Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 684 A holy place for medical research!

"Isn't that the whole reason?"

This was beyond Xu Qiu's expectation.

Many contents of the World Medical Summit are confidential, but he has received a lot of information from some channels.

For example, the ranking represents the country's status in world medical conferences.

The higher the ranking, the stronger the voice will naturally be.

But now it seems that this is just one of the effects of the World Series?

The Minister of Health nodded and asked: "Do you know why, although the supervision team is from Berry Country and the World Series is held in Berry Country, no one has ever raised any objections?"

"Because of national strength?"

But as soon as he said that, Xu Qiu realized something was wrong.

No matter how powerful the country is, the Berry Country is not all-powerful. If fairness is not respected, no one will be willing to accept it.

"Berry Country... also paid for other things?" Xu Qiu guessed it immediately.

The Minister of Health smiled and said: "You guessed it correctly!

“Every World Series, countless countries are willing to accept the presence of the Berry Country supervision team, and are willing to participate in letting Berry Country lead the competition. The most important reason is that during the World Series, all research results and all expenses of the players will be funded by Berry Country takes responsibility!”

Xu Qiu looked at it in surprise.

Bear all research costs?

This is a bit too rich!

If he really takes the seven-star tablets to participate in the competition, won't Berry Country have to bear the entire 5 billion scientific research funding, and the final result will also belong to Xu Qiu...

It's like spending their money to make wedding clothes for Daxia, but they don't get any benefits!

Five billion is a lot for Daxia, and for Berry Country, it is definitely not a small amount of money that can be taken out without blinking an eye.

What's more, what they have to undertake is not the research of Xu Qiu alone, but the scientific research competition of more than 100 contestants around the world, that is, more than 100 countries!

Do they really have that much money?

Wang Li said coldly: "Berry Country controls many industries and has many cutting-edge technologies in their hands. Therefore, the cost they need to pay is smaller than we expected."

For example, in the development of Qixing Tablets, most of the equipment and compounds came from Berry Country Company.

If Berry Country were to purchase it, these companies should be able to offer a very favorable price, and it would not be impossible to increase the cost from 5 billion to 2.5 billion.

"Of course, they are not good people either."

The Ministry of Health shook his head and continued: "After all, more than a hundred countries combined, even if they can reduce costs, the investment is extremely huge, even close to our total scientific research funding for a year!"

The five billion yuan of Qixing Pian is not an expensive project. In fact, when Xu Qiu proposed it, everyone thought it was too cheap. Compared with the tens of billions of yuan invested in the research and development of original drugs, this cost is just like making a fuss. Just like playing.

Countries do not need to worry about funding, so they will naturally go crazy for the most expensive medical research. Even if they do not achieve corresponding results in the end, it will also eliminate a wrong path for their own scientific research.

Therefore, the price paid by Berry Country for dominating the World Series is greater than anyone imagined.

"Is that because?" Xu Qiu asked.

In the medical field, he rarely encountered things that he couldn't figure out, but with these external twists and turns, he was really too lazy to use his brain.

The Minister of Health said slowly: "The problem lies with the supervision team!"

Supervision team?

Before Xu Qiu could think about it, the minister's face darkened a bit, and he said: "The supervision team is nominally responsible for recording whether countries have violated regulations and whether they have provided excessive help to the contestants before the game.

"But how to record it? How to determine violations?

"This requires the supervision team to follow the contestants at all times! In this process, the supervision team can see the research progress and scientific research secrets of various countries!

"Of course, the real secrets and more core national-level research cannot be disclosed to Berry Country by any country. However, the results of their participation in the World Series were almost completed under the records of the supervision team!

“In other words, all the major results of the so-called World Series, no matter which country they belong to, their internal secrets will be transparent to Berry Country, and they have the means to imitate the same results!

"For example, do you remember that Abel?"

Xu Qiu nodded.

Abel is the direct disciple of Noah, the world's number one hand surgeon, and the tenth placer in the last famous knife competition. He has made significant contributions to the development of technologies such as the application of biological amniotic membrane and improved vascular sleeve method, especially helping He won the No. 10 position in microscopic robot-assisted reimplantation in the world, and is hailed as one of the future directions of hand surgery.

In the following year, Abel's country began to conduct joint experiments on micro-robots and replantation surgery for amputated hands, and many similar technological products had already appeared in the country.

Although there is patent protection, are imitators necessarily weaker than originals?

Linhai Small Blood Vessel has no competing products so far, because the core technology of this product has been mastered by Xu Qiu alone, and no one else has the permission to know it. Therefore, others who want to imitate cannot find a direction.

However, the secret of microrobot replantation was reported to the Berry Country by the supervision team. With the help of Berry Country's technology, even if it is just to imitate Abel, it will not be much worse!

The Minister of Health said with some disdain: "In previous years, Berry Country has also obtained a lot of results from our country's contestants. But if you want to use their money to help yourself with scientific research, this is a risk and price that you have to bear. ”

Xu Qiu suddenly... finally understood everything.

No wonder the bosses care so much about the World Series!

A scientific research sanctuary where you can spend money at will!

In the world competition, no matter whether it is 10 billion or 100 billion, you can research whatever costs the most. Although the final results may be shared by Meiguo, the original patent is still in your hands, and you will definitely not suffer any loss!

"I'm afraid it will be different this year." The director of the Health Commission suddenly said.

He looked at Xu Qiu with a smile and said, "We don't even know what your competition project is, let alone the supervision team and Meiguo. They may have to work for you for nothing!"

Mo Wan couldn't help laughing and said, "Last time, my research project cost 13 billion Daxia coins, and all of it was reimbursed by Meiguo. Don't fall behind this year."

Wang Li also said, "Whether it succeeds or not, this time you have to experience the arrogance of conducting scientific research at all costs, and you are not short of money!"

Other previous contestants also laughed.

They were not very sure whether Xu Qiu could achieve results.

However, Meiguo was too rogue. The supervisory team did not extract any research secrets from Daxia this time—because Daxia did not help Xu Qiu at all.

And Meiguo still had to assist Xu Qiu in medical research for free!

This alone was enough to make me feel relieved.

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