Lin Yufeng clicked on the comment below again.

"Oh my god! The +16 shooting star is falling! An unattainable dream!"

"There are so many gods in the first district of Xiangbei!"

"I know this crazy battle! He still has a +13 inheritance!"

"Is this picture from P? Last time I saw a +21 meteor fall!"

"It's not P's! I was fortunate to witness the strengthening process of the young brother at the scene."


Lin Yufeng didn't continue to read, but flipped through the forum for a while.

In the following period of time, Lin Yufeng became a little more low-key.

Mainly because the system didn't retrigger.

In addition to drawing pictures, Lin Yufeng hoards materials and sells powder packs.

Until this day when Lin Yufeng is online, the fourth chapter [Endless Challenge] is officially updated!

The new map [Skasa's Lair] is refreshed.

This map has also become the map with the highest location level at present.

The boss's young Scassa can even burst ice cards.

There is no doubt that this new map will be a hit.

In addition, the advanced abyss has also officially appeared.

The peerless twins like Meteor Fall and Black Light can also burst out from the monsters in the abyss.

This is also the reason why Lin Yufeng sold out Curry's pink pack crazily some time ago.

And [Polodin the Immortal King] is no longer the strongest title.

After all, the tower of death is coming out!

When Lin Yufeng came to the Moonlight Tavern, everyone was happily discussing the updated content.

I'm such a handsome guy: Damn it! Why didn't this item lock feature appear until now!

It's Fairy Qi: What is item lock?

At that time, you were young: you could lock your equipment, and it would take 72 hours to unlock it. During this period, the equipment could not be strengthened, sold, or lost.

It's Fairy Qi: Oh...

Village entrance, vegetable seller: So what if this function comes out? The stolen account is not yet stolen.

In the more than a year since dnf came out, account hacking can be said to be a shadow in the hearts of countless players.

Just imagine, how would it feel to have the equipment stolen overnight after working so hard to get the equipment out of dnf.

Those who have not had their numbers stolen are most likely not old players.

The item locking function can at least reduce the loss of players when their accounts are hacked.

I'm such a handsome guy: the advanced abyss is finally open! I also have a chance to be a fan!

Youth at that time: Fairy Qi, will you go to the Tower of Death?

It's Fairy Qi: What are you doing there? We're all over the top.

Youth at that time: do the title.

It's Fairy Qi: Oh.

As a time traveler, Lin Yufeng knew how powerful the title [Death Invitation (Blood)] was before most people.

Kill your dog with one shot: Team me up! I'll go as well!

The first task of the title of Reaper is to collect 200 signs of disaster.

Lin Yufeng warehouse Curry hoarded a disaster of hundreds of millions of gold coins.

In the past few days, the price of disaster may be relatively stable. After a few days, the price of disaster will definitely increase.

After all, the title of God of Death may be the most cost-effective title in the history of dnf.

Follow the main quest, and then they brushed the cave of mourning and the entrance of the dark city before arriving at the canyon of the dead.

The tower of death is undoubtedly higher than the tower of delusion.

Lin Yufeng hasn't brushed the Tower of Delusion for a long time.

The game has come to the middle of version 60, and the Tower of Delusion is no longer such a daunting map.

The Tower of Death takes the difficulty up a notch.

The Tower of Death has 45 floors.

Brush here, the consumables in your own backpack cannot be used, and the colorless ones cannot be used. You can only drop colorless and consumables by hitting monsters in the tower.

For ordinary players, this new tower is definitely not friendly.

The first ten or so floors are okay, but when you get to the back slowly, all you encounter are some unreasonable NPCs.

Those npcs are just like opening and hanging, skills are scattered all over the world, and there is no cd.

However, for Lin Yufeng, who has +16 Meteor Fall, it is too easy to brush here.

The first 30 floors were all smooth sailing.

When he came to the 39th floor, Lin Yufeng was still careful.

He clearly remembered that [Natya of Death] at this level was not something to be messed with.

After the dialogue with the enemies on this level was over, Lin Yufeng was about to lose his skills, when Natya the Death suddenly charged one, and with one [Smashing Bully], Lin Yufeng who was full of blood was dropped in seconds.

At the same time, Lin Yufeng also won a title: [The poor man who was killed in seconds].

"Fuck! Crack!"

Lin Yufeng slammed the keyboard and couldn't help but swear.

I'm so fucking lucky!

The 50-level inheritance of +13 in the whole body gave him an almost invincible defense.

But in the face of [Natya of Death], all of these are floating clouds.

Because [Natya of Death] has a 5% chance of being killed in seconds when throwing the Shatterer.

Lin Yufeng just happened to be second.

Is it Fairy Qi:? ? ?

One shot kills your dog: what's the situation? As strong as Brother Feng was instantly killed?

Fairy Qi and Xie Hao had always won by lying down. When Lin Yufeng died, they lost their positions in an instant and failed to fight past the 39th floor.

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