Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 850: From uncle to grandson!

She didn't believe that Jiang Beiyuan would really pick her up.

But it's been a long time since I saw him so angry, so it's better not to say anything if the person who knows the current affairs is a good man.

Ding Baoyi, who followed behind, covered her mouth and laughed.

I don't know what's funny, just want to laugh.

She always thought that the two people had been married for a long time, and the passion and enthusiasm of the relationship would be diluted by time and chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea.

And it turns out that a person, especially a man,

If he loves deeply, his possessiveness will not decrease but increase over time.

It's like this moment.

Looking at Jiang Beiyuan, Ding Baoyi seemed to see Jiang Ting from the campus era.

That flesh and blood, domineering and domineering, would get angry and jealous, Jiang Ting, who was jealous and didn't recognize him.

Jiang Beiyuan walked to the front desk on the first floor holding Yannian, and then put Yannian down.

He looked at the front desk coldly.

"In front of my wife and I, please make it clear, did I apply for a card with you that day?"


The front desk hesitated and did not dare to speak, and did not dare to look at Jiang Beiyuan's sharp eyes.

The pressure on this man was too heavy, and the front desk was frightened by his cold and shady temperament.

"Why, dare to talk nonsense with my wife, and dare not say it in front of me?"

"This this……"

The front desk stammered with sweat on the palms of their hands.

Seeing that the front desk didn't speak, Jiang Beiyuan sneered, and his sharp eyes turned at the woman with heavy makeup.

This is the woman who gave Wu Feng a massage that day, Xiaoyuan.

"You said, did you massage me that day?"

"Mr. Jiang...I...I..."

Xiaoyuan was also frightened by Jiang Beiyuan's Satan-like expression and aura, biting her lip, lowering her head not to say anything.

Time has become awkward!

"Mrs. Jiang."

Jiang Beiyuan looked at Yannian, helpless and annoyed.

"See, this is a typical guilty conscience."


Yan Nian pursed the corners of her mouth.

The arrogance of calling Jiang Beiyuan before is gone, now she is also empty!

Ding Baoyi stood behind and clapped secretly.

The man with full aura resolved the matter in a few words, so handsome!

"I can testify that Mr. Jiang is innocent."

Not far away a pretty woman came over.

She stood in front of Yannian and Jiang Beiyuan, and then looked at Yannian.

"That day, Xiaoyuan and I were massaging Mr. Wu. After Mr. Jiang came, we stood at the door. I wanted to give him a massage, but Mr. Jiang did not come in and refused me without hesitation. He said here. It’s not clean and doesn’t want to catch an infectious disease. He also said that Mr. Wu was violating himself. He left without staying too much.”

Jiang Beiyuan glanced at the woman, squinted slightly with an unhappy expression.

"You put the membership card in my pocket that day."

"This is really not me, Mr. Jiang."

The woman said word by word, her expression calm.

"Okay, don't pursue it!"

Yannian came back to her senses, looked at a circle of people, and pursed the corners of her mouth.

Now that the truth is clear, what qualifications does she have to look for?

"Sorry, I made trouble this time. I suspected you before I figured out the situation. I was wrong."


Jiang Beiyuan cast a glance at her, turned around and left without saying anything.

Yannian hastened to keep up with Pidian Pidian.

Ding Baoyi followed Yan Nian with her bag.

This matter is finally resolved.

Facts have proved that you must not pretend to be an uncle.

Because in the next second you are likely to become a grandson!

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