Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 909 The Collapse of the God of Medicine

After reading the medical records, Xu Qiu had a preliminary judgment in his mind.

The patient, Chen Zhiyao, was a female, eleven years old.

The course of the disease was consistent with what Chen's mother described.

In addition, the provincial hospital also sent a well-known neurosurgeon professor in the province and formed a multidisciplinary evaluation team to conduct a detailed clinical evaluation.

Finally, it was decided to use drug therapy.

However, now that the results are in front of us, drug therapy is obviously useless.

Xu Qiu simply overturned the previous diagnosis and started again.

He stood up and came to Chen Zhiyao.

This is a girl with very smart eyes, but her young face does not have the vigor of a child, but instead carries a deep inferiority and cowardice.

Even though Xu Qiu has maxed out the affinity, Chen Zhiyao still shrank back a few times, dodging her eyes like a panicked little animal.

It is hard to imagine what kind of life she lives in school and among her peers.

A warm smile slowly appeared on Xu Qiu's face. He looked at the girl and whispered, "Don't be nervous, I will help you."

The girl seemed to have not heard him, but her body's resistance had been much lighter.

With Shi Lian's cooperation, Xu Qiu began to examine the body.

This time, we have to do the Fugl-Meyer assessment form.

This is a motor function quantitative scoring form commonly used in neurosurgery, covering five areas: movement, sensation, balance, joint mobility and pain.

First is the upper limbs.

There are many items to be tested, such as the reflexes of the biceps and triceps.

Two points are given for reflexes and zero points for no reflexes.

There are also flexor joint movements, including shoulder joint elevation, retraction, abduction, external rotation, as well as elbow flexion and forearm supination, which are given 0 to 2 points according to "completely unable to proceed", "partial completion" and "smooth completion".

In addition, there are extensor joint movements, separation movements, etc. The total score for the upper limbs is 66 points.

And the lower limbs are 34 points.

According to the scoring criteria, less than 50 points is a first-level disorder, indicating that the patient has severe functional impairment.

50 points to 84 points is a second-level disorder, with obvious motor impairment.

The rating is gradually reduced.

Ten minutes later, the complex Fugl-Meyer assessment was completed, and Shi Lian also ticked the zero option on the last item on the scoring sheet.

Facing Xu Qiu's gaze, Shi Lian swallowed his saliva and said, "Teacher, 37 points..."

First-level, severe motor impairment!

No wonder he has to use a wheelchair...

Many stroke patients in their seventies and eighties can get 50 or 60 points, but Chen Zhiyao's 37 points means that he has completely lost the ability to walk normally!

Combined with the patient's treatment experience, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.

Drug-refractory myoclonus-dystonia syndrome (MDS)!

There is a lack of effective drug treatment for this disease.

But there is also good news.

From the pathogenesis of MDS, the problem mainly lies in the brain circuit, so in theory... deep brain pulse device implantation can just improve this disease!

"Admit him to the hospital first." Xu Qiu said.

Only then did he notice that in just a short while, Chen's mother had fallen asleep on the table in the clinic.

She was so tired...

However, Chen's mother's sleep was very light. When Xu Qiu directed Shi Lian and Chen Qiao to move the child to a transfer bed, she woke up in shock.

"Doctor Xu, my child..." Chen's mother's eyes were full of expectation.

Facing this rare disease with no definite treatment, Xu Qiu could not give any guarantee. He told the truth: "We have already clarified the condition, but the international community has not yet reached a consensus on treatment."

"Does it mean... it can't be saved?" Chen's mother's expression suddenly dimmed, and her face was full of deep sadness.

She actually understood that the so-called "there is still half a breath left, and Doctor Xu can save it" was just a joke from netizens.

Just like a lawyer named Luo Xiang who did not want to reveal his name, netizens also joked that if he went on stage, the spectators in the audience would be sentenced to three years.

Medicine has an upper limit.

If she really encountered a rare disease, even Xu Qiu would be powerless...

At this moment, the towering statue in Chen's mother's heart suddenly collapsed.

She did not mean to blame Xu Qiu.

She just hated why God was so unfair, giving her all the sufferings, and finally taking away her deepest concern.

"It's not that she can't be saved."

But at this moment, Xu Qiu's calm but unquestionable voice came.

Mother Chen raised her head suddenly, and her eyes, which were covered with mist, suddenly became clear: "Doctor Xu, you...what did you say?"

Xu Qiu said: "Our hospital is carrying out a brain surgery for Parkinson's disease. One of the indications of this surgery includes dystonia...If you are willing to be a volunteer, you may try it."

"Is it safe, Doctor Xu, is this operation safe?" Chen's mother only cares about her daughter's safety.

Xu Qiu thought for a while and said: "I can guarantee the safety. Even if the operation is ineffective, the damage to her will not be great."

He has master-level cranial functional area positioning and has mastered the extremely profound basics of brain surgery.

Just open the head and place a device in a certain brain area.

Even if it fails, the patient will only pay the price of having his skull opened.

There is no need to worry about damaging the brain area during the operation, causing functional loss, or even affecting the vital center...

In short, with Xu Qiu's help, if the operation succeeds, it means the disease has been defeated. Even if it fails, it's just a little imagination, and it can be fixed.

Xu Qiu said: "However, we still have to conduct a series of assessments to confirm that the patient meets the indications for surgery."

His initial expectation was to find a Parkinson's disease.

Although the principle of drug-resistant MDS is similar, it is a human life in front of him, and there can be no ambiguity.


Soon, the provincial hospital learned that Xu Qiu admitted Chen Zhiyao.

"Doctor Xu actually admitted him?" The director of the neurosurgery department of the provincial hospital was incredible.

Clinically, doctors often have no way to deal with drug-resistant MDS.

There is not even a standard treatment plan, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no clue to deal with it.

Could it be that... Doctor Xu has a way to treat MDS? !

Thinking of this possibility, the director of the neurosurgery department of the provincial hospital suddenly became excited. He quickly got up and left the office and went to the affiliated neurosurgery research center.

The neurosurgery research center in Jing'an City was built based on the work of Academician Shen Hua. Before the establishment of the Linhai City Neurosurgery Center, this was the center of neurosurgery in Baiyun Province.

Over the years, there have not been many good results here, but it is the best in the province, and a large number of neurosurgery talents have come out of here.

At this time, in a laboratory, the director of the provincial hospital knocked on the door in a hurry.

The old professor wearing thick glasses raised his head, glanced at him, and said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

The director of the provincial hospital said excitedly, "Teacher, do you still remember the patient with dystonia we treated before, the eleven-year-old one!"

The old professor's eyes dimmed.

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