Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 892: Yu Lili finally asks for trouble (7000)

At that time, Jiang Nian Group.

The meeting room on the 60th floor is full of seats. At this time, the man in the middle, wearing a black woolen sweater, has a handsome face, and his long eyebrows are slightly lowered. There is a faint Sichuan pattern deep in the center of his eyebrows.


A document is thrown directly in front of the employees.

Jiang Beiyuan bent his fingers and knocked on the tabletop, making a sound.

"This is the plan to acquire Shengtian Group. It will be won within one day."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

"President Jiang... Then, you have to ask Chairman Jiang's opinion first!"

"No need."

Jiang Beiyuan said with his long legs overlapped, his voice dull and deterrent.

"But President Jiang... Now that Shengtian's stock price has risen steadily, rash acquisitions are very undesirable!"

"Shengtian's stock price will fall tonight, and I must see Shengtian go bankrupt."

Jiang Beiyuan was expressionless from beginning to end, his voice was extremely cold, and those narrow peach blossom eyes glowed with a terrifying murderous aura.

He is a person who can control his emotions, but obviously, there is already someone who has provoke him to the extreme.

"The boss is bad!"

As the meeting was going on, Song Yikai rushed in.

Then staggered to Jiang Beiyuan's side, bending over to cover his ears.

"Your son is crying at the door. Go and see!"


At the same time, many employees gathered at the door on the first floor.

Most people knew that this was Jiang Beiyuan's son, and they greeted him to come in, but Jiang Qingchi remained motionless, sitting on the doorstep, and Jin Doudou kept falling.

There is also a taxi parked in front of the company.

The taxi driver kept sighing, I don't know why.

Soon, a clear breath approached, like an emperor coming, letting the crowded people automatically give way.

Before the lights flew, the slender man strode over and picked up the little guy who was sitting on the ground crying with tears and nose.

"Well, Dad!"

Finally waiting for his father to come, Jiang Qingchi lay on Jiang Beiyuan’s back, crying even more sadly...

"Are you...really going to divorce your mother?"

As soon as the voice fell, the air-conditioned voice of the crowd automatically sounded.

It's all gossip employees, whispering and whispering.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't answer his question. Looking at his son's red eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Why are you here?"

"Um...Uncle Zhang Fan said that his father was not in the hospital and he went to his grandpa's company, and then I took a taxi..."

The little guy was sobbing and talking intermittently, sniffing pitifully.

"Dad, I want to say one thing, don't be angry."


"Can you pay for the taxi first for me?"


Jiang Beiyuan couldn't laugh or cry, and glanced at Song Yikai behind him.

Song Yikai understood, took out the cash in his pocket and paid the prince the fare.

"Thank you Uncle Song!" The little guy rubbed his eyes. Although he felt uncomfortable, he was very polite.

Jiang Beiyuan left the crowd holding his son, and walked straight to the elevator.


Office of the top president.

The autumn wind outside is bitter, and the warm wind inside is very warm.

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Qingchi sipped a bottle of hot milk in his hand.

Jiang Beiyuan, who was going to the bathroom, came out from inside and put the hot towel in his hand on his son's little face, which was crying and dirty.

"Wipe yourself."

"um hum……"

Jiang Qingchi obediently did it.

After wiping, he sucked his nose and returned the dirty towel to Jiang Beiyuan.

"Go to the bathroom to blow your nose and wash the towels."

"um hum……"

Jiang Qingchi hurriedly followed suit, not daring not to listen to Jiang Beiyuan's words.

After tidying up in the bathroom, the little guy stood in front of Jiang Beiyuan, with his two hands sticking to the seams of his pants, and stood obediently.

"Dad, I am very clean now."


Jiang Beiyuan was sitting on the sofa, rubbing his forehead, a look of fatigue between his brows.

"Then dad can tell me now, have you divorced your mom?"


Jiang Beiyuan gave him a very affirmative answer, and then stretched out his long arms and directly took the child over and carried him on his lap.

Jiang Qingchi was dubious.

"But Mom said, she divorced you..."

"Mom is talking angry words, not divorce." Jiang Beiyuan's words were heavy.

"Really? Dad didn't lie to me, right?"

"Don't lie to you, I love her very much, so it is impossible to divorce her."

"Then one day if my father doesn't love my mother, will he divorce her?"

"There won't be that day."

Jiang Beiyuan was patient, he was very serious, and he was talking about such profound things with his son.

"In my life, I will never fail to love your mother, nor will I be sorry for your mother. I just want her to be good."

"Then, dad won't marry another woman to be my mother?"

"Other women are not as good-looking as your mother, I can't even look at them."

"Hmm, I can rest assured!"

The little guy finally stopped crying and burst into laughter.

Big eyes, silly appearance.

"Dad, I think I'm really handsome, just a little fat, but it's nothing, I believe Dad won't mind, you and other aunts can't give birth to such a handsome and cute son!"

What a little trick.

So narcissistic, I don't know who to follow.

Jiang Beiyuan smiled and stroked his son's forehead.

The fever is gone.

"Now let me ask you, when did you come and why did you come here? Does your mother know about your coming here?"

Xiaoqingchi answered each of Jiang Beiyuan's three question marks.

Jiang Beiyuan was moved.

He is harsh and serious to him on weekdays, but at the critical moment, this little guy still faces himself.

At a young age, he even considered his future pension problem, which is very rare, Jiang Beiyuan felt relieved.

The phone rang suddenly.

is his.

A call from Yannian.

Ask him if the child is with him.

"At the company, I will ask Song Yikai to send him home later."


Yannian's voice was a bit weak, and she didn't say much, and soon hung up the phone after she was relieved.

Jiang Beiyuan looked at Jiang Qingchi on the sofa, his eyes suddenly became serious.

"My mother is carrying two babies in her belly. No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't push her away. The first is to make your mother worry, and the second is to make your mother worry about it.

"Dad, what is fetal gas?"

"If the mother is angry, the baby in the belly will die."

"What?! I don't want the baby to die! I don't want my mother to have trouble either!"

"Well," Jiang Beiyuan's anger remained unresolved, his expression still a little widowed, "not as an example."

"Knowing Dad, I was wrong!"

The good thing about Jiang Qingchi is that he recognizes his mistakes and apologizes quickly.

Born with a likable skill, he is good at everything.

"I just think that my mom is going to divorce my dad, so I hate mom!"

"When you hate someone, think about how good she is. No one is perfect. Last time you hated me because of the little girl who was a guest at home."


One sentence blocked Jiang Qingchi, and the little guy listened quietly to Jiang Beiyuan's words, thoughtfully.

Jiang Beiyuan put him off the sofa and let him stand.

"I will send you home later. After I go back, I will first apologize to my mother, say sorry, say that it worried her, and say that this kind of thing will not be done in the future."


"Then tell her that you love her, you will always be by her side, you will not leave her, understand?"

"Um, dad, then you won't leave mom, will you?"

"As long as she wants me, I won't."

After he finished speaking, the office door rang.

The board of directors told him to continue to go back to the meeting. Jiang Beiyuan asked his son to stay in the office first, and after he finished the meeting, he asked Song Yikai to send him back.


the other side.

Liu Zhen did a full-body examination on Yannian, and sighed while looking at Yannian leaning on the bed.

"Fortunately, you were in the hospital when your stomach hurts. It's okay now. Remember not to get emotional in the future, otherwise it is easy to miscarry!"

"Knowing about Doctor Liu, I panicked as soon as I lost my son."

"The sky is falling, and Xiao Jiang is supporting you, what are you afraid of?"


Yannian didn't reply.

Liu Zhen left soon, letting Yannian lie down and rest for a while.

Yannian turned on the phone.

She turned off the phone yesterday because she had to take care of her son. Secondly, there was radiation on the mobile phone, so she turned it off at night.

Only when I called Jiang Beiyuan did I turn on the phone, and saw a dozen voices sent to her.

They were all posted around five o'clock this morning.

Article 1: "Sorry, I didn't say that sentence yesterday, okay."

Article 2: "I thought a lot last night..."

Article 3: "Think about divorce. If I really make you so tired, make an appointment and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Article 4: "I made breakfast for you, put it at the door, remember to eat."

Article 5: "I will go back to the group today to talk about the acquisition of Yu Lili's company."

Article 6: "You can watch the news at night, and the financial news will report on this."


For the rest, Yannian suddenly had no energy to listen anymore.

She leaned against the head of the bed, looking sideways at the rising sun outside.

It's obviously late autumn, but the sun is still terribly bright.

But the sun was shining on her, she could not feel the warmth.

She was in a small black hole with nowhere to go. The darkness enveloped her. It was a spider web made of humbleness and fear, impenetrable to the wind.


An hour later, Jiang Beiyuan finished the meeting and returned to the office.

His son was painting, Jiang Beiyuan walked over and took a condescending look.

There are three people in the middle of the white drawing paper.

Tall men, short little boys, and thin women.

Although the style of painting is very abstract, Jiang Beiyuan can still tell that this painting is a family of three.

"Why are there two trees next to my mother?" Jiang Beiyuan asked.

"Because my mother has younger brothers and sisters in her belly, although I don't know if it is a younger brother or a younger sister, let them make trees first!"


Jiang Beiyuan was quite satisfied with this answer, his brows rose a bit gentle, and the corners of his peachy eyes raised a warm arc, folds glowing.

"Send you back now, or your mother will be worried."

"Good dad, but can dad write me a letter of guarantee?"


"Hmm...I watched TV when those uncles made mistakes, they would write a guarantee to my wife."

Jiang Qingchi's eyes rolled twice flexibly, fearing Jiang Beiyuan's anger, and while speaking, he glanced at his face.

Jiang Beiyuan's face remained unchanged, and the corners of his lips twitched, "Let's talk, write something."

"Just write that you will love your mother forever, and that you and your mother will never get divorced!"


This was the first time Jiang Beiyuan was led by a child by his nose, and took a blank paper to write a guarantee.

[I, Jiang Beiyuan, from birth to death in this life, I only love talking about one woman, and will never be with other women. Yannian is my treasure for life. 】

Finally, a fingerprint was put on.

"Dad, why don't you write that you can't get a divorce?"

"I, I can't write these two words."

"Dad can add pinyin!"

"Forget it, this is enough, OK?"

"Okay Dad!"

Jiang Qingchi finally smiled contentedly.

Jiang Beiyuan carried his son to the first floor and asked Song Yikai to take him home.

"After you go back, how did you tell your mother, remember?"

"Don't worry, Dad, I remember, I have to apologize to my mother, tell her that I love you, and tell her that I will never leave her."


"Then Dad won't go back with me?"

"No, I'll talk about it tonight."

Now that he goes back, it is estimated that Nizi will not give him a good face.

What kind of temperament she was, he could not have known it better. Her stubborn self-esteem and stubbornness would almost cost a man the life of a man. If she could not get out of her horns, if he went back, it would make her more entangled.


The cafe downstairs from the hospital.

The shards of sunlight fell through the window lattice and fell on the woman in the white coat. Her white face, clear eyes, pure and pure, without any impurities.

Yu Lili had to admit that Yannian was still pretty.

The bones are very straight, the skin is also moisturized, and the eyebrows are very delicate. When you smile, your eyes will bend. Like the moon, she is a little girl next door.

Jiang Beiyuan's temperament, a big man.

Big men usually like small women, not strong women, because that can highlight their protective desire.

However, she can also be a little woman and do what he likes.

Thinking like this, Yu Lili curled her lips and smiled:

"If you are looking for me, if you want to ask me what happened at the hotel that day, I have nothing to say, you slapped me."

"Slap you because you are sassy and cheap."

Words and words are ruthless and absolute.

Yu Lili's face turned into a kaleidoscope, her eyes were different.

"Slapped him because he had something to hide from me, and his son's fever was not there. It doesn't mean I don't believe him."


"In fact, when you sent me photos, the first reaction I really believed was that any normal woman would have thoughts about seeing her husband and other women in the hotel, not to mention that it was still at night. Exception, I really doubted it at the time."

Yannian said, her fingers stirred the cup in front of her.

She couldn't drink coffee when she was pregnant, and ordered a glass of warm lemonade.

"When I went to the hotel, I saw his disgust and coldness toward you, I knew--"

"what do you know?"

"You really are a cheap dogskin plaster."

"Ha ha……"

Yu Lili was not annoyed, and took two sips of the black coffee in front of her.

"A good man never lacks dog skin plasters. You have been walking with him for so long, so there are few contradictions."

"So as you wish, I am going to divorce him."

"Oh? If you believe him, why do you still get a divorce?"

"I don't have to tell you the specific reason."

Yannian's voice is very light. In fact, her voice is not as sweet as Yu Lili's. Only when she is acting like a baby, she will deliberately babble, but there is no need to be like a baby anymore.

Yu Lili raised her hand and squeezed her hair, and moved the corner of her mouth.

"Let me guess, have you realized the gap between you? If so, then I admit that you can do this step, you love him a little bit more than I thought. "

Because of loving someone:

The more humble the party, the more afraid of loss.

The more inferior, the more he wants to let go.

It's not so much distrust of the other's love, it's better to deny yourself completely and believe that you are the incompetent at the bottom.

"I remember when I was in college, I was the same as you. I looked at him from a distance and felt that he was unattainable, not close to others, and not letting people close to him. I looked at him for a full year. I dared to say hello to him, in exchange for his indifference and alienation. In fact, I expected it to be like that."

The past came to mind, just like the cup of black coffee in front of her, Yu Lili smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"At that time, I understood that if you like Jiang Beiyuan, you must stand beside him, otherwise he will not notice you at all if he just looks at you from a distance. I often wonder if he didn't like you in high school. , Maybe university, he will be attracted to me."

"I don't know if he will be attracted to you, but I have never been the same as you."

After saying this, Yannian left.

She didn't say anything different from Yu Lili.

Yu Lili looked at her back.

But seeing Yannian walked a few steps and turned back.

He picked up the lemonade in front of him and poured it directly onto Yu Lili's delicate makeup.

"If you want to chase him, you will chase after our divorce. Now I am still the master. It is necessary to get rid of the anger on you."

Yu Lili squeezed her fingers, looking at Yan Nian who was walking away, her exquisite face was hideous, and she was about to chase her out and come back when her phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, Dad?"

She wiped the water on her face, the water temperature was still a bit hot, if she disfigured her face, she would never let her words go!

"You hurry back to me now, I have important things to tell you!"



Hao family.

In the magnificent hall, the crystal lamp above the head is dazzling. Sitting in the center of the living room is the chairman of Shengtian Group Hao Mao and the father of Yu Lili.


Hao Mao fell to Yu Lili with a report.

"Look for yourself! The company's stock price continues to fall for unknown reasons today!"

"It may be a good thing that Jiang Nian Group did, but it's okay. Now our Shengtian strength is not weak. A Jiang Nian Group is not enough to hit us."

"During this period, you haven't been caught by anyone, have you?" Hao Mao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't worry, I behave carefully everywhere. It's just some rim shots and will not be caught." Yu Lili was very calm.

Hao Mao nodded.

This is his only daughter. Although she is not a son, she is talented in business. In the future, he wants to give his company to Yu Lili.

"Now Shengtian is at the stage where there are wolves and tigers before and after. You are a company executive. You can't mess with every move. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable. How many entrepreneurs are caught by someone and step into The realm of the abyss."

"I know!"

Yu Lili was a little impatient.

"Did you talk about this when you found me?"

"The prince of the Minglang Group has returned from abroad and has inherited his father's group. I want to see you this weekend."

"Didn't I say that I can't go on a blind date? I want to fight for my own love!"

"Oh, why are you so obsessed!"

Hao Mao leaned on a cane and tapped the floor hard.

"Although that man is good, he doesn't love you, even if he is divorced, he won't be good to you!"

"Then I won't be wronged by myself and be together with crooked melons, let alone happiness in the second half of my life!"

"There are so many good men in Lucheng, and he is not the only one in Jiang Beiyuan. Crooked melons are a minority. Look at the daughter of the Xu family, don't they have a good time getting married and having children?"

"I have loved him for eleven years!"

"The daughter of the Xu family has also been in love for eleven years. If they can get free, why can't you?"

"Because he is so good that I can't find faults."

Yu Lili said every word.

"The reason why I have always followed my mother's surname and not yours is because I hate you as a man. Together with your surname, I hate it to the extreme."


Hao Mao furiously attacked his heart and raised his crutches.

Before I met, I finally withdrew my hand. After all, there was only this daughter. Her mother died and he only had this relative, so he was reluctant to fight.

Some tears flickered at the corner of Yu Lili's eyes.

"I keep telling myself that I can't find a man like you, even if he looks a little like you."

"I have been looking for so many years, only Jiang Beiyuan, he is the person who makes me feel the best and perfect. He is responsible for the family, responsible for the work, self-discipline and self-love, will not be as selfish as you, and will be merciful. "

"But he doesn't love you Lily!"

Seeing his daughter like this, Hao Mao was really heartbroken and helpless!

"Although I owe your mother a lot, I have raised a few women outside, but I love her after all!"

"That's why my mother died of illness and indirectly was killed by you. I won't want this kind of marriage and love, and I don't want to end up like my mother."

", you, your wings are really hard!"

Hao Mao didn't know what to say.

The children are older, the age gap is wide, and many ideas have generation gaps.

"It's nothing more," Hao Mao waved his hand, "Your love is whatever you want, you just need to manage the company for me."


The housekeeper ran from the outside in a panic, eyes full of anxiety.

"It's not good, the people who picked up the prosecutor's office outside came and said that they wanted to investigate our lady."

Hearing this, Hao Mao quickly looked at Yu Lili, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Didn't you say that you are very careful?!"


Yu Lili pressed the corners of her mouth vigorously, without speaking.

The man in uniform had already entered, and showed his ID to Hao Mao and Yu Lili.

"Ms. Yu Lili, you suspect that you are involved in illegal smuggling, and the amount of funds is huge, come with us!"


Yu Lili voted vetoed.

The contracts she signed are all regular contracts!

Law enforcement officers took out a contract and handed it to Yu Lili.

"The signature on this is yours, right!"

Yu Lili hurriedly pulled over the contract, her fingers trembling.

This is the contract she and Jiang Beiyuan signed at the hotel that day!


The contract she drafted is not this one!

When she was in the hotel and texting Yannian, she put her briefcase on the desk at the front desk.

Soon Jiang Beiyuan came, opened her briefcase, and took out the contract.

She was afraid that Jiang Beiyuan discovered that she was secretly poking and texting Yannian. Although she was very calm, she was still a bit guilty in front of him, so she didn't think much about it, and went into the elevator with him and signed the contract. Up.

Look again now, this contract is clearly full of loopholes!

It should be when she sent a message to Yannian, the contract was dropped!


Yu Lili laughed at herself.

Suddenly I felt that I was relieved like never before, and everything was relieved.

But it seemed to be too heavy, and all the invisible pressure would crush her.

"After all, I was calculated by Jiang Beiyuan!"

The sentence he said, "From now on, you will pay the due price for all your calculations" is true.

Hao Mao on the side grabbed Yu Lili's contract.

Looking at one of the items on the contract, it said ‘Shengtian Group is the person in charge and undertaker of this project’, Hao Mao gasped, clutching his heart, closed his eyes and fainted.

"Dad...Dad are you okay?!"

Yu Lili knelt on the ground, holding Hao Mao's head blankly, and grabbing the housekeeper to call for an ambulance!

The scene was once chaotic!


"Lao Jiang!!!"

When Xu Kuangjie rushed into Jiang Beiyuan's office, he didn't notice Jiang Beiyuan's sadness at all. He held the headline of his phone to show off to him.

"See, Hao Mao's old man suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. The rescue was ineffective. Yu Lili was taken away by the prosecutors for investigation. Now Shengtian's stock price has fallen to the lowest value in history. If you don't buy it, I bought Ang first!"

He had bet with Yu Lili before that she would be ruined within a week.

Now bet that he wins and the man's face is saved!

Xu Kuangjie's elation is in stark contrast with Jiang Beiyuan's taciturn.

Xu Kuangjie only noticed that the man who should have been the happiest man was not happy now, his eyes were full of depression, and the sadness between his brows fell from his shoulders and was about to drown his whole person.

"what happened to you?"

Xu Kuangjie hasn't seen Jiang Beiyuan so sad for a long time.

So sad that I want to lose the whole world.

With long eyelashes hanging down, Jiang Beiyuan didn't say a word. He was rubbing the ring of his left ring finger, circle after circle, so entangled, so slow, so slow that time stopped.

"Aren't you happy to be stupid!" Xu Kuangjie patted his brother on the shoulder.

"By the way, now that Yu Lili has been resolved, your wife will not be in danger for the time being, and my experts in various fields have found you for you. When will your blood clot surgery be done?!"

"Don't do it."

Jiang Beiyuan was still such a firm person, and he said a firm sentence slowly and sadly.

I don't know how long it has been before, he finally stood up, walked around Xu Kuangjie, and picked up the car key and jacket on the coffee table.

"Let's go, now send me to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

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