Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 55 Brother Feng, Think Twice!

"Lin Yufeng! Otherwise, you can record your enhanced video and put it on AiPai, it will definitely become popular!" Ouyang Tian said.

His words reminded Lin Yufeng.

In this day and age, there is no live broadcast platform like Mouyuya, but there are already video websites.

Aipai is one of the popular video sites, and there are many dnf videos on Aipai.

Many well-known anchors in previous lives also posted videos on AiPai at the beginning.

But now is not the time to think about such things.

Lin Yufeng's top priority is to strengthen.

The five artifacts have been strengthened to 12, and Lin Yufeng dare not use them directly.

He started throwing the mats.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

Although the mat is expensive, reinforcement is cheap, so Lin Yufeng continued to throw another mat.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

As soon as the mat shattered, Lin Yufeng threw [+12 Death Dance Step] into the enhancer first.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 Death Dance Step] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+13 death dance steps] successfully! !

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao looked at each other, and they couldn't help taking a breath.

Although they don't have such a heaven-defying weapon, they also know that the value of this weapon has reached at least several thousand yuan.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] was successful! !

The two artifacts have been strengthened to 13, and there are 3 left.

He lost no time and started throwing again.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+16 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

The next mat, Lin Yufeng wanted it to be broken, but it was strengthened to 16 in one go.

This broke Lin Yufeng's reinforcement record.

Before that, he only strengthened a weapon to 15 at the highest.

He had no choice but to change another mat and throw it away.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! Obtain 5 [colorless small crystal blocks].

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+13 Doomsday Monarch's Staff] failed! Obtain 180 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 88 [advanced element crystals].

"Ah!" Lin Yufeng heard Ouyang Tian's sigh behind him.

The most rubbish fan pretended to be explosive, but Lin Yufeng was not disappointed at all.

He dragged the most valuable Ssangyong Phantom Sword into the enhancer, and just as he was about to confirm it, Ouyang Tian said, "This is a +12 black light! The current market price is definitely over 5,000 yuan! Brother Feng! Think twice!"

Ouyang Tian also bought a black light during the winter vacation, and he enhanced it to 11. He knows the value of +12 black light.

Lin Yufeng didn't seem to hear Ouyang Tian's words, he directly clicked [OK].

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthen [+13 Double Dragon Shadow Sword]! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+13 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] successfully!


Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao exclaimed.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yufeng's mouth.

There was still time, and he continued to throw the mat.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! Obtain 6 [colorless small crystal blocks].

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 White Flame Pterosaur] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+13 White Flame Pterosaur] successfully! !

Five packs of powder, one of the most rubbish doomsday monarch's staffs were broken, and the other four were successful. This can no longer be described in blood.

And this time it took a very short time, and there were still more than five minutes before the strengthening probability expired.

Lin Yufeng found that he had nothing to strengthen.

Clicking on the equipment bar, Lin Yufeng saw the weapons he used.

He really didn't want to waste this hard-earned strengthening time, so he decided to charge again.

Seeing that Lin Yufeng seemed to be planning to continue strengthening, Ouyang Tian's eyes widened, and he whispered, "Brother Feng? I think he's crazy..."

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 6 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Lin Yufeng's cushions are at least +14.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 White Flame Pterosaur] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 200 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 66 [superior element crystals] have been obtained!

No way, he can only throw in the +13 death dance step again.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Death Dance Step] failed! Equipment has been destroyed! Obtain 212 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 78 [advanced element crystals].

Lin Yufeng sighed secretly, sure enough, 14 is not so easy to get.

Ouyang Tian persuaded: "Lin Yufeng! That's enough! You've already earned close to tens of thousands of dollars!"

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