Sometimes reinforcement is just that magical.

Today's strengthening has come to an end. Although the process was thrilling, the result is satisfactory.

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao kept talking about getting rich and getting rich.

In their view, owning such a weapon is indeed a fortune.

Ouyang Tian patted Lin Yufeng's shoulder: "Today's dinner is settled again!"

Lin Yufeng equipped himself with Meteor Fall without saying a word, and then carefully admired the appearance of this Taidao.

After being strengthened to 16, the blade of Meteorfall already glowed orange.

This is not a small difference from +15.

At this moment, Ouyang came to his senses. He stared at Lin Yufeng resentfully: "Such a precious weapon! You just use it yourself! Don't you have a cross knife?"

"The basic attribute of the cross knife is still a bit weak. After triggering the attribute of cutting blood, it is the best choice to change weapons."

"Let's talk! Why sell the best weapon? Can't you use it for yourself?"

Ouyang Tian gave Lin Yufeng a thumbs up: "To be rich is to be willful!"

Looking at the game interface again, I saw that the group of onlookers were still unwilling to leave.

They were chatting around Lin Yufeng.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Congratulations to the president! But I instantly felt that the +13 Meteor Drop in my hand was rubbish.

Old Town and Old Lane: Take a screenshot first to make it handsome! I said this is the most handsome falling star, no one should object, right?

Go home when you've had enough waves: The young man is awesome! Forcibly increase the face of our Daxiangbei District!

Playing Red Eyes and Beating Sword Soul: A screenshot has been sent to the forum.

Back at the Moonlight Tavern, there are many members of the [Back to the Sky] guild, including Fairy Qi.

It's Fairy Qi: Little Kuang Zhan! Congratulations!

At that time, I was young and young: Thank you just now, if it weren’t for your cushion, I might not be able to get to 16 with this Meteor Fall.

What Lin Yufeng said is true, although 15 and 16 are naked, but without those mats, it may not be possible to go to 15.

After sending this line of news, he will trade with Fairy Qi.

But the other party did not agree to the transaction at all.

At that time, I was young and young: you are not good at doing this! I will give you the cost of buying the cushion anyway.

It's Fairy Qi: You took me to play ancient maps so many times, and those cushions are used to buy your fatigue.

Sure enough, it was still the same words.

When Lin Yufeng was chatting with Fairy Qi, Ouyang Tian, ​​who had already sat back on the bed and played with his mobile phone, suddenly came over again.

He said: "Tsk tsk! Those cushions are worth tens of millions of gold coins! They don't want your money?"

Xie Hao also came over: "Brother Feng, you haven't answered my question just now, have you really met this female vice president of our guild?"

Lin Yufeng simply joked: "Of course I have! Otherwise, do you think she will suddenly give me a cushion for no reason?"

"Damn it! Believe it or not, I told our Banhua about this! Then you and Banhua will be completely useless!" Ouyang Tian said.

Xie Hao showed strong curiosity: "Lin Yufeng, what does the vice president look like? Is it pretty?"

"Of course she is beautiful! Otherwise, you think I will make her the vice president! Let me tell you, she is not only beautiful, but also a rich girl."

"Fuck! Awesome! Then you can eat soft food!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Brother Feng is the kind of person who eats soft food? He can buy a car with just one piece of equipment!"


After Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao returned to their beds, Lin Yufeng turned his gaze back to the game again.

It's Fairy Qi: Little Kuangzhan, I've always wanted to ask you a question, how old are you?

I was young at the time: 19 years old this year.

It's Fairy Qi: Don't lie to me! 19 years old have the ability to create such a luxurious equipment?

At that time, I was young and young: forget it if you don’t believe it.

It's Fairy Qi: Believe it or not, I don't believe it.

When I was young and young: ...

After the conversation between the two ended, Lin Yufeng came to Line 6 again.

Now he has a lot of gold coins to hoard materials, but Lin Yufeng also hoards as he pleases.

Because he knows that the real highlight will be next year's Spring Festival.

Compared with the titles that will appear in the Spring Festival set, the value of these materials and the equipment that will increase in price in the future is the middle ground.

After buying more than 100 million disaster and challenge books, Lin Yufeng went offline to watch movies.

It’s still cool to have a computer. When you’re not playing games, you can watch dramas and watch movies.

After watching the two movies, Lin Yufeng visits the dnf forum every day.

It wasn't until this time that he was surprised to find that he had become a little angry.

There are thousands of posts in the forum every day, and the post with the most views today is actually related to me.

The title of this post is: A certain Shenhao in the first district of Xiangbei has successfully strengthened +16 meteors! Fast forward! There are pictures!

+16 Meteorfall can indeed cause waves in the forum.

When he clicked on the post, his own berserker came into view.

The person who posted the post did not block Lin Yufeng's ID.

In this screenshot, Lin Yufeng's full-level Berserker is wearing an Abyss Knight set and holding a +16 Meteorite Knife.

The players standing next to him, without exception, became his background board!

PS: Thanks for the rewards and flowers that seem to be more than kn, the critical period when the book is about to be on the shelves! Brothers, please throw more flowers!

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