Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 911: The past part of the outside (5)

It started to rain at noon today. Neither Xu Kuangjie nor Jiang Ting brought umbrellas. It is rare for them to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Jiang Ting didn't like to queue up, so he found a place to sit down and let Xu Kuangjie go to dinner.

Xu Kuangjie used Jiang Ting's meal card for the meal. He ordered two dishes and they were flat.

"Eat it."

Xu Kuangjie sat next to Jiang Ting, wiped the chopsticks clean, and handed it over.

He knew that Jiang Tingjie was very addictive.

The two were eating, and there was a person sitting across from Jiang Ting.

Cui Linlin.

"Eat more beef, men will grow up."

Today, Cui Linlin had braised beef noodles, and the only two pieces of beef were selected to Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting's expression was faint, "Thank you, but I am a vegetarian."

After that, give the meat to Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie ate unceremoniously and smiled at Cui Linlin, "Thank you Ang!"

Cui Linlin: "..."

Diagonally across, Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi also had a meal and sat down.

"Hey," Ding Baoyi saw Jiang Ting with sharp eyes, and pointed to Yannian. "Isn't this the teacher who teaches you?"

"Cut... he is not a teacher."

She's just a student like her, but she's a little better at studying and a little smarter than her.

It seemed that after hearing Yannian's voice, Jiang Ting's eyes fell straight and looked at her for a few seconds.

Cui Linlin turned her head in perplexity and followed his gaze to see Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi.

She didn't know which Jiang Ting was looking at.

But, look at their school uniform jackets, they belong to the junior high school!

"What's the matter, is there any school girl you know?" Cui Linlin asked hurriedly.

Jiang Ting retracted his gaze, faintly, and continued to eat, "It's okay."


What answer is this?

Cui Linlin bit her mouth and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Jiang Ting's "It's okay" rushed to Yan Nian's ears.


Ha ha.

He doesn't say that it is all right.

"The girl opposite your tutor seems to be Cui Linlin." Ding Baoyi said gossip.

"Who is Cui Linlin?"

"You don't even know this, the man among the girls, I heard that it is a boy who cheated on several other schools at the same time. He is called Cui Yutang. She dares to be the number one in high school. No one dares to fight for second place!"

"Oh~" Yannian didn't care about it, and snorted, "Things gather by kind, and people are divided by groups."

She is most annoyed of fish farming, using others as spare tires.

This is the most annoying.

"It shouldn't be, I think this Jiang Ting is quite a cold person." Ding Baoyi said.

"He? Gao Leng? Forget it, my eyes go up to the sky, especially look down on people, thinking that I study a lot of awesome, dragging two to five to eight million all day."

While talking, Yannian made a "humming" action when the cow was angry, and also made a gasping sound.

Hearing her ridicule, Jiang Ting glanced over here, squinting slightly with a cold expression.

Yan Nian also saw him and made a face at him, very proud and public.

She is not the one who is obedient.

In fact, Jiang Ting had never stared at her before. She exaggerated a little bit, but imitated it so realistically that Ding Baoyi spit out a mouthful of rice and sprayed it directly on Yan Nian's face.

Yan Nian appeared in her true colors now, her eyes widened, "Ding Baoyi, right?"


Ding Baoyi suffocated a smile and wiped the rice on Yan Nian's face.

Yannian choked her neck unceremoniously.


Jiang Ting was full, wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, and glanced calmly at the very moving words.

She was laughing and playing with her friends. At this time, her apricot eyes were round and her eyes flowed.

Those eyes are very clear and pure, they can hold the whole world, but they can't hold anyone.

Jiang Ting retracted his gaze, got up and left.


It rained all day.

After school, the sky outside is gloomy, and the rain is endless. The autumn rain is always passionate and desolate. I don't know when it will be.

Today Jiang Ting, Chen Shuo and a few others are on duty together.

Chen Shuo was wiping the blackboard. He likes to sing. He howled while wiping, "What kind of rain, what kind of night, what kind of thing I can make you miss more, how heavy the rain is, how dark the sky is~"


Except for Jiang Ting, the other students on duty were vomiting.

"Chen Shuo, stop singing, it's disgusting!"

"The voice is good, and the tone is good." Jiang Ting was also cleaning the blackboard, curling his lips.

"Hey, I knew I was the best Lao Jiang!"

Chen Shuo leaned over to rub against Jiang Ting's clothes, but was pushed away before they could touch him.

"I am not interested in bears."

Chen Shuo: "Cut, I'm not interested in getting involved in basics."

Jiang Ting smiled.

Picked up the schoolbag, carried it slanting, and copied it with one hand.


He has finished his duty part, and he has to go to Yannian's home as a tutor.

On the other hand, Yannian is also on duty today, but the two are in teams.

The girl who was on duty with her said that she had a stomachache, and then ran to the toilet and never came back.

Yannian swept the floor, mopped the floor, wiped the blackboard, took out the garbage, and finished the duty alone.

Seeing that the girl hadn't come back, I couldn't help but feel a little worried, so I went to the women's bathroom to find her, and ran all over the women's bathroom in the building, but there were none.


She is not a fool either.

It's unlucky for her to be with such a selfish companion!

Back to the classroom to pack up her schoolbags, it was late, and she planned to leave.

It's raining outside.

Heavy rain.

It was crashing, there was no wind, only the sound of raindrops like drums.

Yan Nian can be regarded as understand why that girl ran away.

It's dark and there is still a heavy rain. Who doesn't leave now!

But she didn't bring an umbrella or mobile phone, and couldn't call her parents. She was thinking about what to do. A familiar figure walked out of the science teaching building of the high school opposite.

"Jiang Ting——!"

Across the corridor, through the rain and fog, Yannian stood on tiptoes and waved at him, for fear that he could not see herself.

"Hey! I didn't bring an umbrella!"


Jiang Ting was very cold, and wouldn't yell like this with Yannian.

Nor would it be like the hero of an idol drama, rushing to her right away, acting as her tree to protect her from the rain.

He just glanced at her, then opened a navy blue umbrella and walked into the rain.

"Hey hey—Jiang Ting! How can you not save yourself? Jiang Ting—"

The person turned a deaf ear, and walked further and further in the opposite direction of the teaching building.

Yan Nian jumped with anger on the spot, seeing that Jiang Ting was about to go far, and she couldn't care about her own spine--

"Senior! Brother Jiang Ting! Save me! I will study hard in the future, I will never play pranks on you anymore, I won't scold you anymore and say bad things about you!"

Is this early, not early?

Jiang Ting paused before finally turning around.

He walked towards the teaching building of the junior high school.

Under the dark sky, he is holding an umbrella, his back is straight, like a knight walking on the moon, his figure is swollen, his eyebrows are like new leaves, he walks steadily, one step at a time, and he can't burst into waves and waves.

Yannian looked at him, her anxiety calmed down.

In fact, if she had a brother like this, she would feel safe.

"What did you call me just now?" Jiang Ting stood still in front of her, a little teasing mixed in his eyes.

Yannian narrowed his mouth, this person was more likable when he was still silent, "Senior...good senior..."

"Well, I hope that the word senpai can be heard all the time when I graduate."

Want to be beautiful!

Yannian sneered in her heart.

Today is a special situation, she just bowed her head to the evil forces for a while!

Although there is an umbrella, but now it is facing a very serious problem——

Jiang Ting's umbrella is a single umbrella. Two people are playing side by side, so that it is not enough. It is estimated that one person will have half of it.

Both Yan and Nian had considered this issue, and it was natural that Jiang Ting couldn't ignore it.

"Even if the two of us walk with our arms touching our arms, it is not enough for two to fight, so you have to get two-thirds of your body in the rain." Jiang Ting came to such a conclusion.

Yannian is not happy anymore.

"Please, I'm a girl! I'm still a few years younger than you, so why should I get two-thirds of it?"

Jiang Ting: "Otherwise I will get half of it?"

"Of course! One-half of the amount... is bigger than two-thirds... the amount... isn't it?"

"It's little, idiot!"

He remembers that the conversion between denominators and passing points are the subject of elementary school. What is this fool's mind all day long?

"It's almost the same anyway! I don't care, I bought my new clothes today, if it gets dirty, you will pay me?"

Yan Nian is wearing a white puff sleeve sweater, creamy white, which is indeed easy to get dirty.

Jiang Ting was expressionless: "Don't worry, today's rain is weakly acidic."

"I don't understand, I don't understand! Anyway, I don't want to be two-thirds. I'll catch a cold, Shui, Shui!"

She is a great dramatist in life, and she comes as she speaks.

"Oh, then you won't even get a third, I'm leaving."

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, he turned around without hesitation.

"Hey Hey hey--"

Yannian was so angry that he could spit out ten catties of blood.

Why doesn't this person know the modest and gentleman manner?

Is he so cold to every girl? ?

"Senior, I have a good idea!"


The good idea is that Jiang Ting is carrying her, and she is holding an umbrella, so that neither of them can get wet.

But the problem came again.

Jiang Ting: "Why should I carry you?"

"How can you be so shameless?! It's getting dark, don't you think Grandpa Security will lock us here?"

"Then wish you peace at night."

After speaking, I have to leave.

Yannian grabbed his clothes directly.

"Brother Jiang Ting... Senior Jiang Ting... Oppa, you are the best..."

Jiang Ting was unmoved.

Yannian is not good at acting like a baby, perhaps because Yan Yuming has been very strict with her since she was a child, and she is not allowed to be very weak, but it turns out that people are forced out.

"Well, senior, big brother, little brother, male god, husband, you are the best, I like you the most, please, I want to go home!"

Boy, senior, little brother.

Jiang Ting can accept these titles.



What the hell?

"Who else have you called your husband to?"

"Only you!"

"..." Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows in doubt.

Yannian bit the corner of her mouth, "You're really the only one, and I've only acted like this to you!"

"Little girls, it's better to be more reserved."

After speaking, he squatted directly in front of her.

Face her back.

Yannian jumped up unceremoniously, moving too quickly, splashing water on Jiang Ting's leg.

Jiang Ting frowned and raised his words.

For the first time in his life, he carried someone back.

Yannian embraced his neck with both hands, lying on his shoulders, holding the blue umbrella high above his head.

The sound of rain echoed in my ears. The rain is not as strong as before, but there is water on the ground. Jiang Ting's black high-top canvas shoes stepped on spray all the way.

Yannian looked down at his shoes, "Why don't you wear your limited-edition AJ?"

"Why don't you wear it?"

"Huh? So you just have those famous brand shoes!"


"Hahahaha, you're not a rich second-generation man!" Yannian teased him.

Jiang Ting didn't refute it either. He was never a person willing to show off.

"Don't move, I won't be responsible if you fall."

"Cut, who wants you to be responsible? I'm so beautiful and beautiful, and some handsome guys will be responsible in the future."

As he spoke, Yannian stopped moving, and tightened Jiang Ting's neck, really afraid that he would accidentally fall her.

Although she is not a princess, she is the only daughter in the family anyway.


As soon as I arrived at the community, I saw my neighbor running over with an umbrella from a distance.

"Oh, Niannian, your parents are on a business trip today, and your father specially asked me to pick you up from school! I forgot!"

"It's okay, Aunt Zhang, my cousin carried me."

The neighbor’s aunt is a master who likes to chew her tongue, and Yannian knows it, so she deliberately said that, for fear that the next day she went from house to house and knew that a boy would be carrying her.

"Where is your cousin?"

As we walked to the unit building, the neighbor's aunt looked at Jiang Ting and said.

"The young man is handsome."

"Hahaha, it's a must! Family genes are good!"

Yannian said with a smile.

Jiang Ting didn't smile either.

He didn't want to be this girl's cousin.

When they entered the room, neither of them got wet, but Jiang Ting's shoes were wet. Yan Nian handed him Yan Yuming's slippers.

"You wear my dad's!"

"...Forget it, I can do it barefoot."

"You have a cleanliness addiction? Then you wear this pair!"

Yan Nian has a pair of newly bought orange frog slippers, which he hasn't worn yet.

Passed it over.

Jiang Ting looked at this size and was speechless, "...I'll be barefoot."

"Don't wear it down."

Two people each hold their schoolbags to study.

Yannian lay on the table, her head hurts as soon as she read a book, rubbing her temples, watching the boy writing very fast beside her.

"Oh, yes, in the cafeteria today, is the girl sitting across from you your girlfriend?"

"none of your business."

"It's really none of my business, but for the sake of you carrying me today, I kindly remind you of it. My friend said that Cui Linlin stepped on several boats and his style was not very good."

Jiang Ting glanced at her, "If you speak ill of others behind your back, your style is better?"


Annoying guy!

She just kindly reminded him!

"Whatever you think! When I didn't say it, I usually don't bother to care about this kind of thing. The intrigue between girls is the most annoying, because I think you are friends, so I said."


Jiang Ting glanced at her again.

Then reached for her.

"Let me see the math problem that I gave you last night."

"did not do!"

"Why not?"

"No time to do it!"

"Can't you spare the time between classes?"

"I don't have time!"

Yannian turned his head directly after speaking, not wanting to look at him.

The person is not big, but the temper is not small.

Jiang Ting pursed his lips. From his point of view, seeing the back of her black head, the little girl was like a stubborn and proud little beast, she seemed to be angry, and she was hurt by him again.

However, he is not a comforter.

"I heard you can play chess."

Hear the words.

Yannian was really interested, and immediately turned his head, his eyes sparkling, "So what?"

The temper comes quickly, but it goes quickly.

It's good not to hold grudges.

Jiang Ting curled his lips, "I know a little bit, you accompany me to the next two games."

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