Zhang Fan’s 34th birthday is this weekend, and he invited Jiang Beiyuan and Yannian.

Together with Xu Kuangjie, Ding Baoyi and others, Zhang Fan invited them together.

At noon, Ding Baoyi drove to the company to find Yannian. He planned to go to the restaurant with her. He looked at Yannian's frown and asked her what happened.

"What else, a stubborn donkey at home has a temper with me."

Yannian was sitting in Ding Baoyi's car, holding her cheek in one hand, and couldn't help but complain to her good girlfriend.

A few days ago, she had already returned Gong Jun's coat to him, and it had nothing to do with Gong Jun, but Jiang Beiyuan was not finished yet.

He said it was not a joke for her to fire Gong Jun.

To this end, the director of the sales department arranged a lot of work for Gong Jun, and all three days of work were put into one day.

Failure to complete the task is dereliction of duty, and Gong Jun will naturally be fired.

After Yannian knew about this, he had another quarrel with Jiang Beiyuan, and then the two had a cold war.

"Forget it, today is the third day of the Cold War." Yannian broke her fingers.

"Oh..." Ding Baoyi didn't care.

"Oh, what do you mean? Are you still a good sister?" Yan Nian didn't get angry, and even Ding Baoyi didn't help her.

At the red light, Ding Baoyi stopped the car and flicked her red fingernails lazily.

"If you want me to tell you, you will fire Gong Jun. There is no shortage of this employee anyway."

"There must be a legitimate reason for expulsion, otherwise it would be too unfair!"

"As a boss these days, how could it be possible that N bowls of water have been leveled at the same time? If you want to open it, open it, just find any reason!"

"Well, you are right. I think it's not too late to open him after the performance appraisal, otherwise the time is too short."

"Then you will continue the cold war with your stubborn donkey, but I guess the cold war between you two will not last more than a week!"

"Why?" Yannian asked curiously.

"He must bow his head with you first!"

After hearing this, Yannian raised her chin proudly and finally smiled, "I feel so too."


The green light came, and Ding Baoyi restarted the car on the road.

A spoiled woman.

I hope she won't ask for trouble in the future.

Arriving at the hotel, Ding Baoyi and Yan Nian got on the elevator and followed the waiter into the box.

Chen Shuo, Gao Wei, and Zhao Quan are all here, but Jiang Beiyuan and Xu Kuangjie have not arrived yet, Zhang Fan is greeting Yannian and Ding Baoyi to sit.

"Yo cousin, why are you here too?" Ding Baoyi smiled at Xu Tongtong.

Xu Tongtong smiled without saying a word, don't look deeply at Zhang Fan next to him.

"Ah, I ordered 12 dishes, if not enough!"

Zhang Fan changed the subject with a smile.

"It's rare that the old squad leader is generous!" Chen Shuo laughed and teased.

On the side, Zhao Quan's eyes rolled twice, "Could it be all vegetarian dishes?"


Everyone laughed as soon as the words came out.

Zhang Fan kept his hands on his hips and disciplined him, pointing at them so that they would not laugh, "I can be generous sometimes, OK!"

"What is generous?"

It was Jiang Beiyuan's voice.

Jiang Beiyuan and Xu Kuangjie came together.

Xu Kuangjie held Jiang Qingchi, and Jiang Beiyuan had a cool breeze in his sleeves.

Yan Nian glanced at Jiang Beiyuan. He was wearing a linen T-shirt today, revealing a slender joint and a pair of black casual trousers.

All the clothes she bought him.

When she looked at him, Jiang Beiyuan's gaze immediately fell, his face was gentle, and the smile between his brows was warm.

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