Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 816: The Jiang family quarreled (2)

"I don't want to fight with you. Anyway, you are wrong. There is nothing between me and him. There are very few male employees in the company. I don't have many chances to contact the opposite sex. But because of work, I have to contact. ."

"Am I talking about other male employees? I'm talking about Gong Jun. Can't you tell if he likes you?"

"I can't tell! I'm blind, are you satisfied?!"


Upon hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan's anger also came up, his face sinking like a piece of ice, and his voice also cooled down:

"In that case, I will find a little nurse tomorrow to warm up the bed in the consultation room. I hope Mrs. Jiang will not care."

"Go find it! Go find it now! If you don't find it, you won't be named Jiang! Go find it!"

After shouting, she cried, and in the darkness she shed a few tears silently, biting her finger and not asking herself to make a sound.

This person is really a contradiction.

When not quarreling, I still faintly miss the feeling of quarreling.

Once quarreled, it was terribly uncomfortable, and his heart was holding back to explode, and he wished to violently beat the stinky man who made him angry.

A sturdy arm hugs her waist from behind.

"Don't touch me! Get out!"

She yelled, her voice stern, with a rustling nasal sound.

Jiang Beiyuan sighed, "I was wrong."


"That sentence just now was a joke, I'm sorry to say nothing to you."


Words and thoughts were indifferent.

Jiang Beiyuan took her directly into his arms and felt that she was a little thinner. Maybe she was tired after being busy with the company these days.

He closed his eyes and rubbed her hair, and touched her face with his generous palm, but did not touch her eyes.

Knowing that she was crying, but she also has self-esteem, and this time she should keep it.

I don't know how long it has been, time and moonlight settled together, and a dull voice sounded in the air:

"Don't say such things in the future, I will take it seriously."

"I know, don't say it."

"Then...Are you okay in the hospital? There really isn't a nurse sticking to you, right?"

"It's enough for me to have you. I have to do so much."

Having said that, Jiang Beiyuan paused, and then added: "I don't like other people."

Listening to his low magnetic voice, the qi in Yannian's heart dissipated a lot.

Women really can't stand the stimulus, whether it is false or true, the listener deliberately, it makes people feel uncomfortable.


"But what?" Yannian asked softly.

"Gong Jun is still going to drive."

"Hehe... Jiang Beiyuan, you have the ability to don't touch me tonight."

"...No ability."

"Then I won't be fired, you are stuck in your heart!"

"He is more important than your husband, do you protect him like this?"

The sour smell of autumn vinegar permeated the air and spread to every corner.

Yannian snorted, "I owed him a love for the last time I was saved. Now he is assigned to a department far away from me. He is just a small employee. It won’t be much. If it’s worth it, if you have to be unreasonable, then I’m all right. If he didn’t make a mistake, I won’t expel him."

"Go to sleep."

Jiang Beiyuan closed his eyes and pressed Yannian's head to prevent her from moving or talking.

Yan Nian also closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

After a while, she rolled over, hugged Jiang Beiyuan from the front, and found a comfortable position to fall asleep...


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