Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 853: Is there such a fierce rabbit?

Jiang Beiyuan did not respond.

Qian Niannian went out after speaking. Without staying too much, she was not here to see a doctor.

Jiang Beiyuan did not take this "Qian Niannian" seriously, and continued to call in the next patient.


After work, Jiang Beiyuan drove to pick up Yannian and go home.

Yannian got into the car with two big bags of things, said that she was fine at noon and went to the mall and bought him a lot of yogurt.

"I want to go back to make cheese by myself tonight and give you a taste."


Jiang Beiyuan was driving, his expression soft.

"By the way, Dad explained that he will return to Lucheng tomorrow, and his son will be back tomorrow afternoon!"


"Also, isn't it in autumn? I plan to send my son to kindergarten so that he can adapt first. If he really doesn't want to go, I can send him to school next year. What do you think?"


Jiang Beiyuan didn't say much, and Yannian was used to it.

When he doesn't talk much but his expression is soft, it is often his calmest state.

At the door of the house, Jiang Beiyuan carried the plastic bag and opened the door.

When he was the boss before, he would go on business trips, but now that he went back to the hospital, he rarely traveled.

For two years, he will come back on time every night and will not fool around and drink like some men do.

In fact, a man takes care of his home and knows to run home the first time after get off work, which is really good.

Even if he doesn't talk much, his actions will be there to make women feel at ease.

Jiang Beiyuan entered the study room. He has a case to see. He will be in charge of a major four-level surgery tomorrow.

After a while, the door of the study slowly opened...

Yannian holds the prepared cheese in his hand and a project proposal in his hand.

These are not important.

What matters is the clothes Yannian wears: Bunny outfit.

She wears two high ponytails, and a rabbit ear is pinned in her hair, which is cute and charming.

She is 26 this year, well maintained, and looks like a 20-year-old girl, so it doesn't violate the harmony at all.

Jiang Beiyuan had a pair of gold-wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his slender hands were flipping through the books in front of him. Originally, his attention was on the books. He didn't look sideways until he heard the sound of the teacup colliding with the tabletop.


Yan Nian passed the plan in her hand.

"There is an international floral list. I don't know whether to sign or not. Please help me to see it. You are more thoughtful and considerate than I am. I believe you!"


Jiang Beiyuan didn't bother to show her the project proposal. He threw the folder aside, put the book in his hand to the side, and looked at her for a moment.

The goose-yellow light came down, reflecting her pale skin and delicate features.

"What do you mean by dressing like this?"

"Nonsense, can I please you!"

"Oh, is there such a fierce rabbit?"

Saying: "..."

She is not fierce at all.

Leaning on the table, resisting the urge to vomit, cast a wink at him, "husband~the slave family is here to please you!"

Jiang Beiyuan curled his lips and smiled.

I bought him yogurt, made cheese, dressed like this, and deliberately used the plan as a guise. Obviously, this Nizi knew that she had done something wrong and felt ashamed.


Jiang Beiyuan picked up his fingers, did not refuse, walked over and sat on his lap.

She hugged his neck and nudged his clean white collar.

"Let's stop quarreling in the future, okay!"

Yannian's voice was low, and she choked slightly.

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