Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 908: The past part of the outside (2)

Middle School Affiliated to Luocheng.

This is the best middle school in Lucheng, where the middle and high schools are together.

Leaving aside the school’s area for the time being, environmental facilities, faculty, and equipment are among the best in Lucheng.

There are no parents who do not want their children to become dragons or daughters to become phoenixes. Many parents plan to send their children to Zhicheng High School when their children are in the fifth and sixth grades.

Among them, parents who make such plans also include parents who say they want.

Yannian is a scumbag, the kind who is at the bottom of the whole grade, it is impossible to get into the middle school affiliated to Zhicheng with his excellent academic records!

But she was the only child in the family, hoping that her daughter would become a phoenix, Yan Yuming specifically found a relationship, and spent money, so that Yan Nian was sent to the Middle School Affiliated to Zhicheng to give her a place.


After the final exam results for the first year of junior high, the sky fell.

"Why did I send you to the High School Affiliated?!" Yan Jia, Yan Yu Ming made a face without anger.

"study hard, improve every day……"

"Then what are you doing?!"

"Dad...I'm going up every day..."

"Dare to follow me blindly!"

Yan Yuming took the stick and hit it directly on Yannian's leg.

"There are fifty people in the class, if you take the test forty-nine, you will lose the face of our Yan Jia!"

"The last time I took the test was fifty...I advanced one place this time, didn't I make progress?"

"Don't think I don't know, someone in your class didn't take the exam this time!"


Yannian suddenly became dumb.

Her father is too famous, he knows all this.

"I don't ask you to study as much as possible, at least in the top forty in the class. Is this the head office?"

This request, Yan Nian feels suspense!

How can it be that simple to advance ten places?

Of course, this may be very simple for Xueba.

But her setting, no, yes, learn, dominate!


Rubbing her legs back to school, Yan Nian lay directly on the table.

Yannian and Ding Baoyi are in front and back, Yannian sits in the last row, and Ding Baoyi sits in the penultimate row.

"My Uncle Yan hit you again?" Ding Baoyi guessed at her sluggish appearance.

"Get used to it! Hey, right, haven't you received a report from the police station recently?"

Yannian was also worried about taking other people's money in KTV and taking off their shoes, for fear of being accused by the other party!

Ding Baoyi shook her head.

"No, I feel that he can afford AJ, certainly not bad for the money."

"That's good."

Yannian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where to go after class?"

"Don't go anywhere today. How about going to the playground to watch the seniors play basketball?" Ding Baoyi said with a smile.

"Cut...someone, he must still be thinking about that Xiaobaipier, Xiaocuntou, 183 senior, isn't it?"

"You idiot, don't know the classroom is monitored? What if the old class hears it?"

"You are so stupid, we are so far away from the platform, we must not be able to hear it!"

Yannian turned the ballpoint pen in his hand boringly, holding his cheek in disregard.

The class teacher arranges seats according to academic performance.

She is not tall, but who made her study bad, so she was arranged to sit in the last row, leaning against the corner, and not at the same table!

In fact, it's not that she didn't want to study hard, but no one gave her this opportunity. The poor students deserved to be treated differently. Every time she looked at the blackboard, she was blocked by the tall man in the first few rows.

Ding Baoyi is better than her. She is the last six in the class and sits in the second-to-last row. At the same table is a taciturn and glasses-wearing little fat man.

Yannian slept on the table for a class and had a dream, dreaming that she was playing chess with the robot.

After three hundred rounds of the battle, Ding Baoyi woke up and took her to see the senior who played basketball.

The senior that Ding Baoyi likes now is from the third (ten) class of high school, whose name is Ling Zhihao.

Yan Nian doesn't have anyone she likes, and she doesn't like watching old men play basketball. She came here purely with Ding Baoyi.

"Hey, look at it—the one in the red jersey on the 26th, I'm pretty handsome, right?"


Yannian glanced casually...

His eyes rounded suddenly in the next second.

"Ding Baoyi!!!"

"Oh—what are you doing by twisting my arm?!"

"Look at the blue team next to you! No. 6 and No. 6, is that the man?!"

"Which man? All the fuss."

"KTV one! Wear AJ one!"

After hearing this, Ding Baoyi hurriedly looked over and stared.

"It seems to be true! He also belongs to our school?"

"It must be! It's over! What should I do!"

They all belong to the same school, so you can run into it one day!

Thinking of this possibility, Yannian had the urge to transfer school instantly!

As if he had noticed something, Jiang Ting in the stadium glanced towards Yannian.

A pair of dark peach eyes, the tails of the eyes are inward and outward, the emotions are deep and heavy, and the expression is faint.

With her eyes facing each other, Yannian's reaction was slow for a while, and when she reacted, she hurriedly turned her face away and raised her hand to cover half of her face.

"It's over! He seems to see me!"

"true and false?"

"Let's run now! If he gets caught, it will be over!"

Yan Nian didn't want to enter the game, and didn't want to be hit by Yan Yuming for the second time.

Ding Baoyi nodded, "Okay."

Just about to bend down, Yan Nian heard an unfamiliar shout from the arena.

He Huaiguang!

Ding Baoyi also heard He Huaiguang's voice.

"You really stepped on shit, why did He Huaiguang come to play basketball? Or the red team?!"

"If He Huaiguang is recognized by that guy, it's so amazing, all eight of us will be over!"

"Then what should I do now?"

How to do.

This is a good question.

Seeing that the game has started.

Red team vs. blue team.

But at this moment He Huaiguang was standing on the edge of the periphery.

"You wait for me here for a while!"

Yan Nian hurriedly rushed to the court and grabbed He Huaiguang's arm while a few people were passing the ball.


"Why? I play basketball!"

"Fart! Blue team No. 6 is the one we robbed of KTV!"


"Stop it, let's go! It's over if he finds out, we have to go to the bureau to reform through labor!"

"Oh oh oh!"

He Huaiguang nodded vigorously, and followed Yannian.

A basketball flew over here.

Seeing the basketball straight toward He Huaiguang's face--

Although Yannian admitted that He Huaiguang was a big headless stupid, but if he was disfigured again, it would be even harder to find someone!

Therefore, adhering to the principle of brotherhood, Yannian pushed him in time just one second before the basketball hit He Huaiguang.


The ball hit Yannian's right head impartially.


Yannian rubbed her head and put up a bag. Damn, there should be no concussion, but she still didn't forget the most important thing:


"It's okay, Xiao Nianzi?"

He Huaiguang cared about Yannian's head and wanted to rub her.

At this time, it was too late to leave, because the culprit went straight to her.

Yan Nian glanced at the visitor, sullenly lowering her eyelashes.

How can I survive? It happened that he hit the ball!

Condescending, the boy with book-like brows folded his arms, his sleeves breeze, "Is it all right, school girl?"

His acoustic girl is a little deliberate.

Yannian bit her scalp and raised her eyes, and smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Jiang Ting expressionlessly pointed to the bulging bag of her right head.

"I'd better take you to the infirmary, in case the hydrocephalus is not good."

"No, I'm really fine, thank you senior for your concern!"

"Let's go and see it," Jiang Tingyun said calmly, "It is estimated that the medical expenses will cost 300 yuan."

Saying: "..."

It must be intentional!

Because the words of three hundred yuan were deliberately bitten by him.



The bag on Yannian's head was already swollen.

The doctor was treating her with a cotton swab, and her teeth grinned in pain.

Jiang Ting stood by and looked at him, without speaking, his eyes were not emotional.

Anyway, it's not his wife, he doesn't feel bad.

The swelling was reduced by applying some medicine, and Yannian's tears were so painful, but no one wiped her tears.

Looking at someone again, standing there like a bamboo, it's nothing to do with oneself and hang up high, making the popularity itch.

Jiang Ting stretched out his hand in front of her.

A slender hand with clean joints and distinct palm prints: "Three hundred dollars, plus shoes, pay me back."

"I have no money!"

"Shoes count you seven hundred, a total of one thousand, pay back." Jiang Ting turned a deaf ear, and said to himself.

Speechless, gritted his teeth.

"I really have no money!"

"Repay the money."

"I just don't have any money! If you don't believe me, search your body!"

Without waiting for Jiang Ting to act, he pulled his hand by himself and put it in the two pockets of his shirt.

He touched her waist.

Jiang Ting was taken aback for a moment by the soft waxy touch under his palm.

He has never seen such a person.

Still a girl.

Yannian let go of his hand, "I see it, all said I have no money!"


Jiang Ting pursed his lips and fixed his eyes on her, slightly narrowing his eyes.

Yannian was a little embarrassed to be stared at, but now is not the time to be embarrassed!

Cleared his throat:

"Just now you indecent assaulted me, and the doctor aunt saw it, and the big bag on my head, medical expenses plus mental damage expenses, also requires a lot of money. We are even and we will never see each other again. River, hum!"

After speaking, he jumped out of bed and walked out.

The medical expenses have not been paid yet.

The total is eighty yuan.

Classmate Jiang Ting kindly sent people over, but he didn't want his money back, and he had to pay extra, which was a waste of eight lifetimes.

He took a hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it over. The doctor in the infirmary was looking at him with surprise.

That look, three points puzzled, three points stunned, and four points of contempt.

It seems to be saying that you are not a good person and bully a little girl.

Jiang Ting was in a rare embarrassment. He coughed twice, then said seriously:

"It's my girlfriend who made you laugh."

"Um... okay, your girlfriend, kind of cute!" The doctor smiled.

"It's fine."

Jiang Ting also left without a smile.


Who would like this kind of rascal.


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