the entire planet a little dark.

"I am ready to sacrifice at any time, but not now, I said, to bring light to the world!"

He closed his eyes and opened his hands. The cross named "Forgiveness" hovered over his head, and the phantom of the Seraphim grew bigger and bigger.

The divine light became more and more dazzling, and the gods could no longer see Michelle's true face.

Then, like a drop of water falling into the pond

^0^Remember in one second【】

Inside, the golden light splashed into circles, and gradually spread towards the shield of the entire planet.

This skill is called "Life Tribute: Divine Power"!

Praise Kailan, who sacrificed herself for bravery and protected her homeland!

Praise to the gods who are still bravely fighting against the enemy!

Praise to Rotes who desperately tried to help them delay their time!

Also for this planet, all the eagerly awaited creatures salute!


In the darkness, a golden light appeared.

This light gradually formed the phantom of a seraph, and then centered on him, the darkness of the entire world receded.

The golden light spilled from all corners of the world, bathed in the holy light, and people felt Michel's praise to everyone.

Some injured people gradually recovered under this brilliance.

The earth, which was polluted by the abyss of monsters, and some of the aura of the abyss was also dissipated by the light.

All the people who were praised by life bowed or kneeled, paying the highest tribute to Michelle.

"Praise the Holy One!"

"Praise the Holy One!"


Li Wuji looked towards the sky, his frowning brows stretched slightly.

"It's dawn."

Emily's eyes were full of tears, looking at the phantom in the sky, her hands clasped together: "It's dawn, praise the Holy One!"

Li Wuji was taken aback for a moment, and he also learned to put his hands together: "Praise the Holy One!"

Darkness is depressing. Many people thought that the end of the world was the end of the world, because the world was shrouded in darkness.

But the Illuminati brings hope to people. People nowadays have a strong belief in their hearts. They believe that no matter how powerful enemies they face, the gods will be triumphant!

In this wave, Michelle directly harvested a lot of popularity, the power of faith poured into his body like a tide, and the divine power consumed was almost fed back.

Ozma was dumbfounded. Michelle's operation was nothing short of a miracle!

Moreover, this life tribute is not just as simple as dispelling the darkness, the entire shield is attached with golden light.

All the gods present, bathed in the holy light, felt that their strength had increased to a higher level, plus the shield brought by Kailan’s burning life ~www.readwn.com~ and now the shields they have gathered are already better than before. Ten times tougher!

This miracle was brought not only by Michelle, but also by the people of this planet.

The strength of the gods is also closely related to the believers. When they have enough confidence in their gods, their strength will also be upgraded to a higher level.

Jarlat looked at this tough shield, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

To defeat this shield now, it would cost her more than half of her energy, which made her feel that things were out of her control.

Just like if the battery of a mobile phone is less than half, you will feel a sense of crisis, and the power bank is still hidden, you may have to turn on the power saving mode after a fight.

Well, she actually wants to maintain her elegant and calm image, but what she has to admit is that these bugs made her angry! Especially the brown-haired boy with the cross on his back!

"Do you think how long can this shield hold me back?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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