Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 884: Dad doesn't want us anymore

"If you are tired, take a good rest. Go to bed early tonight for fear that you will stay up late!"

Yannian said with red eyes, and she didn't know why she was uncomfortable, but she heard Jiang Beiyuan say that she was a little tired, and her heart hurts very much.

That steel man would also be tired, and said to himself that he was tired for the first time.

"How can I stay up late without you?"

When he is joking, he tunes and teases.

"Okay, go to bed," Yannian smiled lightly, "it's not easy for you to work all day, good night husband."

"Don't be good night."

"What's wrong?"


The wind is gentle.

Two seconds later, Jiang Beiyuan’s voice mellowly passed along the sound wave——

"Just say you love me."


"I love you."

I love you.

Tonight and night, in the past, now and in the future, I love you.

hang up the phone.

A drop of clear tears slid down the corner of Yannian's eyes, and she quickly wiped it off by raising her hand.

Since having a child, Da Chi is a master who likes to express feelings. He would say "Dad, I love you" and "Mom, I love you" almost every day. As time passed, I suddenly remembered that it seemed that she hadn't said seriously to Jiang Beiyuan for a long time Love you" too.

Is he not confident anymore.

Do people who hide everything like that have a time when they are not confident?

Yannian thought a lot tonight, thinking about insomnia.


Two days later, the news of the cooperation between Jiang Nian Group and Shengtian Group was exaggerated by the news media.

Obviously, this is a secretly promoted by someone with a heart, and the public opinion is fermented.

"Mom, come and see, this is Dad!"

The little guy was watching TV on the sofa, pointing to Jiang Beiyuan who suddenly appeared in the financial news, and said with joy.

Yannian sat down after hearing the words and saw her husband.

It is late autumn, he is wearing a black cashmere coat, Yushu is in the wind, and the wind and snow between his sleeves are as precious and cold as the wind and snow.

In fact, he himself is not very photogenic, because he is more handsome and younger than the one on the TV screen.

His clothes are also very good, not the old-fashioned dress of some bosses. On the contrary, Jiang Beiyuan prefers to wear casual clothes on weekdays. For suits and leather shoes, he doesn't wear much, except for occasions that must be worn.

"Mom, Dad is really handsome!" Jiang Qingchi didn't skimp on his compliments.

"Of course, don't look at whose husband is!"

As soon as Yannian's voice fell, the camera turned in the next second, and it was transferred to Yu Lili.

After a moment of thought, he noticed the cooperation between the two parties.

It stands to reason that Jiang Beiyuan hates Yu Lili, so why should I cooperate with her?

"Mom, that bad aunt!"

Jiang Qingchi recognized Yu Lili at a glance, and the little guy clenched his fists.

But the next second, he loosened it weakly.

"Mom...Dad does not want us anymore?"

"how is this possible?"

After returning to her senses, Yannian shook her head, shook off the wild guesses in her mind, and rubbed her son's hairy head.

"This is work. It's like, you go to kindergarten every day. There must be children you don't like in the kindergarten, but you have to see them. This is unavoidable."


Jiang Qingchi nodded as if understanding.

"But... what if Dad really doesn't want us?"

"No, don't worry, even if the sky collapses and the dinosaurs are resurrected, your father won't want us to drip."

Yannian hugged Ochi and rubbed his chin against his son's head.

"We have to believe in Dad. He is a very good and capable man. No, he can't do it at all. He is just very good. Yes, he is very good."

"Silly mother, what are you talking nonsense?"

Jiang Qingchi couldn't understand the muttering, so he was confused!

Yannian smiled and let go of him, and raised her hand to scrape her son’s little nose, “Anyway, anyway, I believe your father is right! He is very busy these days, we don’t put pressure on him, you give less Does he bother him by calling?"

"Oh, I see."

"Hey, come on, pull the hook with mom—"

Yannian stretched out her little finger and put it in front of her son.

"Recoil, it won't change for a hundred years, we will trust Dad together!"

"Cut, Mom is so naive."

The little guy was disgusted with arrogance on his mouth, and he was still hooked with Yannian in action.

Both people have clear eyes, pure eyesight.

Because there was a man who protected them well, they could live pure and clear all the time.

Jiang Qingchi hugged Yannian's neck.

"Mom, although you are really unreliable, you are also very clueless..."


Yannian squinted slightly, brat, ‘but’ if you don’t say well, let’s see how I can deal with you!

"But your optimism really touched me!"

"You still don't understand when you are young, man, stupid people have stupid blessings, they just have to eat and drink well, live in the moment, and be happy every day!"

Yannian feels that she has always been very optimistic, will not be compassionate to others, will not sigh every day like a woman.

Jiang Qingchi snorted.

"No, it's raining, mom sleeps at home and dad is going to catch the cat!"


Monk Yannian Zhang's second monk was puzzled and did not understand what his son meant.

"I said Dad catches cats in the rain!"


Yannian's brain reacted for a long, long, long time.

It took more than 800 laps from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean before turning back again.

"Son, it's not raining to catch cats. Do you want to talk about Wei, Yu, Shi, and Miao?"

"Almost! It's all the same!"

Saying: "..."

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