Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 852: My name is Qian Niannian

"Why do you talk like my dad?"

"Call Dad!"

"Roll! I'm your grandfather!" Yannian roared.

Ding Baoyi didn't reply again, and Yannian didn't say anything. She held her cheek in thought with one hand.

She glanced at a photo in the upper right corner of the desk. It was a family portrait of their three.

Last year, on Jiang Qingchi’s birthday, the family of three went to the amusement park to shoot.

At that time, the sun was just right, spilling over the sky from behind, Jiang Beiyuan hugged the baby with his left hand, and his right arm was around Yannian's waist.

And she herself was leaning against Jiang Beiyuan's arms, and she had nothing to worry about than a scissor hand, smiling like a flower.

"You seem to protect me well..."

Yan Nian rubbed the photo of Shang Jiang Beiyuan's face, her eyes were a little red.

"I'm so self-willed, and you treat me so well, what do you think of me in your heart, sometimes you don't feel tired being with me..."


at the same time.

Jiang Beiyuan was in the clinic today, and he sneezed as soon as he sent a sick number away.

He frowned slightly.

When the weather turns cold, you really have to pay attention to keep warm.

After pressing the next patient number, the woman Jiang Beiyuan who came in this time was no stranger. It was the woman who helped Jiang Beiyuan speak at the bathing center yesterday.

Jiang Beiyuan just glanced at her, then looked down quickly, his expression as usual, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"Mr. Jiang..."

The woman sat down across from Jiang Beiyuan.

Today she was wearing an emerald green dress, and the hair on her forehead was scattered around her ears. She raised her hand to pin her ears.

She looked at Jiang Beiyuan, with clear pupils, a face with delicate makeup, and two dimples on the cheeks.

"That's it. Yesterday I was fired from the bathing center because I was speaking for you. I can't find a suitable job at the moment. At home, I have my grandma and grandpa who are sick in bed and need to take care of. I heard that you are a shareholder of Jiang Nian Group. , Can you arrange a job for me?"

Jiang Beiyuan put down the signature pen in his hand and looked over.

"I'll ask you one last time. Didn't you put the membership card in my pocket?"

"No. It's really not." The woman said every word, without hesitation, very decisive and calm.


Jiang Beiyuan nodded lightly, looking down at the medical record in his hand.

"If you go to Jiang Nian, you can only arrange the lowest level of work. One month's income is less than half of the bathing center. Are you sure you can do it?"

"Yeah, I can! I was born with no fear of hardship, and now I really can't find another job, so I just wanted to find you, Mr. Jiang, my grandma and grandpa--"


Jiang Beiyuan motioned to her to stop, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

"I am not interested in listening to your tragic family situation. There are many people in this world who have more lives than you. I helped you not because of your family difficulties, but because you clarified for me last time. I remember your favor. "

Jiang Beiyuan said.

"I pay you this favor now, so you will work wholeheartedly, and you will quit your job in the future. It's up to you. You don't have to come to me again."

What Jiang Beiyuan said was very clear.

The woman is not a fool, I can hear Jiang Beiyuan telling her:

In the first place, let her not be too inconsistent, because he would only help her once.

Secondly, she was asked to keep her distance from this married man, because he was only on business.

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, you probably don't know my name yet. My name is Qian Niannian. Qian Zhongshu's money is Qian Zhongshu's money. Niannian is an unforgettable one."

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