Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 885: The eve of the storm

After watching TV for a while, the son fell asleep on her lap.

Yan Nian took out her cell phone, afraid that Jiang Beiyuan was busy, so she sent him a message with only four words.

"I believe you."

I believe he can understand.

She told him, without saying much, he understood.

Yan Nian waited for a long time, but did not wait for Jiang Beiyuan's reply.


An hour later, Jiang Beiyuan came out of the operating room.

"Goodbye, Doctor Jiang, take a good rest."

The accompanying doctors left one after another and bid him farewell.

He casually leaned against the wall, standing erect, with his eyes down slightly, his long fingers opened the screen of the phone and saw the latest message.

"I believe you."

Jiang Beiyuan hooked his mouth.

In the evening now, there was a drizzle outside the window, making the corridors dim and long.

There was a long shadow in front of him, and the light fell on the man's shoulder, reflecting his eyes.

Thinking of replying to Yannian, the phone rang in the next second.

Seeing the caller ID, the gentleness in Jiang Beiyuan's eyes was hidden in Wuhen in an instant.


"I have checked the contract. There is no problem. Come to the Emperor Hotel at 7:30. Let's sign the contract."


Jiang Beiyuan's unique cold and indifferent voice came, and his dark eyes hid secret calculations.

Yu Lili can imagine his face at the moment.

That peerless face must be stained with coldness and disgust that breaks the woman's heart.

Yu Lili closed her eyes and hung up the phone.

Jiang Beiyuan also wanted to hang up, but the phone was knocked into flight in the next second.

He was an old man in his fifties. He smiled and ran into Jiang Beiyuan's phone without apologizing, he just kept laughing.

"Sorry, Doctor Jiang!"

A little nurse who ran over from behind kept bending over to apologize to Jiang Beiyuan.

"I ran out of the psychiatric department, I will take him back to take medicine now!"

"It's okay."

Jiang Beiyuan's face sank slightly.

Because that person knocked his mobile phone into the bucket of the aunty cleaner nearby.

Take it out, the phone is broken, and it doesn't work anymore, so I can only buy a new one.

"Oh, don't run away! Go back with me to take medicine!"

The little nurse kept her hands on her hips and chased after her.

People in their fifties are still so capable of running.

When he reached the corner, the old man stopped running. He looked around and saw that there was no one around. He suddenly pulled the little nurse over, covered her ear, and whispered like a secret...

"I'm secretly telling you that a woman told me that as long as she knocks the phone of the person just now, she will give me one million!"

"Mr. Wang, you should take medicine." The little nurse looked helpless.

"What I'm saying is true, that woman is very beautiful, with a wavy shawl and a black dress with high heels."

"Mr. Wang, you really should take medicine!"

The little nurse rubbed her forehead and took the patient she was responsible for back.


Yan Nian came back from the funeral home, it was already half past six.

It was drizzling outside, and the sky was dark, like a black spider web, staining the entire sky with thick ink.

After having lunch at noon today, Ma Xueyan said that she was a little tired, and then went to bed.

This sleep never woke up again.

Yannian found out that when she died, she was lying peacefully on the bed, wearing a brand new flower coat, her hair was washed for her yesterday, and her face was very clean.

It's just that scrawny face, no more blood.

Yannian lay on the bedside and cried for a long time.

The feeling of saying goodbye to a person is always piercing.

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