Lin Yufeng didn't look back, and silently dragged [+13 Ice Dragon Spear] into the booster.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [at that time was young and young] strengthened [+14 Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] successfully! !

A top-level artifact of a battle mage was forcibly enhanced to 14 by Lin Yufeng.

"Beautiful!" Ouyang Tian blurted out, what he didn't know was that the strengthening feast was not over yet.

Lin Yufeng dragged a pad and threw it into the booster again.

Xie Hao said with emotion: "The +14 cushion is already a treasure to me! It's worthless when it comes to Brother Feng."

Ouyang Tian smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Recharge money! Recharge money can make you stronger!"

The voices of the two were very low, as if they were afraid of affecting Lin Yufeng's strengthening.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

At this moment, Lin Yufeng hesitated.

He can now be sure that the success rate of strengthening artifacts is higher than strengthening white equipment.

But when it is over 13, one cushion may not be enough.

He hesitated for two seconds before throwing in another +14 pad.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

After smashing two +14 pads, he still has 3 +14 pads and 1 +16 pad.

What should be strengthened next? The +13 split wound I used? Or maybe a black light?

+13 split wound, since he exploded the cross knife, he has never used it.

Even if this weapon is strengthened to 14, it is not that useful to him.

As for the +13 Meteor Fall and the +14 Fine Snow Dance, he still doesn't want to strengthen it, mainly because he is afraid of failure.

In the end, Lin Yufeng dragged the +13 black light into the booster.

Are you sure you want to strengthen [+13 Double Dragon Shadow Sword]? To strengthen this equipment, you need to pay the following fees: 18W gold coins, 185 [Furnace Charcoal].

Ouyang Tian swallowed his saliva: "Brother Feng! Don't force yourself!"

His words did not affect Lin Yufeng's decision, and Lin Yufeng clicked the [OK] button with the mouse.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+14 Double Dragon Shadow Sword] successfully! !

"Phew... it's so safe and sound! I'm sweating for you! You've made a lot of money!

Ouyang Tian was very excited.

And Xie Hao on the side opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff an egg.

As a civilian player, Lin Yufeng seemed to let him see a new world.

"Can we stop now? You don't have many black lights in the entire Xiangbei District! I definitely can't afford them, but I can help you contact buyers." Ouyang Tian smiled.

His research on Soul of Sword is very deep, and for this reason, he has recruited many Soul of Sword players, including some local tyrants.

"Don't worry." Lin Yufeng just said something lightly, and threw another cushion into his hand.

Seeing Lin Yufeng throwing the mat again, Ouyang Tian quickly understood that Lin Yufeng didn't intend to end today's strengthening!

This guy really intends to risk his life!

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

The last two +14 pads are broken.

At this time, Lin Yufeng only has a +16 pad left!

He glanced at the time, and there was one minute before the enhancement probability would expire!

Without time to think too much, Lin Yufeng dragged the +16 mat into it.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+17 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] failed to enhance [+17 Rusty Samurai Sword]!

Lin Yufeng was a little thankful that he didn't throw the Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear or the Double Dragon Phantom Sword just now.

However, a +16 rusty katana sword was broken, and then it was the turn of the powder pack.

The price of the black light is higher than that of the Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear, so he chose to throw the Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear first.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Ice Dragon Covering the Sun Spear] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 146 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 69 [superior element crystals] have been obtained.

In this way, the strongest artifact of the battle mage turned into a colorless and low-value crystallization of high-level elements.

Ouyang Tian covered his chest and made an exaggerated expression of pain, as if his equipment was broken.

Lin Yufeng remained expressionless.

He still has a chance to strengthen the black light, which is why he left the black light to strengthen at the end.

Lin Yufeng dragged the black light into the intensifier.

This time Ouyang Tian no longer stopped Lin Yufeng.

After all, the extremely valuable weapons such as the ice dragon's sun-covering spear, the white flame pterosaur, and the death dance step have all been broken, and no one will be reconciled.

buzz buzz...

The machine started to run, and Ouyang Tian also covered his eyes with one hand...

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