Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 912: The past part of the outside (6)

"Sister-in-law, me, but the person who won the second place in the Youth Chess Cup, are you sure you want to play with me?"

The implication is that you'd better weigh, or you will lose miserably.

Jiang Ting nodded lightly, without too much emotion on his face, "Who is the first?"

"I don't know, I don't know him, he is a man anyway, older than me!"

Hearing this, he nodded again.

"Three rounds are determined to win or lose. If you win, I will never let you do any problems in the future, and I will help you complete today's math homework."

"Do you really mean this?" Yannian was dubious.

Why is it so easy to talk today?

Jiang Ting hummed, "On the contrary, if you lose, you will have to finish all the questions I will give you in the future."

"No problem, it's a deal!"

Then Yan Nian took the chess board and played chess with Jiang Ting.

There were three games in total.

The first game was the start of the head-to-head crossover against the screen.

The second game was the opening of the three soldiers against the anti-gong chariot.

The third game was the most adept at Yannian, with a rush-type start with a head in the middle.

However, for three games, she lost all the games and was killed by Jiang Ting.

"You cheated!" She lost, so she was very angry.

The cold voice rang lightly, "What did I blow up?"


Her words are too confusing, she really can’t say what to say to explode, but why is this Jiang’s winning so smoothly?

Can't figure it out!


"I would like to lose the gambling, and learn now for me." Jiang Ting hid a teaser in his eyes.


Yannian was reluctant to get down.


When Yannian went to school on Monday morning, it was rare to see Ding Baoyi's gloomy look.

Asked her what was wrong, Ding Baoyi sighed, "I confessed to the senior in high school."

"And then?"

"Then what then, you see how I am now, can't you guess what then?"

"Oh... where there is no grass in the end of the world, why just love a dog's tail!"

Yannian patted Ding Baoyi on the shoulder. Why was it sad for a boy? Is the yogurt bad? Or shopping is not fun? Or there is too little homework.

Ding Baoyi: "When I confessed yesterday afternoon, I was seen by a girl in Ling Zhihao's senior class. The girl didn't seem to provoke me and said she wanted to deal with me."

"Damn! Who?"

Dare to deal with her sister?

"I don't know what the name is, but the soldiers are here to cover the water."

"Yeah! It's a must, what's wrong with the third year of high school, is it easy to bully when we are young? If she dares to deal with you, I will be the first to bite her neck!"

A word made Ding Baoyi amused.

Smiled and said yes to Yannian.

The teacher came, and Yannian sat down quickly and started class.

Every Monday morning, the flag is raised in the middle school attached to Zhicheng.

Yan Nian went to the office to make up his homework, and after that, he went directly to the playground, not with Ding Baoyi.

From a distance, under the high railing, Ding Baoyi, who was wearing a red sweater next to the team, was particularly conspicuous in the all-blue and white school uniform.

Yan Nian walked over, "Are you in a school uniform?"

Ding Baoyi sighed, "I don't know either! I went to a toilet, stuffed my school uniform into the table and stool, and disappeared when I came back."

"Could it be the senior sister who wants to retaliate against you?"

"Maybe, but it's gone now, the school uniform is gone."


Yannian just said a word, and the head teacher Zhang Tianzhu's loud voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Yannian, what are you doing while standing stupid? Why don't you hurry back to the team?!"


Yannian's class teacher Zhang Tianzhu is the head of the level department, and the whole level department is famous for its loud voice. He roars about the emperor at every turn, and the saliva and stars fly toward your face.

Ding Baoyi is not wearing school uniform now...

Yan Nian hurriedly blocked Ding Baoyi, Ding Baoyi quietly stepped back.

Because she was not serious about her step back, Zhang Tianzhu caught her straight.

"Ding Baoyi! Where's your school uniform?!"

"Teacher... I'm home..."

"Why don't you put your mind at home?! If you don't wear school uniforms when raising the flag, your mind was kicked by a donkey!"


Zhang Tianzhu yelled, his voice was too loud, causing the students around him to look at him one by one, gloating one by one.

Words and thoughts are worried.

Ding Baoyi's parents are all out of town. According to Zhang Tianzhu's temperament, he must call his parents. If he asks his parents to come over, the two elders will come by car.

Being worried, Zhang Tianzhu pulled Ding Baoyi's arm and directly pulled the "maverick" Ding Baoyi out of the team.

"Just stand in the middle of the road and let the teachers and students of the school see you later! How special you are!"


Ding Baoyi's face was red and red, and his eyes were red too. He lowered his head and said nothing.

At that time, she was just a twelve-year-old girl, and her psychological endurance was not so strong.

Yannian pursed the corners of her lips, suddenly took off her school uniform and stepped on the ground with her feet.

"Teacher, I didn't wear school uniform either, I'll be special with her!"

"Take a good school uniform on the ground? You have something wrong with Yannian!" Zhang Tianzhu stared at Yannian fiercely.

"Well, I have something wrong, do you have any medicine, teacher?"


Zhang Tianzhu was furious. He raised his hand and wanted to slap his words with anger. However, he noticed that it was in front of all the teachers and students of the school, so he held his breath and put his hand back.

"Okay, you two are okay, sisters are in love, right now, I will stand on the sidelines now! I won’t have to go to class for the next class, and I’ll stand at the door of the classroom! Plus a three-thousand-word review book, tomorrow Give it to me before the first class!"

Zhang Tianzhu's voice grew louder and louder, and the high school people couldn't help but look back at him frequently.

Jiang Ting and Xu Kuangjie are today's flag-raisers. Standing on the left side of the flag-raising platform, Xu Kuangjie glanced at the unrest over there, and then directed at Jiang Ting, "Hey, that's not the girl who teaches you."

Jiang Ting looked at it along the way.

Seeing Yan Nian wearing a yellow sweater and her school uniform stepping on her feet, she was being aggressively reprimanded by the head teacher with her little sister.

Xu Kuangjie: "It's a girl who talks about loyalty."

Jiang Ting smiled, "Just kid."


Xu Kuangjie gave him a shocked look.

Jiang Ting laughed, still smiling so ecstasy, now several seconds have passed, and he is still laughing.


Could it be that today they are standing on Venus raising the flag? ? ?


"Are you stupid, against the class teacher?" Ding Baoyi pulled Yan Nian's sleeve.

She and Yan Nian are both standing under the sun and not in the team, which is very noticeable.

Yannian didn't take it seriously, "I think you are almost crying, knowing you are embarrassed."

"Cut, I am embarrassed by myself, it is better than embarrassing two people!"

"If I didn't wear school uniform if I changed it today, would you ignore it?" Yannian asked.

"Of course not." Ding Baoyi said softly but firmly.

"This is not enough!"

... Ding Baoyi smiled.

"You're just stupid and don't pull a lot.

"Auntie is happy~"

Being blind and poor, Zhang Tianzhu, who heard the movement, turned his head and glared at both of them.

Ding Baoyi and Yannian shut up.

The flag-raising ceremony began.

No one spoke, they stood upright, sang the national anthem loudly and neatly at the national flag with solemn and solemn eyes.

The five-star red flag slowly rose to the top of the flagpole and fluttered in the wind. After the flag-raiser tied the rope, he stepped down the stage gallantly.

Yannian glanced casually at the flag-raiser, then froze for a moment.

Jiang Ting?


Has he always been a flag-raiser?

I didn't pay attention before.

I don't know if there is some kind of tacit understanding or other attraction in the dark, and across the uneven crowd, across the scorching sun and autumn wind, Jiang Ting's gaze falls directly on Yan Nian.

So one glance.

Yan Nian seemed to see a little contempt and a little ridicule from Jiang Ting's eyes.


Laugh at what the **** is this?

Look down on her and stop?

Yannian suddenly felt extremely depressed.


Back in the afternoon, Yan Nian hurriedly put her soiled school uniform jacket in the washing machine while her parents were away.

After being dried for a while, she should be able to wear it tomorrow, otherwise she would just be a school uniform gown, the other was lost by her last year, and she hadn't had time to buy a new one.

Jiang Ting was already sitting at her desk when she came out after washing her clothes.

Yannian wiped off both hands and walked over, "Well, don't tell my parents about my punishment today!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ting glanced at her quickly and quickly.


"You are an afterthought!"

"Isn't it great when you can."

Jiang Ting turned his head again, flipping the textbook with his slender, clean fingers, his posture in a loose manner.

"I'm in trouble with my friends, do you think everyone is as cold as you are?" Yannian sat down and said.

"I have no love?"

"That's not it! I will stop today, and you are still gloating!"


Jiang Ting couldn't help frowning at this.

"Which eye do you see me gloating?"

"You can see it with both eyes! You are a person, when you laugh, there is no good thing, you must be laughing at me!"

"Whatever you think, I will tell uncle about the flag raising today when I leave."

"Dare you!!! Jiang Ting, you are a bastard!!!"

Damn it, right?

"Listen to Brother Scream, and reluctantly consider not to speak."


Yannian used two eyeballs to gouge him, stare at him, cut him, and rotate him 360 degrees.

Time passed by every minute...

The little girl’s soft voice sounded in the air...

"Brother Jiang Ting..."

Jiang Ting hooked up with the corner of his lips.

Then I realized that I laughed abnormally the number of times today.

He cleared his throat and straightened his face, "Okay, study, I don't care about lizards."

lizard? !

What the hell? !

"Okay you, you said I'm ugly!" He was so angry that he kicked his calf.

Jiang Ting was stunned for a few seconds, why did she think of her ugly, stupid brain circuits are so novel?

I wanted to laugh very much, I couldn't hold it anymore, I coughed several times with my hands clenched into my fists, and even kicked by her.

Yan Nian was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, "You are holding a smile now, right?!"


"you have!"


"you have!"



Yannian turned his head away.

I don't know who will marry him so unlucky in the future, his wife will be **** off!


The words and thoughts did not come true, but the penalty station was able to punish a lot of peach blossoms.

When she went to school the next day, the table was full of love letters and small gifts.

There are even seniors from the third grade and high school in the next class.

Ding Baoyi also received a few love letters, but did not say much.

Yan Nian is a standard goose-egg face, pink and jade-shaped facial features, the skin is as white as milk, big almond eyes, and the wet and self-contained cosmetic contact lenses. When these eyes are staring at people, they are completely hooked. .

Ding Baoyi looked at her words and thoughts. As the same sex, she couldn't help being speechless, "I don't know how your mother gave you such a good birth."

In fact, Ding Baoyi felt that Yannian and Ma Xueyan did not look alike.

However, Ma Xueyan was good at Yannian, and no one would doubt that she was not a real mother.

"Oh, who's called Xiao Niang, I'm born beautiful and hard to give up~"

Even if it becomes narcissistic, the little girl is always the master of vanity. When she hears praise from people, and receives so many love letters, her nose is so beautiful that she stuffs everything in her schoolbag.

Ding Baoyi: "So many love letters, don't you read a single one?"

"Go back and look again! But you know, if I dare to fall in love early, my dad will break my leg!"


Yan Yuming is very strict with words and thoughts.

Thinking of Yan Yuming's face, Ding Baoyi nodded solemnly, she was better off, her parents were not around, and there was no restraint.

"Oh, yes, Jiang Ting actually called me a lizard yesterday. He was saying I was ugly, right?!"

Yannian gets angry when she thinks of this.

Growing up, who wouldn't praise her for being so cute and cute? For the first time someone said she was ugly!

Before Ding Baoyi could speak, Ding Baoyi's desk-mate glasses brother slowly turned around.

"Explain, lizards are lower vertebrates, so they have no brains."

Yan Nian: "…………"


Yannian went back after school with a bulging schoolbag.

Jiang Ting had already arrived. Sitting on the sofa, Yan Yuming was talking to Jiang Ting and saw Yan Nian.

"Niannian, why are your schoolbags so loud today?" Yan Yuming asked.

"Too much homework!" Yannian said with a guilty conscience.

"Then learn quickly and let Jiang Ting help you well!"


When I listen to and learn the two characters, my words and thoughts get a headache.

But I have to learn, because I will be beaten up.

Entering the study, buckled her orange schoolbag upside down, and poured out the textbooks, exercises, pencil case, love letters and chocolates inside.

Jiang Ting was sitting aside and quickly writing his homework. He saw the love letter with his sharp eyes and took one casually.

Yannian: "Hey, who made you move my things?"

Jiang Ting didn't speak, and opened to read the words inside.

Yannian hummed, didn't grab it back, raised her chin very proudly, "How about it, is it more love letters than you received? Envy and jealous? It turns out that even if I don't study well, I still There are a lot of people chasing it!"

"The people who are chasing you are all people of the same rank."

"What do you mean?!"

"Let's see for yourself."

Jiang Ting handed back the love letter in his hand.

"Fifty characters, there are thirty-eight typos, it's absolutely absolute."

"So what? It's okay if I can read it anyway. I'll choose the one with the best writing from among them later, and associate with him!"

"You fall in love at a young age, aren't you afraid that your dad will clean up you?" Jiang Ting frowned, his eyes rising a little bit of displeasure.

"My early love is your ass? I don't eat your rice!"

"Well, it is,"

Jiang Ting narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at her.

"A girl like you who doesn't study well, has a bad personality, and has no ability and no brains, whoever marries you will be unlucky."

"Hey! Jiang Ting!!!"

Yannian was completely angry.

She said that she didn't learn well and her personality was bad. She recognized it. What the **** is the last two sentences?

"Who do you say is not capable? Who does not have the brain? Who is unlucky? Ah, ah, ah, if I don’t strangle you today, I won’t have the last name!"

Both hands directly pinched his neck and sat on his lap.

Jiang Ting opened her hand, his face and eyes were a little strange, "Go down!"

Yannian disagrees, "I have to strangle you today! Don't think I don't know. You scolded me lizard yesterday because I had no brains!"

Jiang Ting's voice was dull, "You have to go to jail if you strangle me."

His face became more and more unsightly.

Yannian stared at the peach eyes that were close at hand.

It was too deep, like two unfathomable wells, and like a whirlpool.

Although his eyes are very deep and heavy on weekdays, his eyes are very different today, as if there is a sleepy beast hidden inside.

Before she had time to think too much, she was pulled down by a force.

Jiang Ting's movements were very agile and not muddled, and then his legs were folded together.

Can't understand.

Those clear and innocent eyes looked at him.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling well?"

Her clear eyes are like citrine soaked in spring water, very clean.

Jiang Ting felt that he was going crazy.

Otherwise, why would you feel that this girl's eyes are hooking him?

Take a deep breath...


"Cut..." Yannian narrowed her mouth, "No matter, if you dare to scold me in the future, I won't forgive you."

Jiang Ting said nothing, his legs kept overlapping, silently watching the exercises in front of him.


Jiang Ting looked ugly the next day.

It can be said to be quite ugly.

This person is usually not easy to mess with, and today it is more like someone owes him a hundred million. A blue flame is burning all over his body. Whoever approaches him will end in death.

But Xu Kuangjie is not afraid of death.

"Are you okay today?"

Xu Kuangjie touched her forehead worriedly, wondering if she had a fever?


The latter flicked him away, "Go away."

Xu Kuangjie: "Well, you just think I have a good temper."

Jiang Ting pursed his lips and said nothing.

Naturally, he would not tell Xu Kuangjie about such things.

What would he say?

Said I had a dream, and also dreamed of the girl who was a tutor?


Jiang Ting's long eyelashes were hanging down, his right hand was rubbing his temples, his brows were frowned so that the lines of Sichuan were very deep.

He had lived for eighteen years and had that kind of dream with color for the first time. It was like death, so that all morning, he lost his soul, and his mind was full of yesterday’s dream and couldn’t do anything. Up.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

School was almost over at noon. Xu Kuangjie packed his schoolbags and waved his hand in front of Jiang Ting.

He is not in the state this morning!

Jiang Ting finally glanced at him, "Tonight's tutor, you will go for me."



That's a good question.

Of course it was because he had no face to see that girl.

Although the little girl is arrogant and domineering, the teenage girl is so innocent and ignorant of the world.

"I have something tonight." Jiang Ting returned to his senses and said lightly.

Xu Kuangjie nodded, "That line, I will go for you."

Jiang Ting glanced at him again.

Yannian eyes emerged subconsciously in his mind.

Black and white are distinct, clear and clean, and fascinating.

"Forget it, you don't have to go."

"Um... so do you want me to go?"

"Dare you go and I will kill you!"

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

This person has something wrong today!

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