Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 886: Jiang Qingchi fever

In the afternoon, Yan Nian sent Jiang Qingchi to the neighbor's aunt next door, and then went to the funeral home to register Ma Xueyan's name, age, and home address, and determined the cremation time.

When writing, her hands trembled.

For the first time I felt that death was so close to me.

However, she will bury her ashes under the house in accordance with Ma Xueyan's last wish.

So it was dark when I came back.

Yannian took her son back from the neighbor's house and gave them three hundred yuan.

The other party doesn't want it.

Yannian insisted on giving it, and the other party accepted it.

"This kid is pretty good."

The neighbor's aunt liked Jiang Qingchi very much, and then sighed.

"If Xueyan lived a long time, it would be great!"

The neighbors around me didn't know that Yannian was not Ma Xueyan's biological daughter.

Yannian didn't say much, and took her son back.

She had locked Ma Xueyan's bedroom and told her son that he would not be allowed in.

Jiang Qingchi asked why.

"Because grandma is asleep, she is going to take a long, long, and long nap."

"Then Mom, let's not disturb grandma, shall we go back to find Dad?"

The little guy pulled Yannian's sleeves, and the golden beans kept falling down.

"Mom, I miss my dad. When it rains outside, I miss my dad. I'm afraid my dad will go out to catch the cat again. No one will be with him."

The soft voice, matched with the wet eyes, also wanted to cry at Yannian.

"Okay, mom and grandma will tell each other, we will go back."

"Mom, I want to go back now... I miss Dad, I really want Dad to be by my side..."

The son didn't know what was wrong today, and kept crying while talking, but Yannian looked very uncomfortable.

Holding him back to his room, patted him on the back to comfort him, saying that he would go back soon.

The little guy rubbed Yannian's clothes, still crying, "Mom, I'm so afraid that Dad doesn't want us... I haven't seen Dad for three days..."

"Dad is a bit busy, but he must miss you very much, and of course he misses me very much."

Yannian touched her son's face.

Then I was stunned!

Follow his little face and rub his forehead.

One slice is hot.

"Oh, do you have a fever?"

Put Jiang Qingchi on the bed, Yan Nian hurried to find a thermometer.

After searching for it, she couldn't find it, and she didn't know where Ma Xueyan put the thermometer. She was at a loss for a while.

Jiang Qingchi also had a fever before, but not many times. Jiang Beiyuan took care of it.

He is a doctor and understands both Chinese and Western medicine. When a child has a fever, he takes his temperature, listens to his heartbeat, and gives Jiang Qingchi medicine, all in an orderly manner.

Now put it on her side, Jiang Beiyuan is not there, she can't even find the personal thermometer.

Yannian was a little bit arrogant, and went to the kitchen to make some vegetable porridge swiftly, thinking that it would be more comfortable for the child to drink.

But the little guy just vomited after taking a sip.

A flushed face, moist apricot eyes, and poor Barbara's clothes corner...

"Mom, I'm a little dizzy, shall we go to find Dad?"

"Well, go find Dad, and I will go back now!"

How can I manage so much now? I touched Jiang Qingchi's forehead and it was even hotter than before. If I didn't use a thermometer, I must have a fever and I didn't have to run.

Yan Nian wrapped her jacket around Jiang Qingchi, then hugged him and left home.

It's raining outside now, so I can't get a car at all.

This is a development zone relatively far from the city. There is no hospital nearby, and it is dark now, and taxis have long since stopped picking up passengers.

The patter of rain fell obliquely, the rain was long, standing on the side of the road blankly, his hair was soaked, and I looked around at the long night, and there was no car in sight on the road to the end.

The little guy who was lying in front of her was alive and kicking before, but now he is sick, just lying motionless in his mother's arms, just mumbling to find her father.

The soft and helpless voice made Yannian feel very painful. She put a hat on the child and lifted him up. She called Jiang Beiyuan more than once.

Toot toot...

But no one is connected...

Several times of anticipation, several times of anxiety, several times of disappointment.

Jiang Beiyuan, Jiang Beiyuan...

Why don't you answer the phone?

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