
The mobile phone flew out of Jiang Beiyuan's hand, over the head of the cleaning lady, and hit the wall.

The aunt shivered, looked at the murderous man in shock, and tremblingly picked up the phone on the ground and handed it over.

"President Jiang...you, your phone is resistant to falling."

"Thank you."

Jiang Beiyuan sighed, took the phone, and walked towards the meeting room.

The cleaner aunt looked at Jiang Beiyuan's back and made a double speech.

In her impression, this man has always been calm and calm, showing no signs of dew, this is what happened, and he was so angry that he dropped the phone.

"The rest of the meeting is handed over to the general manager. I have something to do, so I will leave first.

Jiang Beiyuan stood at the door of the meeting room, his face covered with frost, his voice was cold.

After saying this, he strode away.

The rest of the people looked at each other, because everyone could see that Jiang Beiyuan's face was very ugly.


the other side.

Hanging up the phone, Yannian leaned against the bed, with a lollipop in her mouth, and wandered around with Erlang's legs.

Ding Baoyi on the other bed looked at her like a Martian.

"Look at what I do?" Yannian learned Jiang Beiyuan's usual posture, with both hands folded on the back of his head.

"Hehe, why didn't you know that you had a talent for acting before? It's so itchy, light a massage. It's good for you to be a voice actor!"

Ding Baoyi knew that Yannian didn't have the guts to find small fresh meat to massage her.

She just pretended to call Jiang Beiyuan.

"It turns out that men must never mess with women."

Yannian snorted.

"Anyway, my goal has been achieved. Let that fellow know how angry I feel!"

"Tsk, after getting angry, I think you will get retribution!"

Ding Baoyi said it.

"It doesn't matter, I'm venting my anger now, and I'm not angry anymore. What should we go to eat at noon?"

"When I came, I saw that the dumpling shop in Beihuan Road was good."

"Okay, go eat that—"

Before Yannian had finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" in front of her.

Looking over suddenly, with the billowing smoke, the door in front of her was sacrificed honorably.

At this moment, the man standing at the door, against the light, looked like a ghost emerging from the Yin Cao Netherworld. The coldness of the whole body gradually converged into a spot, lighting his dark eyes into a dazzling blue.

After reacting, Yan Nian shivered fiercely, shrank her neck subconsciously, and vomited the lollipop in her mouth.

Ding Baoyi cleared her throat, "Look, I'll say you will be punished."

Jiang Beiyuan walked over, with the smell of dust.

He looked around, there was no one in the room.

So Nian's clothes are intact.

"Doctor Jiang, don't worry, the two of us didn't find little fresh meat, so I lied to you!"

Ding Baoyi explained righteously for the fate of words and thoughts and even more of her own fate.

Jiang Beiyuan finally said "en".

His long eyebrows stretched, he narrowed his eyes while looking at Yannian, his voice was unhappy, "Follow me back."

Yan Nian: "I, I want to have dinner with Ding Baoyi, and I will go home after dinner!"


Without listening to her grind, Jiang Beiyuan hugged her without saying anything.

"Hey, what are you going to do!"

Yannian struggling with two legs fluttering, but in return the man above his head scolded unhappyly:

"You'd better shut up, say one more word, I'll take you off now!"

Saying: "..."

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