Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 910: The past part of the outside (4)

"You have more than 10,000 yuan for a pair of AJ, is it rare to be a tutor?"

"Your father said, one hundred yuan an hour, two hours a day, thirty days is six thousand yuan, it's a good deal."

"What?! You, are you short of 6,000 yuan?" Yan Nian was really puzzled.

Six thousand and ten thousand, which is bigger, does she not count?


Jiang Tingyun was calm and calm, and formed a sharp contrast with Yannian's impatience.

Saying: "..."

"Then... I, if I agree, you swear that you won't be allowed to talk about KTV that day with my parents again! It's not okay to scribble around, or to blame Sang Huai!"

This is Yannian's biggest concession!

Jiang Ting nodded: "Okay."

I left after speaking.

He was not in the mood to admire Yan Nian's bedroom, he was the one who had a good time all the time.

Yannian was so angry that he raised his **** to his back, but he couldn't see it either!


"So starting from this evening, that Jiang Ting will come over to teach you?"

Ding Baoyi was looking in the mirror in the women's bathroom. In fact, she didn't want to go to the bathroom. She came with words and reciting. The girls were like this, and she had to accompany everything.

"Evil, fate!"

Yannian washed her hands and spit out two words fiercely from her throat.

Isn't it the evil fate? !

The world is so big, but he was a tutor for her!

"Well, I have heard about Jiang Ting. I heard that it is very cold, but if he makes him angry, he will be afraid of the class teacher, so you can relax, don't make him irritated!" Ding Baoyi patted him. Yannian's shoulder, solemnly exhorts.

"True or false, are you making an international joke?"

Yannian coldly scoffed.

"I'm so old, I haven't seen a student who can hold down a class teacher!"

"They study well, and they are the first in the school. I heard that they will be sent directly to Harvard in the second half of the year. This is not a world we can imagine."


Words agree.

Xueba and Xueba are originally two extremes.


She did not plan to settle in his world either!

At the same time, Xu Kuangjie was also a little unbelievable.

"So you started tutoring people in the past tonight?"


Jiang Ting sat in his place, with his legs folded, turning with a pen in his hand.

Although he studies first, but he likes to sit alone in the last row, not at the same table, very quiet, and sleeping on his stomach, no one will look at him idiotically.

"At present, there is only this easy and lucrative job."

"Okay! Can you finish your homework like this?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Kuangjie wanted to bite his tongue.

Jiang Ting finished his homework in at most half an hour, even if the papers were flying all over the sky.

But even so, Xu Kuangjie still disagrees with his brother's approach.

Obviously the family is super rich, food and clothing are several levels higher than others, and it is necessary to sever the economic relationship with the family.

If it was him, he would never fight against his parents.

Why bother, knowing that you will not end well, you will always suffer in the end, why are you so stubborn?

"Lao Jiang—the physics teacher is looking for you!"

Standing on the podium, Zhang Fan shouted at the back.

Xu Kuangjie simply convinced Zhang Fan, "Old squad leader, it's rude to be called a big name outside!"

Lao Jiang Lao Jiang, this made other classmates listen to what they think, and it's not that a few brothers gather alone, they don't have any brains at all.

Jiang Ting pursed his lips and walked straight out.

It is probably because of why he is not a representative of the physics class.


The school uniforms for boys in the Middle School Affiliated to Lucheng are simple and clean white shirts and black trousers.

Jiang Ting is now 180, with a slender and well-proportioned figure. The school uniform is properly tailored on him. When the sun shines, his collar is clean and white, without any dust, and his features are beautiful and clear.

"Jiang Ting——"

A clear voice behind him stopped him.

Jiang Ting slowly turned around, staring at the opponent with light brows.

It seems to be a classmate of his own class named Cui Linlin, but he has no impression of her because he has not had much contact and hasn't said three sentences in more than two years.


His posture is thin, not close to people, and his eyes are as deep as clear water.

Cui Linlin blushed and handed over a love letter, "I like you."

"Sorry, I don't want to fall in love right now."

"Oh... well, when you want to fall in love in the future, can you be the first to consider me?"


Before Cui Linlin, no one had confessed to him.

However, after being rejected by him, they all ran away shyly, and no one had ever said so.

In this regard, Jiang Ting admires Cui Linlin very much, as a girl who dares to fight for love is very confident and decisive.

"Okay, I will consider it." He said calmly.

Cui Linlin felt happy, and dared to put the love letter into Jiang Ting's arms, and then ran away.

Not far away, two girls in the same class were waiting for Cui Linlin's "triumphal".

Seeing her empty hands, one of them gave a thumbs up enviously, "You are still great, Jiang Ting doesn't seem to accept love letters!"

"Oh... the man is duplicity, he took the initiative to grab it, and I can't help it."

Cui Linlin pretended to be helpless.


Jiang Ting returned to the classroom.

Xu Kuangjie sat diagonally in front of him, watching as he took out a love letter from his pocket and dropped it on the table.

Xu Kuangjie rejoiced, "It's been a long time since I received your love letter! Whose?"

Speaking of wanting to grab it, the latter put Cui Linlin's love letter into the table and stool first.

"No one." He was expressionless and casual.

"Isn't it the girl who snatched your money from KTV?"

she was?

Jiang Ting sneered coldly, with a small face that subconsciously appeared in his mind.

To be honest, the girl is still good-looking, with beautiful eyes, but she is too savage. When she looks at him, she looks aloof and invincible, like a complete little lady.

"She can write me a love letter unless humans live on Venus."

Xu Kuangjie was quite speechless!

Because the direction of Venus's rotation is from east to west!

Can this person die by saying "the sun hits the west"?

"Lao Jiang--ah no, Jiang Ting, someone is looking for it!"

Zhang Fan yelled at Jiang Ting again.

Jiang Ting passed by Zhang Fan's side, Zhang Fan patted him on the back and winked at him.

"Lao Jiang, you are not shallow, the little girl outside is so beautiful!"

Dry and dry, waterlogged and waterlogged.

Jiang Ting has so many peach blossoms, but he doesn't have any! unfair!

Jiang Ting ignored Zhang Fan.

As soon as I left, I saw Yannian leaning against the wall.

Against the light, the twelve-year-old girl is well developed. That delicately carved oval face is her capital. Today, she has a ball on her head. From the angle of Jiang Ting, she can see her beautiful neck line. , And the gentle and gentle arc of the profile.

Well, gentle.

It was in such a static moment that he could feel the gentleness of the little Taimei.

Jiang Ting walked over without expression.

Yannian lowered his head at first, heard the footsteps, then raised his head and smiled at him.

Her crystal clear apricot eyes looked into his eyes, "Hello!"

"What are you looking for?" Jiang Ting asked faintly, copying his pocket with one hand.

"My dad asked me to give you money!"

As Yan Nian said, he took out a dark brown kraft paper bag from the pocket of the school uniform.

"There are two thousand yuan in it, the tutor will set the money, and the remaining four thousand yuan will be given to you at the end of the month."


Jiang Ting took the bag.

Yannian kept staring at his hand.

The joints are slender, the five fingers are round, and there are no blemishes. It is a rare master in a century, but—

This is not the point now!

"You count, the money is not less, right?"

"No need."

"You should count!" Yannian looked eagerly, staring at his hand, and frowned Xiu.

Jiang Ting glanced at her, then opened the kraft paper bag and counted.

Two thousand yuan, just right, not less.

"So satisfied?"


Yannian didn't believe it, and hurriedly took the kraft paper bag. As soon as he touched the bottom of the bag, it was stuck with the 502 glue that had been applied long ago.


Yannian shook his hand, but couldn't get rid of the bag.

"You cheated!"

"Who made the fraud?" Jiang Ting looked at her in his spare time.

"Did you see it a long time ago?!"

"The little girl's prank, it's better to be less."

After speaking, he took out the money from the paper bag and copied it into his pocket, leaving the bag to stick to Yannian's hand.

Yannian called him madly, and he turned a deaf ear.

Jiang Ting returned to his position and curled his lips in a calm tone.

Seeing that his eyebrows seemed to be stained with a smile, Xu Kuangjie came in interest.

"Which girl is looking for you to make you so happy?"

"Am I happy."

Jiang Ting's face became cold, and Xu Kuangjie couldn't help wondering whether the gentleness just now was his own illusion.


It took Yannian two whole classes to get 502 glue off her hands.

She even went to the canteen to buy the best 502!

"I'm so angry! From now on, Jiang Ting and I will be at odds!"

"Sister, you have said this one thousand eight hundred times in one afternoon." Ding Baoyi yawned lazily.

"No matter! He is not me anyway! I am not him!"

"Hehe... I hope you can be so horrible by guarding your father's face at night."

Ding Baoyi packed her schoolbags and was about to go home.

Yannian also packed her schoolbags and went home. Her parents have not yet returned, but Jiang Ting has already arrived.

Seeing him standing at the door of his house, he walked over and raised his hand in front of him to show him.

"Did you see it? It's all because of you, my aunt's hands are broken!"

"Isn't you making it up?" Jiang Ting is neither salty nor light.

"You only make your own feelings! Your whole family makes all your own!"

Jiang Ting snorted, "Remember a word, don't hurt others."


"Open the door, I don't have so much American time with you."

Yannian held back and opened the door in one breath, and then took two bottles of yogurt to the kitchen without saying anything. After five minutes, he came out of the kitchen and handed one of them to Jiang Ting.

"You drink two bites of yogurt, let's study again!"


Jiang Ting was unmoved.

Yannian unwrapped her bottle and took two sips, "I see it, it's not poisonous, I'm not so naive this time! So you drink it quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the latter took her bottle of yogurt, his mouth was not facing the bottle, but he looked up and took a sip.


too sweet.

Can't stand the taste of yogurt.

He frowned and soon returned to normal. "Are you ready to study?"

Saying: "..."

Can she say that she put a laxative in Jiang Ting's bottle of yogurt?



Ma Xueyan cleaned up the study room last night and let Yannian do homework here in the future.

Jiang Ting sat next to her.

His sleeves were half rolled, and he raised his wrist to look at his watch.

"From now on, it will stop at eight o'clock."

He won't be bad for a second.

With a loud voice, he took out the math test paper that was issued today.

"Your dad said you were the worst in math, how many final exams was last time?"


Yannian raised **** and shook them in front of him.

Jiang Ting frowned, "20?"

"Two points."

Jiang Ting: "..."

"You paint all the multiple-choice questions with A, so you won't get two points in the test?"

"Cut, it's not rare for me to do a simple multiple-choice question. If I want to do it, I will do the big question. The steps are divided into two points for me!"

"...Do your homework."


I bury myself in calculations.

Jiang Ting also took out his homework.

There are three test papers in Physics today. With one hand on his cheek, his eyes are slightly squinted, and his right hand is writing very quickly.

too easy.

The teacher posts the same type of questions every time, without any innovation.

He yawned lazily, almost finished his homework, and glanced at Yan Nian next to him.

Ten minutes passed, one line: 1.25x (8+10), she hasn't even figured it out yet.

"Is this question that difficult."

"Oh, don't bother me, I will figure it out soon, I'm almost done!"

Yannian grabbed her hair, and then shouted "It's over!"

Result: 236.

Jiang Ting: "..."

"If the number at the end is 5 multiplied by a number, why does a six appear at the end of the result?"

"How do I know, I just follow the rules!"

"...Forget it, you can do it again with a simple method, the error rate is low."

As Jiang Ting said, he took her calculation paper and separated 8 and 10.

"Calculate 1.25X8+1.25X10, so easy."

"Damn! Will you teach it? One multiplication is very troublesome. Do you want me to count two?"

"Then you didn't find that this is a good deal?!"

Jiang Ting thought he had a good temper, but now his patience has reached half.

Yannian shook her head, "I don't know, I don't think I made a mistake, and you are too troublesome!"

"Trouble, right?"

Jiang Ting pressed his lips hard, and stopped arguing with her, and then wrote a 9999X1001, let words count.

Words and words were speechless, "I've just entered the second year of junior high, and I haven't learned four-digit times four-digit numbers yet!"

"Then you can't use the easy way?!"

"Heh! These two numbers are independent individuals. Tell me, how do you use the simple method?"

"Finally, this type of question, I will only tell you once."

Jiang Ting was patient and wrote the steps on the calculation paper quickly.




"Next, you count yourself!"


Yannian sighed and took the calculation paper.

Jiang Ting heaved a sigh of relief, his brows twisted so that they could kill three flies.

Such a stupid person can also be attached to the middle school, either a related account or a plug-in.

Yannian gnawed her fingers and began to break her fingers, "One is one, one two is two, two two is four..."

Hearing that, the breath that sank just now was lifted up by Jiang Ting in an instant.

"Have you never learned the multiplication formulas in elementary school?!"

"Oh, am I not memorizing it! What are you yelling at?"

Jiang Ting: "..."

He finally understood why the six thousand yuan was so easy to earn.

Now it’s too late to return the goods, who asked him to collect the deposit.

On the thief ship!


Three days later.

"Hey, we took a math quiz today, guess how many points did I score?"

Yannian took the paper to show off to Jiang Ting.

Seeing her wagging her tail with joy, Jiang Ting stretched out his hand and asked her for a test paper.

Big red letters:


The corners of his mouth twitched.

The roll was fastened with a snap.

"So you got two multiple choice questions, one step?"

"I'm going! How did you know? Are you the roundworm in my stomach?"


Jiang Ting didn't bother to talk to her.

"Study right away. The mid-term exam must be improved by at least 30 points, otherwise I will lose face."

"Huh? Thirty minutes? Impossible brother, absolutely impossible! Unless the answer to multiple-choice questions is A!"

"Usually the last one is D, you choose D next time."

"Oh, what else, do you know any secrets, let me know quickly!"


Dare to be in her eyes, this kind of blind guessing is confidential?

"Let's study."

He doesn't want to talk nonsense with words.

Because the same fool is talking nonsense, it is better not to say it.

Yannian narrowed her mouth, sat down, and casually took out a few books and put them on the table.

I don't want to read... annoying.

With her chin on the textbook, playing with a mechanical pencil, there is a pink rabbit on it. She presses it back and forth, which is fun.

Anything is more fun than learning.

Jiang Ting directly pulled out the rabbit's head and threw it in the trash can, "learning."

"Damn! You are too rude, I just bought the pen."

"You can get 60 points in the midterm exam. I'll buy you a bunch."


Test 60?

Forget it, let's kill her!

She would rather not have a rabbit head!

I took the yogurt next to it and took a few sips, then gave Jiang Ting a bottle.

"Hey, please drink yogurt."

Jiang Ting glanced at her, and met Yan Nian's wet apricot eyes, "Thank you, I don't like such naive things."

"Is it naive? Many elderly people drink yogurt, it tastes good, what flavor do you like?"

"Study, why do you have so much nonsense?"


Fierce hammer?

Jiang Ting finished his homework in fifteen minutes, and then he explained to Yannian the operation of multiplying three digits by two digits.

Seeing her lazily yawning, he felt displeased and tapped on the table with his bent long fingers, "Be serious."


Then he yawned again.

Yannian couldn't control it herself.

She wanted to sleep as soon as she saw the math problem, which might be a kind of reflex arc.

"I will give you three questions and finish them in ten minutes."

"Oh... come out."




The three simplest questions are all wrong.

And there are many mistakes.


Jiang Ting rarely scolds people, this time he is absolutely absolutely.

I've never been so frustrated, I really want to pry her mind away to see what stupid things are inside.

"Huh? What does **** mean?"

"really do not know?"

"Ang. We didn't learn this word in English, okay! The teacher never said it!"

"... is a verb, someone will teach you later."

Anyway, this person will definitely not be him.

Otherwise he will be **** off.

Raised his wrist and looked at his watch, it was time.

"I will give you five more questions. After you finish it, you will show it to me tomorrow."

After I finished the question, I left without saying anything.

His face was stinking to death.

He didn't want to delay here every minute.

Looking at his back like a gust of wind, he narrowed his mouth and said, "What are you pulling? Isn't it just learning better than me? I may not be able to mix well in the future, cut it..."


The next day.

In the third and sixth class of high school, the Chinese teacher did not come in the first class in the morning.

The classroom was very noisy, and it was a buzzing group, everyone talked about each other, and it was the same as the Camellia Party.

"Quiet! Be quiet! Classmates, be quiet!"

Zhang Fan, standing on the podium, knocked on the board, but no one listened to him.

The last row of boys who were sleeping on the table and still able to take first place in successive years walked to the middle impatiently.

With sleepy eyes and heroic eyebrows, he looked around without any waves.

"Enough said?"

The three characters are full of temperament and aura, with a kind of deep pressure.

The noisy classroom was silent for a moment.

No one dared to confront Jiang Ting.

He will not deal with you explicitly, but he will not know when one day, let you clearly understand what is meant by "life is better than death".

Zhang Fan gave him a grateful look.

Jiang Ting walked back blankly and continued to sleep on the table.

Xu Kuangjie turned around, "Hey Lao Jiang," knocked on his table.

In fact, he wanted to move Jiang Ting's head, but he didn't dare.

This behavior is undoubtedly as dangerous as plucking lion hair, I just hope that I will have the opportunity to touch his hair in the future.

Jiang Ting raised his head.

The deep peach eyes narrowed slightly.

"You better have business."

"I care about you, can't you say a few words! What happened to you these past few days, so sleepy?"

"...It's nothing, I was so angry that I couldn't sleep at night by a fool."

"Idiot? How about it, did you really go to teach others?"


"Awesome, I have to call you Teacher Jiang! Hey, by the way, Uncle Jiang called my dad last night and asked me to persuade you to take the Harvard exam and quickly transfer."

Hearing that, Jiang Ting's sleepworm ran two-thirds away.

He sat up straight.

"Do you want to go to Harvard or Oxford?"

"I can do it, don't you want to go to Oxford?"


"Then go, let's be together! I feel that the famous universities are the same, there is no difference, but your parents want you to go to the United States, because the headquarters of your company is now in the United States, understand!"

"Don't you think, no matter which choice, our life has been limited?"

A deep mist floated under Jiang Ting's eyes, faintly, helpless after struggling.

Xu Kuangjie puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Ting gave a wry smile.

After a while, he let out his voice leisurely:

"After finishing high school, studying abroad, and then inheriting the company, finding a well-known lady to marry, and the company's in-laws and marriages, every step of the life, just like the program code, has long been set and cannot be changed."

"Yeah, you are right. If there is nothing wrong in the middle, our life is like this. There is no way. Whoever allows us to enjoy the glory and wealth that others don't have, we can't be so casual!"

Xu Kuangjie didn't care.

It’s okay to find a celebrity, anyway, these days are fast-food love, right?


Jiang Ting didn't say anything, and continued to lie down to sleep.

Xu Kuangjie felt a bit of sadness spread in the air, not heavy, but he knew that Jiang Ting did not like the current life.

Since he was a child, his buddies have been more independent, independent and thoughtful than him. Although they look cold and unkind, the balance in Jiang Ting's heart is very upright, and no one can shake them.

He has a half brother and a half brother who has just been taken home.

He doesn't want his life to be limited, to be tied down by the chains of his family.


Some people, from the time they were born, have been prescribed their future.

Can there be variables during this period?


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