Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 891: Divorce, crisis of confidence (7000 words)

Jiang Beiyuan squinted his eyes lightly, and the hostility from his body radiated out a little bit, converging into a sinister blue light.

"From now on, you will pay the price for all your calculations."

After saying this, he strode out, never looking at Yu Lili again.

Yu Lili, who is gloating at this moment, still doesn't know what her price is.

She knew that Jiang Beiyuan would definitely come to the hotel today, and she also knew that Jiang Beiyuan's temperament would definitely not tell Yannian about this.

Women are jealous and sensitive, no one is generous.

That's why she seized this gap...


When Yannian came, he came in a taxi, but now I don’t have a taxi, so I just go forward.

The drizzle wet her hair, she walked slowly, her face was still very calm, but her pupils had no focus.

Until a slender and familiar figure directly stopped in front of her.

The night is ups and downs, a tall man with a stiff figure, her eyes can only see his chest.

Yannian kept her face away, turned her head to make a detour.

"Nothing happened to me and her, so I signed a contract. The contract is in my pocket. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the hotel to adjust the monitoring. I didn’t even enter the door of the room. I signed it in the elevator. Then I did the contract. If you get rid of your hands and feet, she will soon ask for trouble."

Jiang Beiyuan quickly explained, taking off his coat and covering her thin shoulders.

She didn't wear much, her arms were cold now, and she wanted to hold her in her arms, but was flicked away by words.


With this blunt word falling, she threw it to the ground along with his coat.

"You can go home with me, scold me and beat me, or make me kneel on the washboard. Don't be angry with you when you are pregnant."

Jiang Beiyuan said, took off the woolen sweater inside, and put it on her head directly.

There is just one piece of clothing inside him, now he has taken it off, shirtless, with clean texture and smooth lines.

Yannian still wants to throw--

"If you throw it away, I can only peel it off for you."

After hearing this, Yannian gave up.

I glanced at him. It is late autumn, and the temperature at night is below ten degrees Celsius. He is so shirtless. When the wind blows, there seems to be a little goose bump on his arm...

Don't open your eyes, don't want to look at him, and don't want to say a word to him now.

My heart is so damp and stuffy, like this damp rain, it seems that there will never be a sunny day.


The brakes stopped abruptly.

A black Mercedes parked on the side of the road.

Song Yikai, who drove in the main driver's seat, came to give Jiang Beiyuan his cell phone.

Jiang Beiyuan wrapped an arm around Yannian's waist, opened the door of the back seat and pushed her in, and then entered by himself.

"Boss...your cell phone."

Realizing that the atmosphere was not right, Song Yikai tremblingly handed the new mobile phone to Jiang Beiyuan while starting the car, but he dared not say anything else.

Jiang Bei Yuanen said, the light and shadow in the car fell on his shoulders, and his chest was covered with a layer of honey luster.

You know, Jiang Beiyuan is not an exhibitionist.

Song Yikai licked the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, give you my coat?"

"No, turn on the warm air to the maximum."

Jiang Beiyuan said, his eyes were on the little wife beside him.

At this moment, she looked out the window with her face turned without saying a word. As far as he could see, she had slightly pale lips.

He sighed hardly smelling, took a clean towel, and wiped her wet hair.

"Do not touch me!"

Smelling him vaguely as if stained with a woman's perfume, he felt nauseous.

"You are my daughter-in-law, who will I not touch you?"

"Come on to Yu Lili! They are beautiful women with white skin and long legs!"

"Not as good as you."

Jiang Beiyuan didn't want to let go of her, leaving her struggling like a loach in his arms.

Yan Nian was so angry that she bit the back of his hand.

"I just think you are dirty!"

"No one is cleaner than me."

"Are you clean? Send your wife and children away, and go to the hotel with other women. The child has a fever of 39 degrees 5 and calls you so many times without answering. How can I believe you are clean?! Do you think I am blind and blind? Stupid?"

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Song Yikai, who was driving in front, did not dare to breathe.

It's no wonder that Yannian is so angry. At night, the child had a fever. Yannian was pregnant with the two again and saw her husband come to the hotel again...

It's weird if you don't blow the hair.

Jiang Beiyuan was silent for a moment, his brows tightened, and a deep sorrow appeared deep in his eyes.

"Where is my son now?"

"Do you care? Don't you never like him?"

"Which hospital?" Jiang Beiyuan was patient, his voice was very low and very magnetic.

"Central hospital!"

Don't open your eyes when you speak, don't want to say a word again.

"Song Yikai, turn around and go to the central hospital."

Jiang Beiyuan rubbed his forehead and leaned on the back of his chair. He had counted a thousand fortunes, but he hadn't counted that his son would suddenly have a fever.

It appeared in his mind that when he played chess that day, Yuli was barking loudly.

Even before going out today, Yuli was barking non-stop...

It really is fate.


At the entrance of the hospital, Yan Nian took off the sweater and threw it over.

She bought him this dress not long ago!

Jiang Beiyuan put on his own clothes, so he naturally wouldn't be shirtless in front of so many people in the hospital, and it would be unpleasant.

Song Yikai took the umbrella and handed it to Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan got out of the car first, trying to drive Yannian, but the latter had gotten out of the car first, and walked away from him to the hospital.

Jiang Beiyuan followed her, guilt and self-blame in his eyes.

In Children's Ward No. 250, Jiang Qingchi was playing with Ding Baoyi's mobile phone, and Ding Baoyi fell asleep on the sofa.

Yannian walked over to Ding Baoyi and covered her with a blanket.

Ding Baoyi woke up as soon as it was covered.

"Thank you, sister."

Smiling at her, there was nothing strange about that beautiful face at the moment.

Ding Baoyi said twice, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Jiang Beiyuan with a widowed face.

"Your husband is here."


The mood of speech is not high, and the speech is light.

Ding Baoyi raised her wrist and looked at her watch, "Well, you and your wife are both here, you two take care of my godson, I will go back first."

"I called you a driver, it's downstairs."

"Che, you want to drive me away so much?"

Ding Baoyi said jokingly, picked up the jacket on the coffee table and looked at Jiang Beiyuan.

"Take good care of your wife and children. Your wife came by truck from your hometown. It was raining on the road. Yannian came to the hospital and was soaked all over. Simply your three children are all right now!"

Jiang Beiyuan nodded lightly, sitting on the head of the bed, taking the temperature of the child, his eyes were guilty.

As soon as Ding Baoyi left, Yan Nian turned his head and went out. Jiang Beiyuan looked at her for a long time, and she didn't even look at him once when she went out.

"Dad, mom seems to be very angry..."

"Well, I did something wrong."

"Then dad and mom apologize, OK?"

"it is good."

"Then Dad won't want us?" Jiang Qingchi asked one after another.

"will not."

The words without hesitation, like clear springs in the mountains, soothed the little guy's restless little heart.

Jiang Qingchi exhaled heavily!

"I'm so afraid that Dad doesn't want us, but Mom says to trust Dad!"


He took his son's thermometer out of the squeaky nest, no fever, but Jiang Beiyuan was still guilty.

It was raining, Yannian was still pregnant with a child, and his eldest son had a fever. When he called him, he could imagine how helpless and panicked she was.

Don't blame him, that's it.

"Why doesn't Dad answer the phone?"

"The phone is broken, I bought a new one."

"Then dad buy more mobile phones to store in the future, but don't let my mom and I find you again!"

"Good. I'm sorry."

"Well, stop saying sorry, I'm not angry with my father anymore!"

Jiang Qingchi was very coaxing, but Jiang Beiyuan followed this point.

The child thought Jiang Beiyuan didn't want him, so he felt uncomfortable and angry.

Now Jiang Beiyuan appeared in front of him, and his father apologized to him, so Jiang Qingchi was not angry.


There was a knock on the door.

Yannian leaned against the wall, looking at Jiang Beiyuan without wavering.

"Come out, let's talk."


The little guy grabbed Jiang Beiyuan's hand directly.

Then he bypassed Jiang Beiyuan and looked at Yannian.

"Mom, Dad said that his phone was broken, so he didn't answer the phone. Mom, don't be angry with Dad, okay!"

"..." Yannian did not speak.

Jiang Beiyuan pulled out his hand, patted his son's head with his generous palm, and met his worried eyes, his face was calm, "It's okay, don't worry, eh?"

"Dad said that men are acquainted with all the rivers and rivers. Dad also said that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly. Dad also said..."

"Clear the pond."

Jiang Beiyuan's slightly cool palm touched his son's small face and rubbed it twice. How could he not understand the child's good intentions.

"Don't fight, don't worry."

"Good dad!"

The little guy looked worriedly at his father and his ugly mother going out.


Why is his little heart so upset.


It's already eight o'clock in the evening.

The doctors’ lounges were all turned off, and only Jiang Beiyuan’s lounge was brightly lit.

He raised the temperature in the lounge to 28 degrees, poured a glass of warm water and put it in front of his little wife.

She was sitting on the sofa, wearing a purple chiffon shirt, which was slightly loose on her.

The hair is simply dry, it is not good for pregnant women to catch cold, and it is not good for themselves or their children.

"Drink some water, eh?"

Seeing her motionless, he wanted to sit next to her, and Yannian pointed to the other side.

"Go and sit on the opposite side!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

Just sitting down, a platinum ring was thrown directly on him.



Silently, he picked up the ring on the ground and pinched it in his palm. The joint pained, and his heart became restless.

"It's the second time that I say yes again and again and again, and I don't take it seriously."

"Then I'll say it a third time, let's leave—"

"I will never get a divorce!"

The always calm voice was several decibels higher, with an inexplicable smell of hoarseness.

Following his voice, his mind swayed, and there was a moment of dizziness.

Jiang Beiyuan leaned on the handle of the sofa, calmed down, and sighed.

"I did not do it right, I apologize to you, but I still said that, nothing happened with her. I said, let you believe me, you also said, you will believe me, I—"

"It's not that I don't believe you, but you never intended to make me believe you!"

Yannian's emotion finally became agitated.

"I believe your premise is that you don’t hide it from me. I called you a few days ago and asked you. At that time, you said that you didn’t hide anything from me. If you were to deal with Yu Lili, why didn’t you start? tell me?"

"You are pregnant, I'm afraid you will be emotional."

Jiang Beiyuan was patient.

"I'm afraid you are like this now."

"Relax, I'm not excited, I'm just stating a fact."

Yannian raised her hand to pin the hair that had fallen from her forehead behind her ears.

Her hair is very long, it is waist-length, and she hasn't taken care of it much in the past two years, and she has not been trimmed.

Now the goose-yellow light came down, it looked like she was a small one, her face pale, but her voice was cold.

"Do you know how many times I have seen you and Yu Lili's photo on the way to the hotel?"

Smart as Jiang Beiyuan, his eyes drenched.

"She did it on purpose."

"I know she did it deliberately, but along the way, I was thinking that you and Yu Lili are really good matches in every respect, and you are better than me and you, and you both belong to the more mind-attack type, unlike I. To be honest, I don’t know why the two of us would know each other. You would like someone like me. Even though you carry me to the hospital on a rainy day, I’m really touched.”

"Do you remember?"

"I didn't think of all of it, just this one thing, it may be true today."


Jiang Beiyuan was silent for a moment.

"Before this, I also thought that I would be with a woman who is comparable to a family in my life, and we would have a strong bond between companies, and then get married and have children. Then you showed up. Although it caused me a lot of trouble, but until now, I Never regretted falling in love with you."

"Then what do you love me? You never seem to say it."

"...I don't know, you should be good-looking."

It is not unreasonable to say that I am excited these days.

Otherwise, he couldn't understand why he wanted to teach her in the first place.

"What?" Yannian raised her eyebrows.

Jiang Beiyuan said, it didn't seem like a joke.

"Your face is very comfortable every time I look at it, but now it is also very comfortable to look at it like this."

Even if she was angry, even if she disgusted him, he still thought she was pretty.

He also liked the oval face, curving, shallow eyebrows, almond eyes, small and beautiful nose and lips.

It's not that I have never seen a face similar to her, but I always feel that no one looks like her. Yannian's face is very iconic to him, and he can recognize it at a glance.

Yannian lowered her eyes...

"I think we are inappropriate."

"I have been married for four years, do you think it is inappropriate?"

"Yes. I said it was inappropriate."

She looked up at him.

"From marriage to now, you are not hiding anything from me. You keep saying for my good. If you really regard me as your trustworthy wife, then from Xu Anqing, to your mother, and Zhou Rui, Xiao Chuchen … Until now, Yu Lili will not mess up our lives over and over again."

"I just don't want you to worry about it."

"No, you just think I'm weak, I can't help you much, anyway, I have no fighting power, you have Jiang Beiyuan in everything, I only need to be a fool under your umbrella."

"I never said that."

"However, I was indeed protected as a fool by you."

Say word by word.

Throwing sound.

Then the surroundings were extremely quiet.

It was so quiet, she heard her feeling of exhaustion.

"The child has a fever and can't contact you. The wife of the truck driver said that you gave her money before and let me take care of our mother and son."

"I was thinking at the time, you seem to be like this all the time, plan ahead and arrange everything for me."

"I think I always rely on you too much. At the beginning of the marriage, I was fine. Gradually, I was just like dodder grass. I must be attached to you to live. Once without you, I will be nothing, I I don't want to live like this anymore."

Yannian paused after speaking and sniffed.

"Divorce, I am serious. Even if one Yu Lili is gone, there will be thousands of Yu Lili who will destroy our lives in the future... No way, we have never really trusted each other."

She didn't trust him, because before, a small massage shop let her blow her hair like that.

He didn't trust her, from beginning to end, he never let her know what he was thinking, even if he wanted to deal with a person, she didn't mention a few words.

"The wedding photo by the bed, the one that sits on an equal footing, every time I see that photo, I feel uncomfortable, and I don't understand how it is not. I understand now...between us, never I have sat on an equal footing, and there is no spiritual level."

Yannian is finished.

She stood up and walked outside in silence.

He was suddenly tightened by an embrace and locked in his encirclement.

"Niannian, I will tell you everything from now on, okay?"

He loves so humble.

All the friends around him said that he loves a lot and loves humblely, and he admits it.

In this love, he has always had nowhere to go, anyway without her, he feels that life is meaningless.

Yannian sighed.

"You called me before and said you were a little tired, but I was also a little tired, Jiang Beiyuan, we seem to be tired of each other."

"I'm not tired at all, as long as I have you."


Yannian trembling fingers broke his hand.

Now think about it, why can someone take advantage of it every time, is it because of not enough love?

But she was in love very hard.

The possessiveness that didn't exist before and the careful calculation and revenge of women were all used on him.

Very tired.

Because what she did with him was never on the same channel.

Today, Yan Nian's strength was exceptionally strong, and the moment she broke his hand, something fell to the ground along with it.

Jiang Beiyuan dropped his two hands decadently...

His shoulders suddenly lost all weight.

"Yan Nian! Have you really loved me? Have you ever loved me sincerely?!"

"I never loved you! Are you alright!"

"Bang——" The sound of closing the door suddenly drew back Jiang Beiyuan's sanity.

He chased out, but Yannian had already entered his son's ward and locked the door.

He leaned weakly against the wall, tilted his head up, and between the line of his lips and the line of his jaw, which formed a sad arc.

He was crazy just now, saying such excessive words.

I don't know why he said that he loves her too tightly and makes her breathless.

It seems that whether he has a son or not, he always loves her the same way as before, but he only gives a small part of his love to his son.


Song Yikai waved his hand in front of Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan turned faintly, his dark eyes met a bottle of yogurt.

"Hey, I just bought it from the vending machine downstairs. Have a drink!"

"Thank you."

Jiang Beiyuan stretched out his hand to take it, and licked the lid after unlocking it.

Amused Song Yikai giggled.

"Boss, you actually said thank you to me, I am a little flattered!"

"Am I bad?"


"...It's okay."

He drank the yogurt, a little lost, but his most common behavior had an indescribable temperament. At this moment, the long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, like a layer of unreal water.

"Boss, as a man, let's not mention your unparalleled appearance and your excellent and intelligent brain, your career is successful, your family is happy, if you are bad, how can you let the bottom of us live?!"

"I still seem to be a little worse."

Jiang Beiyuan lowered his eyes and said.

An inferiority complex appeared in the eyes of a promising man in his thirties.

"Should tell her everything earlier, and don't lose her phone, will she not be angry?"


For the first time facing such a humble and unconfident Jiang Beiyuan, Song Yikai had the urge to cry.

"Women's heart, needle on the seabed, you can't guess it! Although you do have something wrong tonight, you are already very good, very good, in my eyes you are excellent, don't doubt yourself! !"


Jiang Beiyuan said nothing.

In some words, the exit has hurt people.

He was so silly to ask her whether she loved him or not.


Jiang Qingchi's recovery ability is very strong.

Yannian took care of him all night and kept watching his temperature. Fortunately, Jiang Qingchi did not have a fever again.

She was really tired, and fell asleep on the head of the bed in the middle of the night, holding her son's little hand, her fingers interlocking, but she never let go.

After waking up, sweaty little fleshy claws were wiping mother.

Yannian woke up from the nightmare, tears in her eyes.

"Did Mom have a nightmare?!"

"Yeah..." Yannian hugged her son, and her tears fell. "Dreaming about your father's death, I am about to die of pain."

"Hey, Dad said that dreams are the opposite, so Dad will not die, and Dad is a doctor, and doctors will live a long life!"

"Yes, he is a very good man."

"Mom praised Dad. Mom is no longer angry with Dad, right?"

"No birth." Yannian wiped his eyes and said lightly.

"Then why doesn't mom let dad come in and pinch?"


Yannian did not speak.

Jiang Qingchi waited for a long time and didn't wait for Yannian's answer.

After a while, there was a sigh above his head.

"Your mother is bad, am I?"

"What is it? Did Dad blame Mom?"

"No... Don't you always say that I'm not reliable? Do you think I'm useless at home?"

"No, my mother can cook. Although cooking is not as delicious as my father, my mother can arrange flowers. Although I don't know what flower arrangement is, my mother still manages the company. Although the godmother said that the company is for Mom and Dad!"

"Boy, are you comforting me or sarcastic?"

"Of course I praise you, but don't appreciate it, huh!" Jiang Qingchi raised his chin proudly.

"...If your dad is doing the same with you, just murmur and talk so much every day."

Yannian held Jiang Qingchi with her small chin resting on his son's head.

Looking at this face now, her heart felt painful.

Because this face, except for the eyes, is a reduced version of Jiang Beiyuan. When he grows up, he will definitely look more and more like his.

"Son, I said if, if... I divorced your father, who do you want to talk to?"

"Mom, you said before that there is no such thing in life! Live the present!"

Jiang Qingchi, who is only three years old, looks like a very young adult.

Yannian sighed.

"Well, let me tell you the truth, I decided to divorce your dad. Think about whom you want to be with."


Jiang Qingchi jerked away Yannian and blinked his eyes.

This action is very ignorant, very cute and cute.

But in this situation, the innocence on the child's face revealed a bit of sorrow.

"Mom, you lied to me, right! You must lie to me!"


His words and thoughts were stuck in his throat, and a big hole broke in his heart, and a fierce wind poured in.

When taking care of Jiang Qingchi last night, she looked at this little face and thought a lot. She really decided to get a divorce. She had never had such a determined idea.

"I didn't lie to you. I'm sorry for my son. Although my mother doesn't have the richness of the father, nor the good and smart father, but I will work hard to make money to support you and won't make you suffer! Why don't you just follow your mother, OK? "

She really likes Ochi.

I don't want to be without this little guy.


Jiang Qingchi's eyes turned red all at once.

With wet eyes, tears were rolling in his eyes at this moment.

"Mom has younger brothers and sisters in my stomach to accompany my mom. If I choose to be with my mom, there will be no one to accompany my dad! What should my dad do? Who will support my dad in the future?!"

Yan Nian was annoyed for a while.

"You, you and Dad, you can take the time to come and see me... If you have a new mother in the future, she will treat you badly, you can come back to me again, I won't want you."

"No!!! I can't have a new mother!!!"

After Jiang Qingchi finished speaking, he pushed aside his words, got out of bed and ran out.

Yannian reacted and hurriedly chased it out, but the child ran so fast that he could no longer see the child after chasing it out.

Go to Jiang Beiyuan’s lounge and consultation room, but Jiang Beiyuan is not there!

The son is not there!

Cengceng went back to his son's ward again, thinking that he would be able to come back, only to see the thermos barrel at the door of the ward. I don't know who put it here.

But how can Yannian take care of so much now!

Where can children go!

"Yan Nian what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Fan passed by, looking at Yannian's face extremely pale, and his lips were shaking.

"My big pool can't be found, I—"

Before she finished speaking, Yannian only felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen.

The next second, she fainted in pain...

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