DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 340: Leave the rest to me

Remember in one second【】

The angry Jarlat began to bombard the shield.

Although the gods have built the best shields, under such indiscriminate bombardment, I don't know if they can last for ten hours.

Every attack by Yallat makes people frighten, and the golden shield that seems solid and golden is actually maintained by the divine power of everyone.

A **** yelled desperately: "Is it so slow to wait for death?"

Everyone kept silent and did not dare to think about this issue.

They only know that they can delay for a while. As for what happens when they can't hold on, thinking about that kind of thing will kill their fighting spirit.


Li Wuji said to Emily: "Can you still talk to Michelle now?"

Emily nodded.

Li Wuji leaned against her ear and said, "You tell him..."

After listening, Emily looked surprised and happy.

"Boss, this...is this...really possible?"

"I'm not sure, I can only say that there is a certain success rate in theory, but this is the only way I can think of at the moment!"

Emily took a deep breath: "We will succeed!"

Then she closed her eyes, and the golden mark on her forehead began to sparkle...

Michelle, who was transmitting energy to the shield, suddenly froze for a moment, and then looked surprised.

Ozma noticed Michelle's look and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Did you see something extraordinary?"

Michelle shook his head and said excitedly: "I didn't see the future, but Li Wuji told me a very important thing!"

"What? That dog thing that pitted us?"

When Li Wuji was mentioned, Ozma was tickled with hatred. He felt that he must have been deceived. In this situation, dying under Helder's conspiracy would never be worse than it is now, right?

"Extraordinary! We are here to fight desperately, and he is good, hiding in the store to sell cards! Returning to the Thirteenth Apostle, really embarrassing us!"

Ozma sprayed wildly at Li Wuji, as if Li Wuji was the culprit.

Michelle said to everyone: "I just got a very important news. This dark giant has weaknesses. The energy in her is limited, and she can't fight arbitrarily!"

The gods shook their bodies and hurriedly asked: "Then how much energy does she store?"

"4% of this planet, plus the energy obtained from those eye monsters!"

The gods fell silent immediately, even if it was limited, but they really didn't know how to use up Yalrat's energy.

Satan said angrily: "Let's go out and have a fight with her! Nothing consumes more energy than a fight!"

Destiny Goddess Nornes hurriedly stopped him: "No, if we go out, she can easily find a chance to steal the energy of our planet!"

"Damn it! Then don't we have to wait here to die?"

Michelle said seriously: "Stabilize your mind. Someone is going to our world to invite a comrade-in-arms. His ability has a strong restraint on this Yallat!"

The goddess of destiny Nornes suddenly lit up, and suddenly she began to cry. …

Blood ancestor Dracula hurriedly asked: "Big sister, why are you crying?"

Nornes wiped his tears and said excitedly: "I have been observing our destiny. Our destiny has always been destroyed, but since Mr. Michelle just said that, I feel that there is more destiny. There are many branches, I can’t see what the ending is, but...nothing is worse than destruction, so our future has a glimmer of life!"

The gods immediately realized that that Michelle's comrade-in-arms must be the key to victory.

At this moment, everyone's fighting spirit was ignited, and no one would question Nornes.

If it is a game that they know they will lose, then they will still doubt the meaning of their efforts, but if there is a glimmer of hope in despair, then they will desperately chase this little hope!

Michelle encouraged: "We will do our best to guard this last line of defense, and the rest... will be handed over to him!"

Jarlat saw that these gods seemed to suddenly ignite, and each of their spirits and spirits had reached a peak!

"What makes you feel that I can be defeated? It seems that you haven't felt the real despair!"

Jarlat was even more angry, she no longer kept it, and began to strike a stronger blow against the shield.

The gods gritted their teeth and held on...


After waiting until six o'clock in the morning the next day, the time to travel through Arad was finally over.

Li Wuji took a deep breath and eased his nervous mood.

"You have worked very hard, leave the rest to me!"

He closed his eyes and lay down.

"System, this time, I'm going to see Shirok! Don't tell me you can't decide where to go."

"Dear host, just put ten thousand hearts! It's about to save the world, this system is also very excited!"

"Huh? Do you think my idea is feasible?"

"After my careful calculation, the feasibility is very high! But the premise is that they can persist until you come back!"

"Then stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

"Then our next stop, Screaming Cave!"

^0^Remember in one second【】

Li Wuji was already very proficient, and as the world turned around, he came to the outside of a huge cave.

Because it is the apostle warfare mode, he will not encounter NPCs and has no helpers, but he is very confident now!

The Four Sword Saints plus a runaway Luxi can destroy Shilock, why can't he, who has become a sword god, not?

The fifth apostle, Stalker Silok, was the first apostle to be victimized in the transfer event, even earlier than Lottus transferred to the Skyshroud Behemoth.

After being lured by Herder with the water of life to take root in the demon world, the barren energy of the demon world made her weaker and weaker.

When she became weak enough, Held attacked Shilock and moved her to the Grieving Cave.

The Screaming Cave was originally the nest of Slaughter Gu worms~www.readwn.com~ After Shilock came, the Slaughter Gu worms were killed by Shilock, and the surrounding area was catastrophic.

Many people and creatures went crazy inexplicably, including the purple mist group sent by the later Delos Empire and lost themselves in the Screaming Cave.

The reason for all of this is precisely because of Shilock's madness.

Because of the long-term lack of abundant energy in the Demon Realm, Shilock was already in pain, and was transferred to the dark and screaming cave. In the dark and humid environment all day long, she finally broke down.

The current point in time was when Shilock had a mental breakdown, while the Four Sword Saints and the Purple Mist Group had not yet arrived.

Li Wuji carried the sword and rushed forward, he must race against time!

The whole cave was dark, only a blue lightsaber provided some light.

After entering the cave, Li Wuji vaguely heard the voice of a woman laughing wildly...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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