The pink outfits released today are basically one of the best weapons for each profession.

[Death Dance Step] is a must-have powder outfit for every local tyrant roaming, at least 3000W gold coins.

Moreover, those who play roaming are basically local tyrants. If you don't spend money, you really can't play this profession.

[White Flame Pterosaur] is a special weapon for gunners, and the price is much lower than [Death Dance], but it can also be sold for 500W gold coins.

[Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] is a special weapon for battle mages, there is a 4% chance to freeze the enemy when attacking! The attribute can be called terrifying, and the price is higher than the death dance! This is because there are relatively few people playing battle mages. If there are more people playing this profession, the price of [Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] will probably go up to the sky.

Among these pink outfits, the lowest price should be the [Doomsday Monarch's Staff].

So in order to make their value higher, strengthening is the best choice.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+1 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] was successful!

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+2 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] was successful!

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+3 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] was successful!


Lin Yufeng first strengthened all the powder equipment to 4, which does not require the enhancement probability given by the system.

Then he continued to strengthen step by step.

Even if it's just a low-level enhancement, it actually costs a lot of money.

After all, what he strengthened was not white or blue equipment, but pink equipment.

Reinforcement is something rich people play, this sentence is really not a joke.

After about ten minutes of strengthening, Lin Yufeng only strengthened [Dance of Death] and [White Flame Wyvern] to 10.

As for the black light, it can't always reach 10.

At this time, Lin Yufeng's gold coins have been consumed close to 20 million.

For him, this is too uneconomical.

Lin Yufeng gave up continuing to strengthen, went back to Kaili's room, took out 3 [+10 Enhancement Coupons] from Curry, and used them directly on these powder outfits.

So far, Lin Yufeng's pink outfits released today are all +10.

The next thing he has to do is to wait for the system reward to trigger.

If the system rewards don't arrive in the account, Lin Yufeng will definitely not lose them directly.

Lin Yufeng came to Channel 6, ready to buy some cushions.

Line 6 is still the same lively.

However, this lively scene could not last for too long.

When the auction house comes out, the role of Line 6 will be completely replaced.

Lin Yufeng also saw many familiar faces in Huttonmar.

Some businessmen almost welded their booths in place, and they didn't see him move for a month.

There are also some merchants who are collecting materials, shouting there 24 hours a day. These are not real people, but they have set up programs, or bought tools with money, and they can also trade automatically. Far below the market price, most people will not sell them.

Lin Yufeng found a stall selling mats, and he found that the price of mats had dropped.

A rusty samurai sword with +13 used to require 200W, now it only requires 150W.

This is good news for Lin Yufeng.

He bought 5 +13 pads and 5 +14 pads in one go.

After doing this, Lin Yufeng returned to line 18 and hung up for several hours. Lin Yufeng had no hope for the system, and a mechanical female voice suddenly sounded: "Ding! The host can be online for 5 hours continuously. Next Within 15 minutes! The host's success rate of strengthening any equipment will increase by 50%."

What a rare day! Burst rate and strengthening probability are given at the same time! Lin Yufeng feels like it's the Chinese New Year.

His first piece of equipment was directly thrown [Shuanglong Phantom Sword].

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+11 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] was successful!

In the case of triggering system rewards, there is no history of failure from 10 to 12.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+11 Death Dance Step] was successful!


From 10 to 11, Lin Yufeng didn't use a mat, and all five of his powder outfits were successfully strengthened!

Now stop selling these equipment, he can already make a lot of money.

But how could Lin Yufeng stop?

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+12 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] successfully! !

After the black light enhancement was successful, Lin Yufeng continued to enhance several other powder suits.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 Death Dance Step] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 White Flame Pterosaur] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 Doomsday Monarch's Staff] succeeded! !

The channel announcement also showed the news that Lin Yufeng had been strengthened successfully four times in a row.

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao just returned to the dormitory, seeing Lin Yufeng's strengthening success one after another, they stared wide-eyed, speechless for a while.

The two already knew that Lin Yufeng's strengthening was very powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Ouyang Tian: Damn! monster!

Xie Hao: Brother Feng, you are the legendary Chosen Son, right? This is completely lying down to make money!

PS: Thanks to Brother Steel for the reward!

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