Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 909: The past part of the outside (3)

Jiang Ting does not live in school. His family is now abroad. He lives alone in a high-end villa.

At noon, Xu Kuangjie came to him to play a game with a meal, and looked at Jiang Ting leaning against the wall, not knowing who he was calling.

The golden light and shadow fell on his eyebrows through the window lattice, vainly, and people couldn't help but look at him more.

Xu Kuangjie felt that he had changed too much.

Sometimes when I look at him like this, I feel like years of calmness.

However, he is straight!

Thoroughbred, straight! ! !


After regaining his senses, he called out "Lao Jiang, have dinner!" Jiang Ting hummed and motioned him to put it on the table.

"Who was calling you Lao Jiang just now?"

Jiang Guoteng was on the phone, and he called Jiang Ting every Wednesday.

Jiang Ting said the truth: "Xu Kuangjie."

"Oh, that's okay, you are also a healthy young man now, but our Jiang family have very strong self-control. When the children of other families are young and energetic, they are out of control. You must not do anything wrong. "

Jiang Ting helped his forehead, "I am that kind of person?"

"Hahaha—I'm just vaccinating you in advance!"

Jiang Guoteng laughed heartily on the other side of the ocean. His second son was the most boring.

"Speaking of business, I have already contacted you with a Harvard professor. He said that with your current grades, it’s not a problem to go to Harvard, so it happens that your brother’s company is also in the United States, and he can take care of you when you come over! I think you You can transfer school."

"I don't want to go to Harvard, I want to go to Oxford."

Jiang Ting answered very simply.

Jiang Guoteng was not happy when he heard this.

"Boy, Harvard is the college with the best overall strength. I have more experience than you in this regard."

"Experience is your own, life is my own."

"you really--"

Before Jiang Guoteng's words were finished, the phone was snatched by Pei Jinling next to him.

"Son, listen to your dad, come to America, Jiang's headquarters is now in America!"


Jiang Ting's eyes were suddenly cold.

"No matter which school I go to, I will inherit the Jiang family in the end, right?"

"Of course! Otherwise, what about your future? What about your future? What about your mother and my shares in the company? I raised you so much to see you inherit the company in the future!"


Jiang Ting was silent for a few seconds, holding the phone's knuckles tightly for three minutes.

"I'm not going abroad anymore, don't bother me this year, and I won't ask you a penny."

After speaking, he hung up.

The long eyelashes were narrowed, covering the pain and irritability that came out of his eyes.

Xu Kuangjie called him again.

"Your dad's phone number?"

"En." Jiang Ting was not very emotional, turned his head and looked out the window.

The sun is shining.

From Xu Kuangjie's angle, only Jiang Ting's jaw line and tight lips can be seen, and the expression on his face can't be seen clearly.

"Oh yes, the fat guy said he would go singing at night, are you going?"

"Not going."

He can't afford that face.

Going to KTV, I was robbed of money and shoes. What else?

Being laughed at?

He will never go to places like KTV in his life.

Xu Kuangjie knew that he was still caring about the embarrassment of KTV that day, so he hooked his mouth indulgingly.

"Sure, how about going to the Internet cafe to play games at night?"

"No, I'm going to find a job."

Jiang Ting sat down, took his chopsticks to eat, his face was pale.

Xu Kuangjie looked at him puzzledly.

"You still need to find a job???"

"This year, I don't want their money."

"Ah...I see, your parents forced you to go to America again, right?"


Jiang Ting didn't reply, he ate gracefully, his emotions were low, and he always had such a face.

Xu Kuangjie won’t be able to comfort people, and was speechless, "Anyway, no matter what decision you make, I will support you. I still have a little money on hand. If you don’t have enough--"

"No, thanks."

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, he picked up the schoolbag on the side and went to school, without eating twice.

The afternoon sun lengthened his shadow, which was arrogance and his self-esteem.

Xu Kuangjie shook his head and sighed.

He knew that Jiang Ting was a man of high spirits, and he would not accept charity from anyone, even his best friend.


It was Friday, and Yannian returned home.

Although she doesn't live in school, she is happy every Friday!

Because homework can be saved until Sunday night to do it, you can have fun in these two days!

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Yan Nian changed shoes at the entrance, carrying a pale yellow schoolbag, wearing a school uniform, a beautiful girl with a high ponytail, full of energy.

Ma Xueyan finished cooking and walked over, "You came back just in time, and your dad found you a new tutor."

"Oh, I served, I didn't always say don't find it for me—"

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the words were swallowed by Yannian.

She stared at the person on the sofa in a daze, sitting awkwardly, with long eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and she was talking to her father Yan Yuming at the moment.

Two people are studying porcelain.

Yan Yuming usually likes to collect antiques and showed Jiang Ting a blue and white porcelain unearthed in the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Ting touched the mouth and base of the porcelain, and the corners of his lips twitched. "Ming Chenghua blue and white porcelain has a thin carcass, white glazed surface, and elegant blue color. Although it was made by the craftsmen of the folk kiln, it is no less inferior to the royal works."

"Haha, I didn't expect you to know so much at a young age!"

"Uncle praised, my father also likes to collect antiques, usually knows a thing or two."

"Oh? I don't know who your father is? A native of Zhicheng?"

"You are a local and run a small company, you shouldn't know it."

Jiang Ting said lightly.

He does not like to show off or show off because of his temper.

During the conversation, Jiang Ting's eyes fell on Yan Nian who entered the door, and there was a moment of surprise in his eyes, which was fleeting, and his complexion quickly returned to calm.

Yan Nian was also stunned, and did not react for a long time, this...this...

This is hallucination!

"You just came back, Xiao Jiang, let me introduce you, this is my naughty daughter, Yan Nian."

"Niannian, this is the tutor I found for you. His name is Jiang Ting."

Yan Yuming beckoned to Yannian and wanted her to come over, but Yannian turned her head away proudly.

"Dad! I firmly don't want him to be my tutor!"

"What's wrong?" Yan Yuming was puzzled.

Although her daughter has a big temper, she won't hate someone indiscriminately like she does now.

Yannian snorted, "I'm allergic to him when I see him, Ah Xi, Ah Xi!"

"You don't use this argument to prevaricate me!"

Yan Yuming is a tough-faced person, usually unsmiling, not angry or pretentious, and he straightens his face when he sees his daughter's waywardness.

"Classmate Jiang Ting, you have a hundred exams in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and you can pass one-third of others in science, so I am satisfied!"

"Cut... it's just a good study, what's so great!"

Yannian didn't care about this, so she took out a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator and took a few sips.

She likes to drink yogurt, especially the yellow peach oatmeal, which tastes better when frozen, but Yan Yuming always says to let her eat less cold things, which is more verbose than Ma Xueyan.

Jiang Ting's expression did not change, but he looked at Yan Nian with no emotion, "It's nothing remarkable, at most it is only three hundred points in the math, physics and chemistry test."

"Cough cough cough,"

Yannian was choked, coughed several times, and then glared over.

He did it on purpose!

He must be deliberate!

Mention that three hundred!

"Dad, wait for me!"

Yan Nian pulled Jiang Ting's arm and pulled him to his room, closing the door with a "bang".

"Don't you mention that three hundred dollars can die?"


Jiang Ting didn't say a word, he copied his pocket with one hand, and his figure was swollen, even if he didn't say a word, it would imply oppression.

Yannian is going crazy, if her eyes can kill, she can kill this guy a hundred times now.

"What on earth do you want? Didn't you say that it was written off in the infirmary?!"

"You said it yourself, I don't agree with it."

Jiang Ting's low voice was dyed with Ji Feng, and he couldn't hold his beak.

"As long as you agree with me to be your tutor, the previous grievances will be wiped out."

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