Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 273 Xu Qiu is aiming for a future market worth tens of billions a year!

As the initiator of the proposal, he did not participate in the meeting. Instead, the seminar directly gave the final conclusion...

According to the general process, shouldn't Xu Qiu, as the keynote speaker, focus on his current progress in the field of artificial blood vessels, list various problems, give a prospect, and finally let the expert group evaluate it?

Is it really okay to separate from Xu Qiu, the core of the project, and rely solely on the judgment of the expert team?

Xu Qiu considered this and called Li Mingwei.

After beeping twice, the call was connected.

After learning about Xu Qiu's doubts, Li Mingwei said matter-of-factly: "Those who participated in the evaluation are all super experts in relevant fields from various departments.

In addition, there are front-line scientists in the field of scientific research and some academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

There will never be a situation where a layman guides an expert.

Therefore, the expert group will definitely give the most professional and reasonable judgment, so you don’t have to worry. "

Xu Qiu was silent.

That's what he's worried about.

The experts present are certainly aware of the significance and status of "small-caliber artificial blood vessels". It even represents the center of the next revolution in extracardiac intervention!

Whoever can develop it first will be the helmsman of the next era of small-diameter artificial blood vessels.

But it is precisely because of this that the expert group understands how difficult this research is.

What it competes with is not just the professional knowledge and innovation capabilities of scientific research teams.

It is also a symbol of the strength and heritage of a country and an academy of sciences!

Without Xu Qiu, the words "Linhai University Research Institute" and "Artificial Blood Vessel Restricted Area" were linked together like a joke.

It’s hard to say how many points the expert group will give this proposal in the end and how much budget it will approve.

At the same time, a seminar was about to be held in a bright conference room in Xiehe.

An old man with a distinctive temperament, either frowning or gentle and elegant, sat down.

Those who can attend this meeting are all experts in the fields of cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, and artificial blood vessel research. Among them are two academicians of the Academy of Engineering, both of whom are prominent figures in the industry.

Academician Chen and Lin Xie also participated as examiners of the competition.

However, they can only serve as observers and cannot lead the decision-making of the seminar.

Dong dong dong——

The host stood up. It was the director of the Daxia Health Commission who announced the final award in the morning.

He didn't know much about the field of artificial blood vessels, so he simply gave a twenty-minute opening speech and then handed over the command of the venue to Yang Chenxi, an expert in the industry.


Yang Chenxi stood up, and everyone's attention finally focused.

“The importance of artificial blood vessels is self-evident.

Small-diameter artificial blood vessels are a hot research topic in China and even the international community.

It will also directly affect vascular surgery and cardiovascular surgery, covering clinical subdivisions such as coronary artery bypass grafting, peripheral vascular bypass grafting, vascular trauma with defects greater than two centimeters, and hemodialysis vascular access..."

Many industry leaders, including Academician Chen and two other academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, nodded.

Artificial objects will definitely be the main direction of future medicine.

Whether it is 3D printing for organ transplantation, prosthetic technology for bone reconstruction, various valve diseases, etc., cutting-edge fields are basically inseparable from technology and artificial materials.

The same is naturally true for artificial blood vessels.

Yang Chenxi gave more specific data:

“Take CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) as an example. This technology is currently the main surgery used by cardiac surgery to repair or replace blocked coronary arteries.

In the past, transplantation could only use autologous blood vessels, such as the great saphenous vein and internal mammary artery. However, this technology places high demands on the patient's own vascular conditions and will also increase surgical trauma.

Furthermore, both arteries were significantly defective.

The great saphenous vein has a large caliber and sufficient length, but it is prone to intimal thickening or vascular sclerosis. The ten-year patency rate is less than 50%, and the long-term effect is very poor. Basically, it can only be used for life expectancy of only 10 years. An elderly patient of five or six years!

As for the internal mammary artery, although its ten-year patency rate exceeds 90%, its wall is thin, its cavity is thin, brittle, prone to spasm, many branches, prone to bleeding, and its length is also very limited. It is difficult for doctors to perform this operation. few!

Coupled with the limited sources of clinical blood vessel donors and low matching of blood vessel calibers, clinical requirements for small-caliber artificial blood vessels are very high.

Here in Fuwai, the application of CABG surgery is defined as a potential incremental market. We estimate that the CABG market capacity in Daxia is approximately 50,000 surgical cases per year.

The incidence of coronary artery disease in China is increasing year by year!

Even if we look at a conservative growth rate of 2%, if a small-diameter artificial blood vessel can be developed, based on the average artificial blood vessel terminal price of 30,000 yuan, the potential market size for CABG surgery alone will exceed 1.5 billion. !

1.5 billion a year! "

This number made everyone present stunned.

1.5 billion a year is just a market for CABG surgery.

In addition, in terms of arteriovenous dialysis fistulas, the total number of blood purification dialysis patients in my country last year was 700,000, and the number is rapidly increasing to 100,000 every year, and more than 60% of them require the use of small-diameter artificial blood vessels.

There are also peripheral vascular diseases, vascular defects, etc., which all contain potential markets.

It can be said that the market capacity of artificial small blood vessels does not need to be estimated at all. This is destined to be an area with huge potential.

"The point is... How credible is it that Xu Qiu dared to propose to develop small-caliber artificial blood vessels?" said an academician of the Academy of Engineering.

Hearing this, many people were silent.

There are several national departments behind the famous sword competition, and it is hosted by state-owned assets. The funds it can provide for scientific research projects are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Therefore, they are very cautious in submitting proposals to each champion.

There was once a captain of a championship team who set his research direction on Alzheimer's disease.

Daxia also attaches great importance to this field and directly allocated 400 million research funds.

You know, the highest research funding supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute is only 6 million.

And 400 million is enough to support the establishment of nearly 70 top-level scientific research proposals!


The pioneering paper on Alzheimer's disease was exposed to be fake, and the pictures were all PS. More than 20 papers of the pioneer were all suspected of academic misconduct, which directly caused a major earthquake in the entire medical community.

And this also means that the industry has been misled by the pioneer for a full 16 years.

All sub-fields collapsed soon after.

The resulting masters, doctors, professors, key laboratories, research directions, etc. were destroyed in an instant.

It was like building a skyscraper halfway, but finding out that the foundation was made of foam plastic... This brought the world's research on Alzheimer's disease back to the starting point.

And the 400 million research funds went down the drain.

Since then, although the scientific research support for the champion team of the Famous Sword Competition is still unlimited, the evaluation process has become much more standardized and strict.

Based on the comprehensive evaluation of various factors, the grading of scientific research proposals is divided into five levels.

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