Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 893: Text ending first part

Along the way, Xu Kuangjie brainwashed Jiang Beiyuan variously, saying that there is no fragrance in the end of the world.

Xu Kuangjie is such a person, who is the same sentence for everyone, "Where there is no grass in the end of the world, why bother to love a flower".

"There are also divorced people who have been married for 20 years this year, not to mention that you are only four years away, and you are fine. After you leave, we can do the surgery with peace of mind. You have such a good condition, you can't worry about not finding—"


An emergency brake directly blocked Xu Kuangjie's words.

"Get off." Jiang Beiyuan's face was cold.

"Wrong wrong."

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Jiang Beiyuan pursed his lips, and then went back on the road after a long while.

It is half past four in the afternoon.

It is approaching time for get off work, and there are not many people at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Ding Baoyi and Yan Nian arrived early and stood at the door.

"Are you sure you want a divorce?"

Ding Baoyi looked at her words and thoughts. She did not change much from the age of twenty. She still had that pure and pure face, and her fox-like cunning was well concealed by her, or because she was a mother, she was no longer like the little girl. So narrow.

Yannian didn't speak, but looked at the two young couples coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau in front.

When the two were young, the woman was crying with tears, pointing at the man in the black jacket and wailing and screaming: "I'm so blind to marry you bastard!"

"Okay, your eyes are back, and we won't offend the river in the future!"

The man copied his pockets with both hands and walked away leisurely.

The woman walked in the opposite direction, covering her mouth still crying sadly.

The scholar's delay, it can be said.

It's hard to say that the girl is indulged.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached behind him.

Jiang Beiyuan and Xu Kuangjie walked over one after another.

Jiang Beiyuan stood still in front of Yannian, staring at her from a high level, only her reflection in the depths of the black pupils.

"What about the son?"

"In the kindergarten..."

"Did you tell him about this matter?" Jiang Beiyuan asked again.

"not yet……"

Yannian lowered his head, and never looked at Jiang Beiyuan from beginning to end.

Jiang Beiyuan frowned, "I thought you would tell him in advance."

"Tell him after the divorce! I have to think about the wording."


Jiang Beiyuan was silent.

The shadow of the sword, the light and the sword under the calm expression, is the most hurtful.

"Let's go in quickly, I will get off work soon."

Yannian forced herself to turn around, but her footsteps were as heavy as lead pouring. After two steps, he was dragged by the man behind him. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked down slightly at her.

Those deep eyes are full of pain and sadness at this moment.

"Do you really want to get a divorce? Give me no chance?"


"If you answer yes, then from now on, Jiang Beiyuan will never appear in front of you again, lest you see me upset."


"However, I want to fight for the custody of my son."

Hearing the words, the words and thoughts that had been silent and tangled finally raised their eyes.

"Why are you fighting for?"

"I am the father of the child, why can't I fight for it?"

One sentence blocked her words, and she bit the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, you Jiang Beiyuan is rich and powerful, and your son has a good relationship with you. If you want to fight for it, I am sure that there is no chance of winning at all. The court will definitely award the child to you. You can simply ask the child to get it, why bother? So grand-sounding!"

"I'll go, I found that your women are really full, and try to pick a man's thorn!"

Xu Kuangjie couldn't listen anymore, and directly grabbed Jiang Beiyuan's neck.

"Lao Jiang, we don't want the child! If she wants it, just give it to her! It won't affect our search for second spring!"

Second spring, second spring, second spring.

At this moment, the words Xu Kuangjie were all over her mind, echoing in her mind like her death, her lips were about to be bitten, she let go, and tasted the smell of blood.

I have never felt so painful before, and my uncomfortable mood is like a swollen steamed bun. I want to say something, but I owe it so much.

She was also messed up, so messy that her fingers were shaking.

"Child custody, I don't want it."

The words were taken aback.

He raised his head and met Jiang Beiyuan's clear eyes.

He was very calm, cold enough to make the strongest wine, yet he seemed to be drunk, and the circles under his eyes were obscure that no one could understand.

Really feeling worthless for a good brother, Xu Kuangjie gritted his teeth and pointed at Yannian, "You woman who doesn't know good or bad, do you know--"

"To shut up."

Jiang Beiyuan interrupted him sinkingly, his eyes had been watching Yannian, his joints were pinched bruised.

"I don't care about you for the rest of my life, let's go!"

After speaking, he took the lead to walk to the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"I don't care about you for the rest of my life!"

How does this work!

He was full of Jiang Beiyuan's words. Looking at his back, he suddenly shouted--

"Forget it today, I will consider divorce again!"


Jiang Beiyuan stopped.

The lines of the face that had just been faint, finally spread a softness that was not obvious.

Ding Baoyi pulled Yannian away directly.

Xu Kuangjie looked at Jiang Beiyuan who was standing in place, and stretched out his hand to fumble into his pocket without saying a word.

Jiang Beiyuan frowned and pushed him away.

"If you hold back for too long, go find a woman tonight."

"Cut, I'll just say how could you get a divorce? Both of your pockets are empty. You don't bring your marriage certificate and ID card. You are away from your grandfather's marriage?!"


Jiang Beiyuan didn't bother to talk to him, turned around and left.

"Hey, when are you going to have surgery?"

Xu Kuangjie kept yelling from behind, the emperor was not in a hurry and the **** was in a hurry, so he broke his heart!


Ding Baoyi's home.

A piece of financial news is being broadcast on TV. Shengtian Group has officially declared bankruptcy. Chairman Hao Mao's funeral will be held in half a month.

"This is Yu Lili's company? Your husband has solved the white lotus flower. What are you worried about? You are almost the mother of three children. What do you do if your children are divorced now? Also, even if you want to divorce , You have to figure out the division of property, or else you will take three children alone and feed a family of four with one life?"

Ding Baoyi was suffocating now, she felt that her words and thoughts were not right.

"I will feed the four of us, I can."

Yan Nian said a bit angrily.

"I won't want Jiang Beiyuan's money. He bought the house and cars anyway, so I just need to leave the house alone."

"What you think is simply, you don't want it, it doesn't mean that he won't give it to you! He gives it to your company now, you—"

"Yes, he gave me everything from my company, and he gave me everything. I'm a useless trash. I deserve to be an idiot!"

Yan Nian's voice is loud and emotional, and Ding Baoyi is not the master of resignation.

"Your low self-esteem is not a day or two. Is your low self-esteem the fault of Jiang Beiyuan? Whoever makes you so good, who makes you not good, these gaps are inevitable, you are too unreasonable this time!"

"Did I say it was his fault? I'm not good enough, can't I let him find a better one!"

"If he can find a better one, he won't wait ten years for you to come back and marry you again. You are really a bit silly when you are pregnant now. You are so dry and dead from waterlogging. That means Jiang Beiyuan is so good to you. It's flooding you to death!"

Ding Baoyi went back to the bedroom and slammed the door.

From the perspective of an onlooker, you can also be half angry!

Yan Nian sat on the sofa alone, hugged his head weakly with both hands, and let out a deep breath.

The surroundings are extremely quiet.

When it was quiet, the ticking of the pendulum on the wall seemed so harsh.


After a while, a plate of lettuce rolled fritters was thrown onto the coffee table.

Ding Baoyi snorted and sat down again, lifting Erlang's legs.

"Supper is so good, I don't even bother to make it."

Yannian smiled, "Is there a Lafite of 82 years?"

"No! Do you want Sprite in 1982?"

Ding Baoyi smiled after finishing talking.

In fact, what kind of character Yannian said, for so many years of girlfriends know.

When she came up for a while, she was very willful, stubborn and arrogant, but as long as she was given a step down, she would soon come down and won't take revenge against you.

"I don't drink Sprite when I'm pregnant, it's not good for the child."

Yannian rolled a piece of fried dough sticks and ate it, her favorite suddenly became less delicious, and even the lettuce was a bit bitter.

"Tomorrow I will take a break, should we go to the hairdresser to get our hair?"

"How do you want to do it?" Yan Nian glanced at Ding Baoyi's big wave.

Ding Baoyi has always had curly hair.

"I'm thinking about straightening it, you can perm, your hair is too long, so it doesn't look like a child's mother."

"No, Jiang Beiyuan won't let me burn my head."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a short silence in the air.

Ding Baoyi sneered first, "Are you contradictory, huh?"

"I love him so much."

Yannian sighed, her emotions were no longer so excited.

"I feel like I won't love this second man again in my life..."

"Then why divorce? It's because of your low self-esteem?"

"I'm scared."

Yannian's voice choked.

"I'm really scared..."

"I'm afraid that one Yu Lili will leave, and many more Yu Lili will come. I am afraid that many changes in life will make me unable to resist..."

"I don’t know what’s wrong recently. I always have nightmares. I dream of Jiang Beiyuan’s death or leave me. I’m particularly uncomfortable. Thinking of what we have experienced before, I’ve been very close to death several times. It’s a fluke to live till now..."

"I am also a little tired, I feel that I am about to find the me who used to be..."

"I think I mentioned to him about a divorce back then. At that time, it was because I couldn't give birth to a child, and I was afraid of hurting him."

"Later, I finally got pregnant, and now I am pregnant with a second child. I thought that I gave him a few more children because of my dedication to him."

"Think about it now, the gap between me and Jiang Beiyuan can't be narrowed by having children."

"The incident in the massage parlor the other day passed, so I went to the hospital for a psychological checkup."

"The doctor said that I have a moderate prenatal anxiety disorder, so I can control my emotions. Sometimes I really don't control my emotions. I miss the former me so much. The more I miss, the more anxious. Can you understand Ding Baoyi? "

Ding Baoyi was listening quietly in front.

At the back, Ding Baoyi frowned suddenly at the last sentence.

"Antenatal anxiety is not a trivial matter, why don't you tell your husband about it?!"

"Isn't he busy, and he said he was a little tired, he didn't tell me anything about him, why should I tell him." Yannian said dumbly.

"Yes, are you two husband and wife?"

Ding Baoyi was speechless.

"Don't tell each other anything, do you know that many pregnant women have poor mental control before giving birth and commit suicide afterwards!"

"I know, I will definitely not commit suicide. Don't worry about that."

Yannian is very afraid of death. Sometimes when I see those who have cut their wrists, I feel very painful.

Having a baby is painful enough, and soon she will experience the pain again.

Ding Baoyi sighed.

"If you love too much, you will suffer from gains and losses. In fact, today, we really don’t need to love someone carefully, and there is no need to deny your own value because of his excellence. Be your original self. With arrogant words and thoughts, what do you want, you tell him, you two usually communicate more, don't keep hiding things!"

"I know that to communicate, the key is that both of us are busy, and he is too boring!!"

Yannian opened her heart to Ding Baoyi to see, but after opening it, she was lost again.


After dinner, Jiang Qingchi followed Ding Baoyi, watching Ding Baoyi applying the black mask.

Xiao Qingchi pitifully pulled Ding Baoyi...

"My mother said that my father was on a business trip, but my mother didn't take me home to live. I secretly called Uncle Zhang Fan. Uncle Zhang Fan said that my father has been in the hospital. Are my parents divorced?"


Ding Baoyi hugged Jiang Qingchi and sighed.

"However, it's coming soon."

The two hadn't seen each other for half a month, and they were busy with each other.

"Huh?! Really godmother?"

The little guy held his small mouth to cry, but Ding Baoyi first covered his mouth.

She was most annoyed that the little child cried, one with three big heads.

"Do you want to save your parents' marriage?"

"Yes! I am the guardian angel of Mom and Dad!"

"That's right, you go and get your mother's mobile phone. I will pick you up in the kindergarten tomorrow."

"Good godmother!"

Xiao Qingchi rushed to Yannian's room, just as Yannian was taking a bath, and his mobile phone was placed on the bedside, and Qingchi quickly took it over.

Yannian took a shower, wiped her hair, and went to the computer in a radiation suit.

She was trading stocks recently, she didn't know how to do this before, and didn't want to learn it.

Suddenly found that the capital operation is not that difficult. Yesterday she made 10 million yuan a day. She didn't even dare to think that she would make so much before.

But compared to Jiang Beiyuan, she was still far behind.

I think about him from time to time every day, even if I keep myself busy, I still think about him.

He seems to have been busy in the hospital for half a month, and he has not contacted her once.

She hadn't contacted him either, and she always felt that the two were going to be so alienated.

The phone vibrated.

It is a WeChat message.

From Jiang Beiyuan.

Yannian's eyes lit up all at once.

But he only sent one word:

"go with."

go with?

What does this word mean?

Turning on her mobile phone, she found out who took her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Beiyuan.

"Ex-husband, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, are you free to go to the movies?"

As he was stunned, the phone rang again.

Jiang Beiyuan transferred the money for the movie ticket to her!

Yannian was angry.

Is it necessary to share with her so clearly?

"I invite you to watch a movie without transferring money to me!"


Jiang Beiyuan never replied.


Early the next morning, Yannian woke up, got up to wash, put on a mask, and put on a light makeup.

She wore a goose yellow jacket, a pair of black leggings and small flat shoes.

Fortunately, the belly bulge is not obvious, so the dress is not fat.

I looked in the mirror until Ding Baoyi came in and Yannian coughed awkwardly.

"I, I shouldn't be back for dinner at noon today."

"Sweethearted, dating an ex-husband?"

"You are ashamed to say, is it your message to Jiang Beiyuan?"

"Ang, I'm helping you!"

"Then why are you talking about ex-husband?"

"What? Are you divorced?" Ding Baoyi smiled playfully.

Yannian coughed twice, and suddenly stammered: "I, haven't I thought about it..."

"Oh~ I've returned the wedding ring to others. Isn't it a divorce?"

After hearing this, Yannian couldn't speak.

No wonder she always felt that something was missing today, it was the ring.

The ring finger of her right hand was always vacant, and she was unable to bend her fingers.

The cinema is on the third floor of Wanda Plaza. Yannian was ten minutes late. In fact, she could be there early. It was Ding Baoyi who said that women should be more reserved and go out later so that men wait.

Along the way, the heart deer slammed and jumped quickly.

It's like returning to the youthful love in middle school, and I will get nervous and excited because of a date.

Thinking about it now, it seems that a large part of the reason why she is not confident is because he and Jiang Beiyuan have never been in a relationship and got married directly.

There is no foundation for communication, so it is not practical. Who makes her memory of middle school vacant?

Just thinking about it, I saw Jiang Beiyuan leaning against the wall and copying with one hand from a distance.

I don’t know if it’s true. He also wore a yellow jacket today, but the color was darker and slightly ginger. The zipper on the jacket was not pulled, and there was a black sweater inside, black trousers and a pair of sneakers.

Jiang Beiyuan, who has such a lazy attitude, looks very young and very sunny.

Now he is thirty-two, but it looks like 26 or 7, with a clear chin and a clear jaw line.

Jiang Beiyuan saw Yannian.

Yannian came back to her senses and waved at him.

"Did you come early?"

"It's fine."

Jiang Beiyuan's gaze fell directly on Yan Nian's face and body.

Now that he has looked at her, he can't help but ask:

"How am I today?"

"that's it."

He withdrew his eyes, his voice was cool.

Yannian was stunned for a moment.

"What's your answer? Didn't you praise me all day for good looks?"

As if expecting that she would definitely say this, someone's thin lips slowly curled up, "Before you were Mrs. Jiang, are you now?"


Yannian narrowed her mouth.

I always feel that he is putting her off!

"Forget it, let's go, go to the movies!"

The movie tickets Ding Baoyi bought for Yan Nian are in the last row, and the last row is empty.

In fact, there are not many people in the whole theater, and they are all lovers. It seems that this movie is not very good-looking, but in fact, I don’t even know the name of the movie.

Seeing that there were five minutes left before she left the field, looking around, the three rows in front of her were empty!

"Too few people are watching movies today!"

Yan Nian looked at Jiang Beiyuan and said, he leaned back in the chair, with his hands crossed and the back of his head, there was no bird.

Yannian felt itchy in her heart, "What happened to you today, why are you ignoring people?"

"do not know."

"Oh, I don't know how to pull it down!"

I haven't seen you for half a month, just this virtue?

Maybe I had a good chat with the nurses in the past half month.

Thinking of this possibility, Yannian stopped the loss in time, and there was no evidence to doubt him.

The movie begins.

It was dark all around.

Yannian found it boring at the beginning, so she went with Jiang Beiyuan to pull quack.

"Are you busy in the hospital lately?"


"After the two of us had children, it seems that we haven't been out to watch movies in the past two years!"


Probably because there is a small movie hall at home. Plus there is no time, so it rarely comes out.

Now think about it, the reason for "no time" is really terrible.

How many couples, so many couples, have lost the time to communicate well!

Half an hour passed.

Yannian occasionally looked sideways at the man next to him, watching him staring at the screen attentively, and didn't know if he was inside!

She didn't look in anyway!

She thinks this movie is boring. Secondly, she just wants to watch him more!

She coughed twice, and she caught a cold in the past two days because the season is about to change.

Jiang Beiyuan glanced at her, frowning.

"Have a cold?"

"I don't know!" She learned his tune.


The latter moved his Adam's apple, his eyes were stained with distress, but he didn't say more after all.


When the movie was playing two-thirds, the whole theater reverberated with ambiguous sounds.

Yannian was stunned, and was taken aback by the picture on the screen.

Only then did I realize that Ding Baoyi’s partner, clearly bought her a romance film!

The side eyes just met a pair of black eyes.

The man who was still watching the movie did not know when he stared at her for an instant, his narrow peach eyes narrowed slightly.

"Testing me again?"


"I look at other women, would you please?"

"Be nervous, I don't know what this movie is like, besides, it's all grown-ups, and it's okay if you watch them, they are actors!"

"Yes, I'm just one of your ex-husbands, you don't care who I see."

After Jiang Beiyuan finished speaking, he turned his head to the other side.

But still did not look at the screen.

Yannian reacted for two seconds.

Will he be so cold and awkward today because of the word "ex-husband"?

Sure enough, it is impossible not to communicate between husband and wife, and it is easy to misunderstand people without saying anything.

"Ding Baoyi bought this movie for me. She also sent the message yesterday. I didn't say the word ex-husband!"

As Yannian spoke, her voice was covered by the loud voice on the screen.

I don’t know if Jiang Beiyuan heard it clearly!

The key point is that this movie is really embarrassing, no wonder there are so few people.

Yannian didn't want to stay, and was about to leave with the bag, but was pulled back directly by an arm.

She was hooped on her thigh by Jiang Beiyuan, with a menacing breath.

In the last row of words and thoughts, his eyes were narrow, and the wet apricot eyes stared at him bitterly and beat his arm.

Jiang Beiyuan could not resist her look the most.

This woman is going to kill him!


Yannian closed her eyes.

At this moment, I realized that I really missed him.

"Are you comfortable now?"

Loosing her lips, Jiang Beiyuan's eyes were deep and heavy.

Yannian bit the corner of her mouth, "Let's not watch it, I'm not used to this movie!"

"Well, it's better to go home and watch it."

"I didn't mean that, okay!"


Picking up her bag, he took her by the hand and left the cinema.

The two did not go shopping, Jiang Beiyuan pulled Yannian directly downstairs and returned to the car.

He fastened her seat belt and leaned in to touch her face.

"Do you miss me?"

I want to say I don't want to come.

But his eyes were so deep and charming, and his face had no flaws at all, just like a demon-looking fairy.

Yannian nodded as if pounding garlic, her watery eyes were like crying.

"miss you……."

As the word for her fell, Jiang Beiyuan's slightly twisted brows finally relaxed.

He quickly returned to the main driver's seat, started the car, and hooked his lips.

"Home or hotel?"


"My son asked her godmother to take it today, only the two of us. It's up to you where you want to go.

"Then, I'm going to stay in the hotel, you can go home."

"Little girl is starting to make trouble again?"

This little girl screamed so sweet as honey in her heart.

No woman likes her own man to be sullen all day long, and not to speak good things.

"I'm almost three kids now, you still call me little girl." Yannian is so cheap and good.

"Today is my little girl."

Jiang Beiyuan drove the car home.

The furnishings in the house have not changed, and they are spotlessly clean, except for a little human touch.

"What do you want to eat at noon?"

He took off his jacket naturally and rolled up his sleeves.

Yan Nian didn't answer immediately, she still cared about what I was wearing today, "Do I look good today?"

"It looks good when taken off."

"Hey you guy!"

He smiled and went to the kitchen, Yannian took off his coat and went to the kitchen.

"Let's cook together, we have never done it together."

"Should I help you?"


Jiang Beiyuan was cooking, and Yannian was cutting vegetables. When the vegetables were cooked, he realized that she seemed to be helping him.

But it doesn't matter, I have never thought a meal so delicious.


One day passed.

When she woke up the next day, Yannian found herself lying in a familiar and warm arm for a while.

Mingming was eating at noon yesterday, and then she said that her bangs were long and Jiang Beiyuan cut it for her.

He said that when she was 12 years old, he also cut her bangs, but the cuts were uneven.

He also said that his level is still not high.

When she was putting on the mask, she teased that she looks good without makeup. If she was a man in her next life, she would definitely like this face.

At that time he said:

"There has been a man in this life who loves you so desperately."

She was moved by it.

He really said a lot yesterday, even if she said to herself, he would take it.

Yannian sighed.

"Sigh what?"

Jiang Beiyuan propped up an arm and looked at her.

"When did you wake up?"

"Wake up earlier than you."

"So you are pretending to sleep?"

"Don't dare to sleep for fear that you will run away."

His half-joking sentence made Yannian's nose sour.


"Don't want to get a divorce?"

Jiang Beiyuan said everything for her.

"Well, it's a bit, but I'm still a bit scared, I can't make up my mind!"

This time he sighed, took her hand, wrapped it in his palm and played with it.

"Every time you feel inferior, you make me wonder if I am not good enough for you."

"No, you are already fine, just because you are so kind, so... you still don't treat me so kindly."

"I still have to treat you better, otherwise, when you get old, who will provide you with pension?"

"Well, Ding Baoyi is right, you spoiled me..."

Yan Nian nestled in his arms and rubbed.

"By the way, did you spend half a month on your own? Didn't you bring a woman back?"

"Do you smell the smell of a woman besides you on this bed?"

"I know, I'm joking, I'm suspicious sometimes, you don't know..."

"Well, I didn't doubt it when I sent the tsubaki last night."

"You just sent a cheek!"

Yannian grabbed the pillow behind him and hit him.

"Your whole family is sending out scorpions!"

Jiang Beiyuan accepted her pillow attack and couldn't help laughing.

The morning sun fell, falling on the corners of his eyes and brows, as handsome as a windy moon.

The male **** is currently, nephrite is in her arms.

"I was pregnant for three years, and it was true."

He stretched out his index finger and clicked on her forehead.

The movements are very light and light, and every inch of the arc is all Mr. Jiang's favor to Mrs. Jiang.

Yannian sniffed, looking at him with watery eyes.

"Then you really have nothing to hide from me now, right?"



Ding Baoyi heard the loud sound of closing the door with a "bang--" through the phone.

"Granny, my door, you didn't smash it for me, did you?"

Ding Baoyi is now at the company and is calling Tongyannian.

"I was so angry. I asked him if he was hiding anything from me. He said yes. He said he would tell me after I gave birth and let me have a baby now. Listen, is this what people said?! "

"Uh... straight man."

"I should have divorced him a long time ago. I don't understand a woman's heart at all!"

"Okay, you still can't bear it, don't make trouble, and it's time to go back."

"I actually really want to go back. Jiang Beiyuan hasn't let me go back. Let me think about it thoroughly. When I dated him yesterday, he seemed to have lost a little bit. I feel sorry for him..."

"Think about what you think, so I lost weight. I won't talk to you anymore. I'll talk about it when I go back. I'm busy with work now."

Hanging up the phone, I was boring to visit the mall.

In fact, she didn't return to Ding Baoyi's house. She wanted to shop now. She bought several maternity and baby clothes. She had a hunch that the two in her belly must be daughters.


Hearing someone calling her behind her, she turned her head and met Xu Kuangjie's anxious eyes.

"I have something important to talk to you!"


"Yes, now!"

"Is it about Jiang Beiyuan?" Yannian squinted slightly.

"You still have a conscience." Xu Kuangjie said with a sneer.


at the same time.

The back garden of the central hospital.

In front of them are large blooming irises and red rhododendrons, scary red.

Among the flowers, Yu Lili had just attended Hao Mao's funeral, dressed in black, wearing linen and filial piety.

At this moment, her delicate face was already bleak, and there was ashes-like sadness in the depths of her eyes.

"The moment my father died, I found out that I didn't hate him that much. After all, he treated me very well and left me a whole company..."

"I have now found the best lawyer to defend me. The lawyer said that as long as you come forward and clarify that this contract is invalid, and that you don't hold me accountable, then I will be innocent!"


Jiang Beiyuan listened to her quietly and raised his eyebrows, "So?"

"Beiyuan, as long as you don't hold me accountable, I will never destroy you and Yannian from now on, okay?!"

"You have destroyed it. This is the price you deserve."

Jiang Beiyuan's words and sentences are harsh and blunt.

Yu Lili took a deep breath and held his hand pleadingly.

"For the reason that I have liked you for so many years, my heart for you is true. Just let me go!"

"I still have surgery to do, so I won't be with you."

Jiang Beiyuan flicked her away in disgust, turned and left unfeelingly.

"Jiang Beiyuan!!!"

Yu Lili knelt before the man with a "plop".

"Please, let me go, I really don't want to go to jail, I don't want to become the second Zhou Rui!"

Her humbleness and cheapness only paid for this man's indifference.

Jiang Beiyuan, whose back was facing her, was expressionless.

"You asked me to go to the hotel to find you, and you calculated that Mrs. Jiang would go there. At that time, you had thought that if she was emotional, would she cause irreparable harm to herself and the children in her stomach?"

"I know I was wrong, I won't be able to do it anymore, can't I wake up now?

"Too late."

Jiang Beiyuan finished speaking and left completely.

The man's fierceness, the sword saw blood, like a cruel ice blade, sharp and biting.

Yu Lili covered her mouth and started crying, she was about to collapse!

She begged him so much, she knelt down, so humble, he was still so hard-hearted!

Jiang Beiyuan's miscalculation only gave Yannian one person.

The rest, whether they are male or female, as long as they are calculated and the words and thoughts are calculated, they will be doubled by him!


Yu Lili was mad and laughed wildly, tears came out.

"Jiang Beiyuan... This is what you forced me. My youth, family, career, pride, self-esteem... are all gone in front of you. You have to be so insane to me, ha ha, ha ha, then don’t Blame me..."

The terrifying laughter echoed in the huge back garden...

Even more terrifying than Zhou Rui back then...


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